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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not at all there has been a steady decline in the standard of football in the country over a number of years and this slide has not been helped by having no Rangers in the top league.

Other clubs supporters have not flocked back to the grounds in the way some thought they would and the figures given out as official attendances are scandalous and surely nobody takes them seriously anymore.

Your own club are top of the league. That's great but this present ICT are no better than the team that Butcher had playing so well a few seasons.

The National team are doing well now under a proper football manager and that is the only positive i can see in the game in Scotland at the moment

There is no one answer to this but the steady decline is comparative with the rise in standards in other countries. Lack of investment and finances within the game here are the main reason for any decline, the rich get rich and the poor get poor on the European stage and now we see our top club falling even further behind to a point they don't even just qualify for the group stage of the CL while clubs and bigger clubs at that but not as successful in the past have overtaken us. There are now more clubs playing in Europe from many more countries than there ever were, there is simply more competition and wealthier competition at that which we struggle to compete with. Its doubtful had Rangers not gone bust it would have made any difference.

Problem with us is expectation levels are based on past glories and successes and now the real order in European football is slowly being established over the years, it just seems like we are in more of a decline than we really are. We had an easy ride in the past and it gave us an unrealistic impression that Scotland has one of the top leagues in Europe when in reality those clubs punched well above their weight and got away with it more often. But then there is always a temptation to look back into the past like the 80's and early 90's and see it as some golden age, but back then we had some embarrassing results its just people tend to forget about it, almost like why we always think our childhood summers were always sunny.

One of the criticisms I aim at the game here is no one at top level will talk our game up or fight our corner, its all about negativity. The SFA fail constantly to promote and sell our game even to the people in our own country. Almost like we accept and embrace failure as part of being Scottish. Being realistic is not accepting failure.

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Not simplistic at all, decent post, even if I think you are a little too accepting of our current standing within Europe, other small countries do considerably better than us at both levels, although I admit the national teams performance over the last year certainly deserves some optimism, I am glad that other teams are winning cups etc. I would love to see this continue to all competitions, the monotony of a 2 horse is good for nobody and like you I would like to see some progression in Europe instead of the negative acceptance that is all to often on display here.

I agree with that too - I probably am a bit negative regarding our potential in Europe. The last two seasons, we've managed to knock out Rosenborg and Luzern (both teams were miles ahead of us technically, but didn't have our heart) then lost to two teams that weren't as good in Minsk and Spartak Trnava. Spartak wasn't so tough to take as they were a decent, albeit beatable team. Minsk were absolutely fucking rotten and if we'd gotten through that game, we would've drawn Standard Liege - a team who at that time were probably about on a par with Rosenborg. If we'd been more positive at home in both of those ties, then I think we would've got the results required to get through.

There is definitely a lot to be positive about in the domestic game though. Take out the title race as that's a forgone conclusion anyway, the Premiership teams do try and play positive attacking football. There's been one 0-0 draw in the Premiership so far this season (Inverness at home to Dundee) and only 4 matches have been draw (all, bizarrely, involving Dundee). The Championship, which is always an exciting league, has a potential 3 horse race (realistically 2 as Hibs look shite). Both of those sides would at least have fancied a tilt at the top 6 this year with their respective squads.

I know you guys have suffered a horrendous 2 or 3 years now. If that turns around (which I think it will eventually) hopefully the bitterness on both sides can subside and we'll be left with a better, more competitive league.

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Rangers fans on this thread have proved they are glory hunters, despite all previous protestations. More worried about outside perceptions than anything else. Really, what non vain person cares about what others think of them/their club/their club's league?

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Refreshing post for the BRALT.

Much of that horrendous 2-3 years has been self inflicted, a few years ago at least their was an optimism, a hope that it could be a fresh start with proper governance (with the money raised, it certainly should have), this made us blindly accept the promises of those running us. Now it is just a numbness many of us feel, the support is divided but I suspect many still hope that we are eventually run by owners that actually care about the football club, at the moment that looks very unlikely.

Refreshing maybe but in the wrong forum certainly.

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Rangers fans on this thread have proved they are glory hunters, despite all previous protestations. More worried about outside perceptions than anything else. Really, what non vain person cares about what others think of them/their club/their club's league?

Never at any point in the 30 or so years I have followed football have I heard from a Rangers fan or any of their fawning media lackies that when they have on occasion had some success in Europe its for the benefit of Scottish football, no its always been about Rangers and getting one over on Celtic. All of a sudden they seem to care about what other clubs fans think and are quick to point out those supporters club's failings (forgetting those smaller clubs earned their place). They just need to remember what broke Rangers in the first place and why they thought they could try and run with the top clubs in Europe, they certainly didn't spunk away all that money just to pip Celtic to the Scottish title all those times.

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Never at any point in the 30 or so years I have followed football have I heard from a Rangers fan or any of their fawning media lackies that when they have on occasion had some success in Europe its for the benefit of Scottish football, no its always been about Rangers and getting one over on Celtic. All of a sudden they seem to care about what other clubs fans think and are quick to point out those supporters club's failings (forgetting those smaller clubs earned their place). They just need to remember what broke Rangers in the first place and why they thought they could try and run with the top clubs in Europe, they certainly didn't spunk away all that money just to pip Celtic to the Scottish title all those times.

