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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Far too many people became judge, jury and executioner after lapping up everything blogged by hate-mongers like RTC and Mad Phil.

Too much water under the bridge and as the good book says - an eye for an eye ....

Hmmmm - good book, is it? Using that as a reference now, Vicky?

It says quite a few things in there - some of which I'm sure would bring wee Bendarroch storming straight back before you could shout "Homophobia!".

Oh, I see - like any Bible quoter, you'll cherry-pick the line that suits your own view. Which, in this particular case, is the non-christian view, as opposed to what the man himself said about turning the other cheek.

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You are a hypocrite Norman, plain and simple :-)

Explain how I am a hypocrite, Vicky.

Or get a grown-up to try. This could be entertaining.

I have no idea whether you are plain or not, but simple doesn't give a glimmer of the shining stupidity you bring to this forum.

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Far too many people became judge, jury and executioner after lapping up everything blogged by hate-mongers like RTC and Mad Phil.

Too much water under the bridge and as the good book says - an eye for an eye ....

Ouch you are hurting. You got the results you desired. Rangers have been posthumously vindicated. All is good. Cheer up.

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Going only by what's been in the papers, I'd be stunned if Craigy Whyte's behaviour didn't amount to fraud and I imagine that Ra Berrz will get his head on a stick, sooner or later.

Nonetheless, if it's obvious that it was Whyte who fired the fatal shots at the now-dead club, it's also absolutely irrefutable that it was David Murray and his cohort of cronies who bought the gun, oiled and polished it up til it was gleaming, then left it on Craigy's desk under a big neon, flashing "THIS IS A GUN" sign for him to find.

The fact that these supporters groups are entirely ignoring this undeniable fact, and are in fact demanding immediate investigations and lawsuits against practically every human being in Scotland except Murray and his mates, should tell you everything you need to know about their reasons for wanting these investigations and lawsuits in the first place.

It's entirely obvious that anyone who says they want to find out who killed Rangers? by investigating HMRC, the SPL, a bunch of bloggers etc. do not, in fact, have the slightest interest in finding out who actually killed Rangers.

These people already know the answer to that question, so they're instead looking for excuses to kid on that responsibility for the club's demise lies anywhere other than within their own boardroom.

*(Partial responsibility also falls on a huge roster of grasping former on-pitch stars and the credulous loyal fans who swallow, swallowed every lie and scam to issue from the Ibrox boardroom throughout Murray's reign, right up until the murder was already done, but we'll leave that for another day).

Edited by flyingrodent
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Far too many people became judge, jury and executioner after lapping up everything blogged by hate-mongers like RTC and Mad Phil.

Too much water under the bridge and as the good book says - an eye for an eye ....

Bitter much? :(

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As regards the verdict, it does depress me that schemes such as that one, which enable millionaires to duck tax obligations the rest of us meet, can be deemed legal.

I know however that it's a regrettable reality of the world we live in and that Oldco Rangers were not the only business to behave so immorally.

How delightful though that despite a decision saying that laws weren't broken, the scheme was still the stinking, despicable thing that killed the club. That's a reality I'm happier to live with.

Onto Youngsy, what a roaster he's becoming. Not content with reducing the complexities of this to blaming one man, he's now going around issuing Fatwahs. A truly ludicrous figure.

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Good the UTT is being held in public.

Surprising to see the lack of coverage in the MSM. :rolleyes:

I'm sure i read something about it today, i'll try and dig up a link for you later.

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As regards the verdict, it does depress me that schemes such as that one, which enable millionaires to duck tax obligations the rest of us meet, can be deemed legal.

I know however that it's a regrettable reality of the world we live in and that Oldco Rangers were not the only business to behave so immorally.

How delightful though that despite a decision saying that laws weren't broken, the scheme was still the stinking, despicable thing that killed the club. That's a reality I'm happier to live with.

Onto Youngsy, what a roaster he's becoming. Not content with reducing the complexities of this to blaming one man, he's now going around issuing Fatwahs. A truly ludicrous figure.

Youngsy, the Ibrox Iman?. Well I never.

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Is it right that without the Big tax case, Rangers would've had their CVA accepted, they'd still be the same club, playing in the top flight, in Europe, the works?

I'm not sure that Rangers can really claim that the previous incarnation dying, starting again in the bottom tier and not winning anything of any note since as being a success tbh, but there you go.

Hopefully now that this has been settled, people can start to move on and this absolute abomination of a thread can be allowed to rest.


The BTC wasn't taken into account when the CVA was rejected. Rangers owed the taxman £21M (undisputed and not including the BTC). As this was more than 25% of the debt in question (roughly £55M), Hector had the power of veto over any CVA agreement. And he exercised that veto.

The question is whether, without the BTC hanging over the club, Murray would still have sold to Craig Whyte for a pound. Was it the threat of the BTC that forced his hand or would he have done it anyway?

Personally, I don't think the BTC matters either way. It was just a diversion. OldRangers were still a basket case - without SDM's on going cash injections, they were spending more than they earned.

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