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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Bill McMurdo's piece a couple of pages back smacks of Cold War Doubleplusungood Doublespeak.

And total paranoia. And plagiarism. From here and other fora.

However, the mad basturt completely missed the main talking point and biggest news story of the week so far........

FREE LOAF !!!!!!!!!!!

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As I said before any outcome in this scandle will be hilarious now. If they walk away good, if they keep starving the club good, if they show their loyalty good for us and better for the shysters.

The only way the fans can win is to kill off their beloved club's offspring and start again. Who will bring in the required financial backing? A convicted fraudster? I can't wait to see the next chapter and knowing the bears are in turmoil pleases me.

You see strichner? The only way they can avoid lambasting is to walk away and if they do that they are no longer the target audience.

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In January you were lambasting the Rangers supporters for feeding the spivs and now you are lambasting them for trying to starve them. Daniel Kahneman would have had a field day studying you.

Stoneys just an angry chap, there is no method or reason to it.

He's just angry at the world.

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What was the word TK came up with again?

a disingenuone, think that was it.

Check-mate Tedi, your club are fucked and you are going to pull the trigger. Hilarious, you have to admit, no?

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So easy for King to win this battle and prove the board wrong, if he was to say put his money where all his statements are and deposit say £5-£10M into this trust that does not exist yet.

Makes you wonder eh.

It's true. If King truly can lay his hands readily on the kind of personal wealth that's suggested, it really would be easy for him to remove doubt about his reliability, at least in terms of what he can offer and front, for Rangers.

Yet he doesn't do it, resulting in this ugly and damaging stand-off. Why?

Where, honestly, do you now see this heading Tedi?

An insolvency event does look inevitable. Do you see a suitably weakened Rangers team stumbling around in danger of missing promotion next season? Do you see Ibrox being sold and leased back? Do you see something worse?

You've taken a fair bit of crap from people on here of late, for which I salute your indefatigability. I also know that you're pretty realistic now about the bleakness of what may lie ahead.

What scenarios, best, worst and likeliest are now swimming round your head though?

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Except that is not really true, he has made plenty of statements to say that is the last thing he wants to do, he has other commitments.

So McCall will do plenty, but not put his money in, is that not what Whyte done, and Greene, at least King put his money in, laundered it and took it out

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...........but I'm sure he wouldn't like it if they dragged it out for almost 13 years, the way he did with his SARS case.

Would love to know who is pulling his strings. ;)

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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How can anyone read Kings statement and not just laugh at the irony.

Wants a police probe into financial

Mismanagement and talks about how there's no coherent plan and he would reject it if one of his CEO offered that plan to him.

Probably wouldn't be saying that if his CEO offered him some tax evasion scheme though.

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What is it with UoF?

They keep saying they want transparency, but when faced with the truth they want to shoot the messenger.

Got to feel sorry for Wallace. Came in November(?) to do a job.

He's carried out that job so far to the letter.

He carried out his 120 day review of the financial situation, as promised at the AGM.

But, the UoF don't like the results and are demanding Wallace's head.

Tough titties scumbags.

It's there in black and white as requested.

They're so proud of facing backwards to view their history, that's also the place where they'll find the reason for their present dilemma (that's putting it mildly). Not as they presume, with this guy.

Wallace, in his first six months, has done more to show the depth of the problem than all the other spineless "real rangers men" (twats) that have graced their "hallowed" doors.

"Union of Fannies" is becoming more apt as the days go by.

Edited by Bookies Love Me
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What is it with UoF?

They keep saying they want transparency, but when faced with the truth they want to shoot the messenger.

Got to feel sorry for Wallace. Came in November(?) to do a job.

He's carried out that job so far to the letter.

He carried out his 120 day review of the financial situation, as promised at the AGM.

But, the UoF don't like the results and are demanding Wallace's head.

Tough titties scumbags.

It's there in black and white as requested.

They're so proud of facing backwards to view their history, that's also the place where they'll find the reason for their present dilemma (that's putting it mildly). Not as they presume, with this guy.

Wallace, in his first six months, has done more to show the depth of the problem than all the other spineless "real rangers men" (twats) that have graced their "hallowed" doors.

"Union of Fannies" is becoming more apt as the days go by.


Wallace was also supposed to include a business plan.

All he could do was come up with fluff.

Another share offer that will dilute the price

promises of competing at the top level nationally and in Europe.

A player budget will be offered to salary.


They dont have investment

No money to compete

They cant afford a player budget the same as last year

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