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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This is the problem with loose language and sloppy journalism. Poor inadequates like youngsy here will latch onto anything that moves blame away from their dearly departed club or their lacklustre, shitebag, disloyal fans.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. No wait a moment, it would be sad if it wasn't so funny. That's it

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This is the problem with loose language and sloppy journalism. Poor inadequates like youngsy here will latch onto anything that moves blame away from their dearly departed club or their lacklustre, shitebag, disloyal fans.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. No wait a moment, it would be sad if it wasn't so funny. That's it

Spot on. It's this idea of spreading the blame wide that the Rodent mentioned.

Whyte never had any previous as a Rangers man and wasn't there long, so he can be seen as an external force. HMRC can obviously be characterised similarly.

The culture of victimhood and the paranoid idea that Rangers have been singled out for unfair treatment, help to create a narrative that is cosier, but wildly removed from the reality of how the club behaved under successive regimes.

Edited by Monkey Tennis, Today, 16:32.

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The blame for the liquidation lies with Whyte, that has always been my stance on this, not HMRC or any other organisation.

What should the HMRC have done about Whyte?

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You are still ignoring the fact that HMRC would have trusted Rangers BoD to act in an honest and responsible manner despite CW's involvement. Duh !!!

The BOD could have over-ruled Whyte at anytime.

Just another example of Densboys wild imagination.

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The BOD could have over-ruled Whyte at anytime.

Just another example of Densboys wild imagination.

Might be wrong but I'm pretty sure he didn't say that. I think he's accusing the directors of wrongful trading, if so it would be up to the liquidators to decide if they want to go after the directors themselves for cash to pay oldco's debt.

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Yawning silence here. Could it be that the Rangers fans don't have a clue what HMRC could've done about Whyte, and are just talking nonsense in yet another weak attempt to spread the blame for their club's demise?

Without a doubt.

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Paid every month, on or before the 19th of the month. In that respect HMRC were negligent in not dealing with Rangers sooner than they did instead of allowing this to go on for 9 months.

Sorted........For Whyte read Rangers

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Am I wrong .. but were their board of directors not responsible to the shareholders at that time as well .. what about Dave King's investment/shares?

My understanding was CW bought SDM shares for a pound on the understanding that he paid the bank debt off or is that not the case?

Which is where Ticketus came in......... 'paid off' or 'took on' the bank debt, it is the same thing.

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Yet not one bear holds the BoD responsible for allowing the evil genius to run amok ... it's anyone's fault bar the club, it's employees and directors for allowing him free rein.

Dhen, why would they worry?

He screwed the company remember?

The club lives on nazi.gif

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Crowd of 18,000 against Hibs. Basically season tickets only then.

Did they make money or lose it?

The game wasn't on the season ticket. No cup games are and the game was televised so i think both Rangers and Hibs would have done quite well out the game.

Thanks for your concern though

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The game wasn't on the season ticket. No cup games are and the game was televised so i think both Rangers and Hibs would have done quite well out the game.

Thanks for your concern though

How much was it to get in?

What were the police and stewarding costs?

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