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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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WRK gets a hard time for only posting on Rangers threads. I believe he has at least attempted to post on Killie threads. I looked at your profile and as far as i could see every thread you have posted on has been about the Rangers. Since 2007 you have only just over 700 posts but every one about one club. Rangers Football Club.

How creepy.

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WRK gets a hard time for only posting on Rangers threads. I believe he has at least attempted to post on Killie threads. I looked at your profile and as far as i could see every thread you have posted on has been about the Rangers. Since 2007 you have only just over 700 posts but every one about one club. Rangers Football Club.

When he reaches 1000 posts, shall we have a party?

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WRK gets a hard time for only posting on Rangers threads. I believe he has at least attempted to post on Killie threads. I looked at your profile and as far as i could see every thread you have posted on has been about the Rangers. Since 2007 you have only just over 700 posts but every one about one club. Rangers Football Club.

He's also got thousands of posts on black and white army. Think he just comes on here to wind up fans of "The Newcunto FC".

Seems like he's doing a good job tbh.

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Lex can be a right cvnt at times and he obviously hates the OF but I have 1000 x more respect for someone like him as he posts and defends about his own club on an open forum where your opinions are open to real scrutiny from fans of other clubs, shull posting 1000`s of times on B & W army really means nothing, it is quite a weak approach to supporting a team.

So if you don't spend your time defending your team online you're less of a fan? :lol:

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The majority of fans probably do not come anywhere near football forums, but shull does, according to Aberdeenbud his contribution is 1000`s of posts to nodding dogs on B & W army, never seen the point in this which is why I rarely post of FF and never post on RM but then again I do not spend my online time posting endless drivel about someone else's team, we are quite different.

Just endless drivel in general.

Also I'm not sure what's 'weak' about how he supports his team?

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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I thought that was obvious, he is obviously motivated to post 1000`s of times about his team but not where these posts are open to real scrutiny, nodding dogs on B & W army do not count mate.

I wouldn't say that's down to fear of scrutiny but just personal preference.

I don't post on Steelmen as I dislike the closed-mindedness of single team forums, some people do though.

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The people who support their teams are those who buy season tickets, attend games regulary and buy the merchandise.

Not bashing away on a keyboard heroically at a computer screen ffs :lol:

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The people who support their teams are those who buy season tickets, attend games regulary and buy the merchandise.

Not bashing away on a keyboard heroically at a computer screen ffs :lol:

Take that back he's a strong fan that defends his team against all scrutiny.

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The majority of fans probably do not come anywhere near football forums, but shull does, according to Aberdeenbud his contribution is 1000`s of posts to nodding dogs on B & W army, never seen the point in this which is why I rarely post of FF and never post on RM but then again I do not spend my online time posting endless drivel about someone else's team, we are quite different.

Did Aberdeenbud say that the posters on BAWA are nodding dogs? That would suggest there is no debate or discussion on there and everyone just sits in agreement with the OP.

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I thought that was obvious, he is obviously motivated to post 1000`s of times about his team but not where these posts are open to real scrutiny, nodding dogs on B & W army do not count mate.

Only in the fictional world you inhabit where fan forums are full of nodding dogs.

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I thought that was obvious, he is obviously motivated to post 1000`s of times about his team but not where these posts are open to real scrutiny, nodding dogs on B & W army do not count mate.

Open to real scrutiny?

again, you seem to suggest that if you post on your own teams forum then its some closed shop where the other posters just pat each other on the back.

why do you keep using this nodding dogs term, as if it some how validates your point.

what is your point?

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Yes Dave in my experience these forums are populated by 'my team is great' in chorus types. otherwise known as nodding dogs, rarely do you get disagreement. The Motherwell fan got it.

Ask yourself this Dave, do you agree with what is written on RM or FF? if not why do you not create an account to try and debate these things you disagree with?

Still has nothing to do with his level or strength of support.

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Rangers Meeja certainly isnt, it's full of cannibalistic zombie bears:


Striking how even in the midst of an apparently sane and illuminated statement like that, he still believes on some level that it's all the fault of "those b*****ds".

Who are these people?


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Yes Dave in my experience these forums are populated by 'my team is great' in chorus types. otherwise known as nodding dogs, rarely do you get disagreement. The Motherwell fan got it.

Ask yourself this Dave, do you agree with what is written on RM or FF? if not why do you not create an account to try and debate these things you disagree with?

So Aberdeenbud didn't use the term nodding dog, you just said he did.

Can you clarify what experience you have of these forums?

I post on here, WeAreThistle and occasionally on BAWA. and i'd say you couldn't be further from the truth with your perception of single team forums, there is continually disagreement on certain subjects. I know rangers fans feel the need to conform to a single opinion, but other teams, thankfully are different.

I don't really view RM or FF that much, occasionally if something news worthy has happened, to see what the reaction is. Do these two forums welcome non rangers fans to debate and discuss topics?

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Aye the nodding dogs was my addition, I can see this has upset you, sorry for that but I am sticking to it.

Just like you, my experience is occasionally visiting these forums to see what the reaction is to certain current events, rarely do is see disagreement on anything, disagreement usually means a quick ban, test it if you want.


Upset, is a The Rangers fan taking a huff over a St Mirren fan telling us what we all already know.

Yer Club's deid.

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WRK gets a hard time for only posting on Rangers threads. I believe he has at least attempted to post on Killie threads. I looked at your profile and as far as i could see every thread you have posted on has been about the Rangers. Since 2007 you have only just over 700 posts but every one about one club. Rangers Football Club.

I wuldnt say that Normy gets a hard time at all, most people see him as part of the 'furniture' now.

How creepy.

Thats the image i also have of shull.

...and smelly...

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I think we can all agree that whatever a real fan is, he or she definitely is not the type of person to sit on their hands vainly moaning about how unfair everything is and how they deserve better, while their club dies in front of them. Nor indeed would they believe that you can exit liquidation in the same way you can't take the principal participant in a funeral out for a drink and a catch up after.

The very moment that sevco fans demonstrate the kind of loyalty, commitment, acceptance, humility and perseverance that fans of say Hearts have shown, then they can criticise. Right up to that point they can shut the f**k up and perhaps look to putting their own house (big) in order first. While we all point and laugh, obviously.

ETA Shull is a fucking hero, doesn't ramble on, says his piece in a concise, well structured and easy to digest manner, doesn't spam the forum with endless "he said / she said rubbish" and gets it firmly and directly up the bears. We should all aspire to the level of his art.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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