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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I thought we were supposed to see a conveyor belt of players leaving Ibrox this month. I assume many of them are locked into contracts which increase as they move up each tier. The problem is they have very few players that most clubs who are able to match or exceed their current wages would want. There is absolutely no incentive for a player like Cribari to leave. This is something I'm certain those with the master plan miscalculated. Only way out is to either offer them settlements, or to use an insolvency event to get rid of them.

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I thought we were supposed to see a conveyor belt of players leaving Ibrox this month. I assume many of them are locked into contracts which increase as they move up each tier. The problem is they have very few players that most clubs who are able to match or exceed their current wages would want. There is absolutely no incentive for a player like Cribari to leave. This is something I'm certain those with the master plan miscalculated. Only way out is to either offer them settlements, or to use an insolvency event to get rid of them.

I'm assuming we'll see them losing their best players, Wallace and Law for example.

The Championship isn't going to be the stroll in the park that the fans have been anticipating.

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If anyone has the time, they can go through the players listed on this site http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/spieler/vertragsende/basics_SC3_2014.html and work out which of Rangers' contracts are coming to an end.

You may need to look at the individual players' profiles as it doesn't seem to list the contract end dates on the team list pages. The following players all have contracts ending in 2014 and all on 30.06 - Cribari, Simonsen, Hutton, Mitchell, Wiktorski and Smith. No mention of any ending this month.

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According to one report, http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/25736543, Rangers' playing staff wage bill runs at between £6 and £7 million per season. In the second division. With precisely one really good player (Wallace), one decent player (Bell) and one player who used to be good but they can't afford to play him (Templeton), along with 33 nonentities.

That's utterly insane. And yet, ironically, as predictable as the sun rise.

At some stage the realisation has to hit home that Rangers FC (in whatever guise you wish to call it) is no longer sustainable.

Of course, the fans are more interested in the fact that Victor Valdes "thinks" the atmosphere at Ibrox was better than Celtic Park.

24 pence a share seems a bit of a rip off to me.

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And who could forget this pearler.


"Motherwell Born Billionaire". :lol:

My favourite line in that is about Dave King failing to meet Murray's asking price. Did Murray not sell the club to Whyte for £1? King couldn't afford a bid of £1? Or was Keith Jackson writing what Murray/Whyte told him to write? Hmm....

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If anyone has the time, they can go through the players listed on this site http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/spieler/vertragsende/basics_SC3_2014.html and work out which of Rangers' contracts are coming to an end.

You may need to look at the individual players' profiles as it doesn't seem to list the contract end dates on the team list pages. The following players all have contracts ending in 2014 and all on 30.06 - Cribari, Simonsen, Hutton, Mitchell, Wiktorski and Smith. No mention of any ending this month.

Everybody seems to be fixating on the players' wages, and admittedly they're a big chunk of the problem. Look at some of the other people drawing a wage from ibrox, though. How big is their coaching staff? Is there any club in Scotland paying anything like the money bruited about as salaries for the likes of Stewart and Durrant? Is there any sign of McCoist - one of the few whose salary is well known - actually doing anything about reducing that amount, rather than issuing soundbites to excuse his inaction on the matter?

We've all enjoyed watching the IPO and ST(X2) money seeping away, but player wages only appear to count for a small proportion of what's been spent. One of the board (I think) said that the current finances were unsustainable "even in the top flight" - yet they keep on spending, the fans keep on demanding a side which will compete if and when they get to the top flight - and the pay-offs and golden goodbyes keep mounting up, as do the bills for m'Learned Friends.

Sure, they're funny - but how fucking mental have you got to be to see this mob as anything other than a financial basket-case? I'm no expert, but the share price really doesn't tell me a story of a business on the road to riches - even given start-up financing and facilities that most concerns would have killed for. The best hope I've heard for their future is "wait until Dave King comes in".

Scarecrows having a w**k. :lol:

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....and so... the much heralded, but as yet ignored, belt tightening at the most blatantly corpulent club in Scotland, finally, shows signs of beginning.

About fucking time.

Maybe that's why Sally played in that charity match...get his match fitness back for his appearance in The Ramsdens Cup Final.


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....and so... the much heralded, but as yet ignored, belt tightening at the most blatantly corpulent club in Scotland, finally, shows signs of beginning.

About fucking time.

Maybe that's why Sally played in that charity match...get his match fitness back for his appearance in The Ramsdens Cup Final.


I can't wait till he realises that it's the pawnbrokers, not the chippy. What good's a Lizzie Duke Sovereign ring or a PS2 (w/2 contr + games) to a man with an obviously hearty appetite? :lol:

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I can't wait till he realises that it's the pawnbrokers, not the chippy. What good's a Lizzie Duke Sovereign ring or a PS2 (w/2 contr + games) to a man with an obviously hearty appetite? :lol:

A PS2 with 2 controllers and games would probably be a good return for that Honduran guy he signed for some unknown reason.

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The prospect of a financially strapped Rangers along with a continuiously inept All McCoist at the helm in the Championship next season you say?

Bring it IMO.

Against a financially strapped Hearts with Gary Locke in charge? Nobody wants to see that. It would be just horrible.

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A PS2 with 2 controllers and games would probably be a good return for that Honduran guy he signed for some unknown reason.

'Twas a ploy to make it easier for him to postpone inconvenient fixtures. Or something.

That certainly makes more sense than getting him for his footballing skills. They might consider ringing ITV and seeing if "Splash!" has any room for another contestant, mind.

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