Sir Craig of Whyte gambled on the CL and killed Rangers now the Rangers fans want every other club to roll the dice and blow it. One can only imagine that they see this as the only way to catch up with us.

I've enjoyed our journey to the top, have you? I wonder if the bears are having as good a time as we have.

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I'm reading from some rangers supporters that the Scottish Leagues are in decline, and some mention the lack of rangers in the top league is a contributory factor.


What I want to know from them is, apart from sell-out crowds at Parkhead and ibrox for the derby games.

What the f*ck else could they bring to the Scottish Premier division?

Also, how could they have an improving effect on the rest of game in general and for all other teams finances?

It angers me when a club that can't even manage themselves properly (along with their supporters and the main stream journalists) think that they are the "magic bullet" for the rest of Scottish football.

Sorry. But, I don't f*cking think so!

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I'm reading from some rangers supporters that the Scottish Leagues are in decline, and some mention the lack of rangers in the top league is a contributory factor.


What I want to know from them is, apart from sell-out crowds at Parkhead and ibrox for the derby games.

What the f*ck else could they bring to the Scottish Premier division?

Also, how could they have an improving effect on the rest of game in general and for all other teams finances?

It angers me when a club that can't even manage themselves properly (along with their supporters and the main stream journalists) think that they are the "magic bullet" for the rest of Scottish football.

Sorry. But, I don't f*cking think so!

You never read that on here.

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Pardon me if l don't buy all this pish and faux concern about how the Scottish game is perceived. It was only a few years ago that the two ugly sisters were trying to GTF to any league other than Scotland to play in.

Well said DD, though the rumour was that they wanted to leave their reserve teams in the leagues. Very nice of them.

Edited by Sting777
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It certainly wouldn't bother me and probably 99% of other teams supporters if Celtic and Sevco buggered off to another league, I personally think football in Scotland would be really competitive if that happened, but leaving your reserves teams? Yer havin a laugh!

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Sir Craig of Whyte gambled on the CL and killed Rangers now the Rangers fans want every other club to roll the dice and blow it. One can only imagine that they see this as the only way to catch up with us.

I've enjoyed our journey to the top, have you? I wonder if the bears are having as good a time as we have.

The journey has been unbelievable, just when you think we have reached our ceiling we go just that inch further.

No.8's comments about us pleases me, I'm glad he thinks the current team is no better than the team Terry had, probably the only time he has ever watched us was when we beat them on their own turf. I'm quite sure we have improved a lot since then simply because the young players that played that day have more experience and have improved vastly since then. But then why should we be surprised when a Rangers fan underestimates the opposition?.

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It certainly wouldn't bother me and probably 99% of other teams supporters if Celtic and Sevco buggered off to another league, I personally think football in Scotland would be really competitive if that happened, but leaving your reserves teams? Yer havin a laugh!

The reserves thingy would have to be approved by all the league clubs and anyway who wants to see a bunch of reserves play?.

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I have no idea why the bears are dead set against Mike .. he may be their only chance at avoiding another liquidation, yet they seem hell bent on riding him out of town.

He may not give them 'pure millions' but at least they will have a team to follow .... but the bears seem hell bent on self destruction in the vain hope that DK will be able to pick up the pieces cheaply despite this scenario being utter fantasy.

You saw their mindset today, it's all about how others view them. If they're not perceived as something special they are not interested. It's vanity, pure and simple. Vanity is a symptom of insecurity. Sad that people get themselves like that really but it gives everyone else reams of entertainment.

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I have no idea why the bears are dead set against Mike .. he may be their only chance at avoiding another liquidation, yet they seem hell bent on riding him out of town.

He may not give them 'pure millions' but at least they will have a team to follow .... but the bears seem hell bent on self destruction in the vain hope that DK will be able to pick up the pieces cheaply despite this scenario being utter fantasy.

It would be safe to assume that most of their fans wouldn't care who runs the club as long as it is run properly, but what we are hearing is all the mouth pieces and traditionalists and all the scaremongering and made up shit over such trivial issues such as the name of the stadium. Maybe Mike Ashley needs to address the fans groups on the steps of Ibrox and give a rousing speech with all the usual cliches about Rangers being more than a football club etc.

FFS if its worked before on them..........? :lol:

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Refreshing post for the BRALT.

Much of that horrendous 2-3 years has been self inflicted, a few years ago at least their was an optimism, a hope that it could be a fresh start with proper governance (with the money raised, it certainly should have), this made us blindly accept the promises of those running us. Now it is just a numbness many of us feel, the support is divided but I suspect many still hope that we are eventually run by owners that actually care about the football club, at the moment that looks very unlikely.

the problem was though that The Rangers fans harboured a bizarre feeling of being hard done to (when in actual fact the game's governing bodies bent over backwards to accomodate the club).

They also retained the former club's sense of arrogance and entitlement to success. Any sensible fanbase would have been asking serious questions from the start about exactly what money was being spent on and in what quantities in Division 3.

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I miss the days of Brown standing outside Ibrox fist pumping and slavering to the excited masses.

That was as much a highlight as shooders wi his crappy little kids keyboard.

I think no 1 was the statue running away.

Took me a good 10mins of tears to compose myself after that 1

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