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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Oh great. I love a debate about, " religious intolerance". Now which period of Covenanting history would you like to include.

Oh and when you say, "This country" do you include Yorkshire?

You could maybe find a forum somewhere on the Internet for that, then. This is a football forum (or "fitba", as some of your fellow fans call it).

As for "this country" including Yorkshire, the Tykes still need a Salmond Tribute Act before they even get a referendum.

You could pick whichever period you want - as you're no doubt aware, religious intolerance is not the sole preserve of the various Protestant sects.

ETA: The last line above kind of explains why a lot of people capable of independent thought avoid organised religions - of all stripes.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Can't really comment on those guys - the Covenanters, on the other hand, would be an excellent example to choose if you wanted to explore the part religious intolerance has played in the History of this country.

Oh great. I love a debate about, " religious intolerance". Now which period of Covenanting history would you like to include.

You could maybe find a forum somewhere on the Internet for that, then. This is a football forum (or "fitba", as some of your fellow fans call it).

You are the one to mention Covenanters. I can only guess that you shat yer breeks. Again

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You are the one to mention Covenanters. I can only guess that you shat yer breeks. Again

Maybe you'd prefer to talk about the Protestant supremacy in northern Europe, then?

Or Scandinavia, if you like..

P.S. While I was the first today to mention covenanters, it was one of yours who brought the subject up. Maybe you could impress him with your boundless knowledge.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Maybe you'd prefer to talk about the Protestant supremacy in northern Europe, then?

Why on earth would I want to do that?

You are the one who said, "Can't really comment on those guys - the Covenanters, on the other hand, would be an excellent example to choose if you wanted to explore the part religious intolerance has played in the History of this country."

Now try and talk me through that or would you prefer to hide behind, "You could maybe find a forum somewhere on the Internet for that, then".

If you make a statement then man up and justify it ir GTF.

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How would you ken? We all know you're one of us ;)

My posturing otherwise amounts to an elaborate hoax.

You saw right through it though, damn you.

Monkey, thank you for your candour. Be true to yourself and embrace your inner Bear. You know you want to.

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Tbf, it must be quite hard to admit that the football club you support has sustained and promoted bigotry and sectarianism for decades. Newco Rangers are arguably even more guilty of this than the oldco. They had a chance to leave the baggage behind but choose not to take it.

That's the thing I'll never get, I know plenty of good guys who support both cheeks and who don't have a bigoted bone in their body, but surely once you become a certain age and begin to learn about your club there's got to be a tipping point where you say, naw, this pish is not for me I'll go and watch my local team thank you very much.

Yes there is. Well for those of us who are capable of rational thought.

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