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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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seems like the vanguard bears have got further than the union of fans in dialogue with the board.

Statement Re: Board Meeting

Written by: Admin
Monday, 19th May 2014

Following recent dialogue, Admin representatives of Vanguard Bears, on Thursday 15th May, met with the Board of the Rangers PLC and Ltd companies; David Somers, Graham Wallace, Norman Crighton, James Easdale and Sandy Easdale, at Ibrox.

The purpose of the meeting was to begin a process of wider engagement between grassroots supporters, and Directors of the club. For Vanguard Bears this was an opportunity for us to express a number of concerns to the Directors about a variety of issues that the club is facing.

The meeting, which lasted a little under an hour and a half was frank, informative and open.

A number of questions were asked and the Board have given a commitment to review and feedback on them. These will be available in the first instance on our forum, and thereafter on our website front page for all supporters to form their own opinion.

For the avoidance of doubt, Vanguard Bears are committed to holding Directors and prospective officials to the highest levels of scrutiny, and we hope that this engagement can be a basis for progress for everyone with the well-being of Rangers at heart.

But did the uber prods get to the real question? When is da Billy Boyz coming back?

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fishing trip?

if i wanted to go fishing i would mention ally's warchest for next season is being funded from the same source that is providing a pre season tour of north america in july and a trip down to england to play championship opposition sheffield wed and bournemouth.

but here we only deal in bad news, good news doesn't compute

and speaking of not computing where is hellbhoy these days?

I thought the Bournemouth game wiz off?

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A sadly deleted thread on the swamp today had the opening gambit........

Is the starting point not the beginning to Trading Places?

Where did this come from ?

A couple of delightful turns of phrase in there

clearly the clown on the train was not truly representative of black people in Britain who are well behaved and know their place in a highly structured society.

IHopefully that young Afro Caribbean man has turned his life around, after all poverty and ignorance and other social influences probably resulted in his anti-social behaviour.

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Where did this come from ?

A couple of delightful turns of phrase in there

clearly the clown on the train was not truly representative of black people in Britain who are well behaved and know their place in a highly structured society.

IHopefully that young Afro Caribbean man has turned his life around, after all poverty and ignorance and other social influences probably resulted in his anti-social behaviour.


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Anyone else heard the rumours that Davy boy has walked away due to the price fixing investigation and claims of alleged bribery ?

Would anyone have the balls to tell him he's failed the fit and proper test?

Anyone want a bet the the SPFL or SFA wouldn't?

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barry, on his way home after his holiday in blackpool

should have enough left in him for a season playing in the championship, add a bit of leadership and enhance the coaching staff, contributing to tactics and training.

can't wait for your next joke season


Oh, the happy days are back on the BRALT again.

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My missus is about to graduate as a Midwife and i had said i ll move anywhere as long as it is no further than two hours drive from Ibrox..I think it is safe to say we can move anywhere in the country now.

Don't fight her on this one Mate.

You know she makes sense. ;)

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Do any of our resident Sevcophiles know what's happening with Dave Glib & Richard Guff and their Ibrox1972 Season Book provvy cheque scheme ?

They've been awfy quiet of late. Would hope that they aren't considering doing any of that 'Walking Away' nonsense.

Any announcement re. renewal rates from The Board ? There are scurrilous rumours abroad that circa. only 13,000 have committed. If true, would that be enough to keep the lights on ?

Genuinely interested byraway - given the amount of publicity over this, I'd have expected some sort of public utterance from The Board or maybe a wee 'leak' to 'journos' of the Succulent Tendency.


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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You do realise that the company that ran Middlesbrough were liquidated right? with the P & B logic of liquidation = death then there was nothing 'near death' about it, fortunately I do not buy into this thought process, all depends which side of the fence you sit I guess.

'Rangers' wasn't run by a company. 'Rangers' was a company.

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Sons of Struth proving that Orcs of all persuasions just luv a good petition......and I'm sure the bus boyz will be all ears:


I imagine it will be spammed mercilessly (oops I already have)

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Petition, Meeting, Petition, red cards, protests, Blue cards. Blah blah blah blah.

If this club is worth so much to these fans why don't they pull their finger out, put their hands in their pockets and do something useful.

May I suggest BUYING OUT the current Board!! If you care so much organise yourself into 1 group put up the cash and pay the price.

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Petition, Meeting, Petition, red cards, protests, Blue cards. Blah blah blah blah.

If this club is worth so much to these fans why don't they pull their finger out, put their hands in their pockets and do something useful.

May I suggest BUYING OUT the current Board!! If you care so much organise yourself into 1 group put up the cash and pay the price.

You can only buy shares if those holding the shares wish to sell.

Rangers supporters have put in tens of millions into the club over the last couple of seasons through Season Ticket sales and Share Issue.

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You can only buy shares if those holding the shares wish to sell.

Rangers supporters have put in tens of millions into the club over the last couple of seasons through Season Ticket sales and Share Issue.

Buying a ST isn't putting money into the club. It's buying the "product" that the club sells.

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Rangers are a PLC and are therefore have a legal duty to make the largest profit for its shareholders , and thus cannot "guarantee " that assets will never be sold or have securities placed against them, in other words ,this demanding the sanctity of Ibrox and car park remain unchanged before buying STs is a red herring by the King camp , made up for Morons like Tedi to force the club into Administration.

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