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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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indeed, the fans controlled david murray like a puppet and forced him to overspend.

just like now where the fans are calling all the shots. :1eye

fan power at rangers is a myth, no one really listens to the fans and the club fails to represent the very people who support it.

david murray was on an ego trip that ran out of steam when he ran out of money.

i think rangers were beyond repair even before craig whyte took over

now were the fans really responsible for david murray's ego? who murray sold the club to or craig whyte's business plan to drive the club towards the abyss?

First line: yes they did, by demanding success at all costs regardless of how unrealistic 9-in-a-row CL wins was (or even 1-in-a-row) plus the utter outrage anytime they didn't win all the competitions they entered every season! Plenty of supporters of the blue-arse-cheek really did believe you should win EVERYTHING

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never mind ebts etc..its always the 'underestimated' and 'small things' such as having paye (and national insurance) contributions going somewhere else other than where it was supposed to would grab their attention in a big way instantly.

Yes, and the fact Mr White is 'known' to them.

On another point, did I read Rangers fans are 'pursuing' HMRC?

Do they realise HMRC draw up tax legislation and pursue it? Then it goes to court and the court decides. That how laws are made in this country.

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Weird that the whole of MIH the Lloyds group could choose to offload was the one with the 'we deserve better' campaign and threats of boycotts. You could imagine with the whole shebang being used for ebts it was just the one part they chose to get rid of.

I believe the great majority of the possible EBT debt was in relation to Rangers.

Also the bank got their existing debt paid, out of Whyte's dubious funds.

Edited by Bearwithme
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Shit. I was of the view that HMRC were quite right to pursue Rangers over a scheme that was immoral and which Murray himself clearly believed to be dodgy legally.

Now that John Brown has stepped in with a different perspective though, I'm going to need to re-think everything.

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capt hindsight here,

who could have known back in feb 12 how well this all turned out.

seemingly everyone has their pint glass half empty, ......the fools

It was my birthday, so wishes do come true :)

(yep Feb 12th is really my b'day, lol)

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It'd be really helpful if folk like Bomber would help us non-Rangers fans to understand why they think Rangers were badly treated by explaining in simple terms how and why this "mistreatment" occurred.

Sensitive documents leaked to celticminded bloggers, ring any bells...

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Sensitive documents leaked to celticminded bloggers, ring any bells...

Are you saying that HMRC deliberately leaked documents to bloggers, or that some random employee did?

And even if it's the former, you know, that doesn't exactly strike me as an astounding, horrifying travesty of justice.

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Were tax officials not followed by a private detective, photographed leaving their work and stuff? I admit some whatababoutery here but to me that's pretty appalling, not even in the same league as the valiant whistle blowing of the RTC.

Nice handy wee smokescreen this, keeps the pressure off the board and whips the mongrel hoard into a nice wee union jack shirt buying frenzy. Mugs

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Leaving aside the inane jibes, the taxman can't just be given a free pass on scrutiny over this, much as some would like to put all the blame on Rangers or people associated with Rangers. When you lose two big tribunals in connection with a matter which caused serious damage elsewhere, you can't reasonably just shrug your shoulders.

I don't think Murray should have introduced the EBT scheme in the first place but that doesn't mean there can't be others whose conduct or judgement was questionable.

Edited by Bearwithme
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capt hindsight here,

who could have known back in feb 12 how well this all turned out.

seemingly everyone has their pint glass half empty, ......the fools

It has been simply wonderful.

At the outset, I like many on the big thread anticipated that Rangers would obviously do poorly in what remained of that season, but then exit admin and we'd have business as usual.

Even when liquidation occurred, I expected the re-birth to enter the top flight and resume business as usual.

Even after the glories of July 4th and 13th, I thought that once nearly 40,000 STs were sold, the fun was over. Little did I know about the succession of crooks, the pay day loans, the request for player pay cuts, the repeated failure to win even the Ramsden's, the losses of a million a month.

It's all been fantastic and that's before we consider the facts that the leagues are now governed by one body, we have play-offs for the top flight, clubs like Kilmarnock, St Mirren and St Johnstone have won cups and gates have held up fine for everyone but Celtic.

I was thrilled when Rangers entered admin but I dare not have hoped it could all be this brilliant.

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OK, Let's clear this up

rangers paid money they didn't have to buy/pay players they couldn't afford, to "dominate" Scottish football (Fail) and win the CL (Fail) and now get upset that their cheating has left them "bereft"?

Oh and the EBTs are still not "resolved"

"Cheating" since 2012/18whatever?

Same old "rangers" eh?

Still spending money/buying players they don't need/can't afford.

ETA: 40,000+ attendances? Aye, if you include your invisible ST holders and the "ghosts" that fill the blatantly obviously empty seats seen on TV. Still "cheating"

Edited by Raidernation
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Leaving aside the inane jibes, the taxman can't just be given a free pass on scrutiny over this, much as some would like to put all the blame on Rangers or people associated with Rangers. When you lose two big tribunals in connection with a matter which caused serious damage elsewhere, you can't reasonably just shrug your shoulders.

I don't think Murray should have introduced the EBT scheme in the first place but that doesn't mean there can't be others whose conduct or judgement was questionable.

Even the judges who largely sided with Rangers in the first tribunal verdict said explicitly that there was a case to answer; praised HMRC for their rigorous investigation and castigated the DeadCo for deliberately obstructing the investigation at every possible opportunity.

So what are you basing this claim on?

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