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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This guy on clyde is stating murray and a consortium are waiting in the wings for admin saying they have 30m but need £50m, also slagging Jim McColl for not pumping in money and letting him down.

Also Ashley told him to do one saying what he does at Rangers is none of his business.

Edited by dirty dingus
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That's not exactly how i remember it at all. I remember just being relieved to have a club to support and to be able to see Rangers playing again. I remember saying on here i couldn't give a f**k if we ever won another trophy again as long as we had Rangers at Ibrox. I ll be honest and say some of the away days in the SFL 3 were among the most enjoyable i have had supporting Rangers.

Nobody knew for certainty what Green had in store and no matter what he outwardly agreed to do he would have still wormed his way out of it in some double deal..Just ask Craig Whyte who he royally shafted.

The blame does not lie with the support but it lies with SDM for selling us to Craig Whyte in full knowledge of what he was all about..Duped my arse

Whyte has to take the blame for taking the club from the precipice to right over the edge and beyond.

Charles Green just played a blinder and robbed us all and IMO continues to rob us to this day.

The support have been left in the dreadful position where if we continue to support the club we are financially rewarding the spivs but if we don't support the club then the club dies.

The club is now in limbo as we will never really move forward with these people in charge but as long as they see a buck to be made they will keep the company afloat...just.

Sheffield Utd fans even made a thread about what would happen if Green got his big ands on your club. You were also shown Green's past employment history were everyone of his IPO's went drastically wrong because of corruption and many of his companies being wound up. He even destroyed a multi million pound industry in the Middle East.

So instead of pleading innocence you should just apologise publicly on the forum to all the P&D's who rigorously kept informing you how bad it would become, you just stuck yer fingers in yer ears and went " LA LA LA LA LA LA" and posted stupid P&D's don't know a thing.

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This guy on clyde is stating murray and a consortium are waiting in the wings for admin saying they have 30m but need £50m, also slagging Jim McColl for not pumping in money and letting him down.

Could have bought it for a quid, and when title deeds were known :D :D

The clownshoes will lap that up.

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They also retained the former club's sense of arrogance and entitlement to success. Any sensible fanbase would have been asking serious questions from the start about exactly what money was being spent on and in what quantities in Division 3.

I've made this point many times in arguing the fans are somewhat culpable.

Where were the protests when they were buying players a few months after going bust the whilst in the bottom tier of Scottish Football? You only have to reread this thread to see how they enjoyed it as GIRUY to those who "kicked them when they were down".

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Sheffield Utd fans even made a thread about what would happen if Green got his big ands on your club. You were also shown Green's past employment history were everyone of his IPO's went drastically wrong because of corruption and many of his companies being wound up. He even destroyed a multi million pound industry in the Middle East.

So instead of pleading innocence you should just apologise publicly on the forum to all the P&D's who rigorously kept informing you how bad it would become, you just stuck yer fingers in yer ears and went " LA LA LA LA LA LA" and posted stupid P&D's don't know a thing.

Nah that is bollocks as i talk to a Sheffield Utd supporter on another forum and he had told me the story of planting tatties on the park if it made more money or something along those lines.

Charles Green sold our team was another one.

Finally i think he mentioned Nigel Spackman was the manager at the time and had the makings of a decent team but left or was sacked shortly after Green arrived.

Nah i was well warned about Charles Green but little of it i got from here.

I have followed the club for many years and have a few decent contacts in the fans groups and a lad my son knows plays for the club..even he does support celtic so i think it is fair to say i have been kept well informed throughout this whole sorry saga.

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I've made this point many times in arguing the fans are somewhat culpable.

Where were the protests when they were buying players a few months after going busy whilst in the bottom tier of Scottish Football? You only have to reread this thread to see how they enjoyed it as GIRUY to those who "kicked them when they were down".

On just about every Rangers forum i have ever read. On this thread. In the stands all around Ibrox and in the Rangers pubs n clubs around the country

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That's not exactly how i remember it at all. I remember just being relieved to have a club to support and to be able to see Rangers playing again. I remember saying on here i couldn't give a f**k if we ever won another trophy again as long as we had Rangers at Ibrox. I ll be honest and say some of the away days in the SFL 3 were among the most enjoyable i have had supporting Rangers.

Nobody knew for certainty what Green had in store and no matter what he outwardly agreed to do he would have still wormed his way out of it in some double deal..Just ask Craig Whyte who he royally shafted.

The blame does not lie with the support but it lies with SDM for selling us to Craig Whyte in full knowledge of what he was all about..Duped my arse

Whyte has to take the blame for taking the club from the precipice to right over the edge and beyond.

Charles Green just played a blinder and robbed us all and IMO continues to rob us to this day.

The support have been left in the dreadful position where if we continue to support the club we are financially rewarding the spivs but if we don't support the club then the club dies.

The club is now in limbo as we will never really move forward with these people in charge but as long as they see a buck to be made they will keep the company afloat...just.

You rewarded the spivs when you bought yer ST....

Should we feel sorry for you????

You made the choice....

Limbo you say



GIRFUY coz yer mob are dying a slow death......and it's been great to watch.

Edited by the 67
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That's not exactly how i remember it at all. I remember just being relieved to have a club to support and to be able to see Rangers playing again. I remember saying on here i couldn't give a f**k if we ever won another trophy again as long as we had Rangers at Ibrox. I ll be honest and say some of the away days in the SFL 3 were among the most enjoyable i have had supporting Rangers.

Nobody knew for certainty what Green had in store and no matter what he outwardly agreed to do he would have still wormed his way out of it in some double deal..Just ask Craig Whyte who he royally shafted.

The blame does not lie with the support but it lies with SDM for selling us to Craig Whyte in full knowledge of what he was all about..Duped my arse

Whyte has to take the blame for taking the club from the precipice to right over the edge and beyond.

Charles Green just played a blinder and robbed us all and IMO continues to rob us to this day.

The support have been left in the dreadful position where if we continue to support the club we are financially rewarding the spivs but if we don't support the club then the club dies.

The club is now in limbo as we will never really move forward with these people in charge but as long as they see a buck to be made they will keep the company afloat...just.

A largely sensible post tbf.

Not to much to disagree with apart from your complete absolution of the fans.

I agree you're fucked now, the time to do something was 2 years ago. The fans could've demanded a sustainable and prudent club then, they didn't and the rest is history.

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Nobody is mock offended and the only person making a twat of themselves here is yourself. I take it you have seen the Caley supporters picture of the memorial?

In 1902 there was a disaster that caused the deaths of 25 football fans at a Scotland v England match, that memorial also stands in memory of those lives that were lost that day. Then in 1961 two supporters lost their lives on the stairwell having been crushed. The memorial isn't only for the Rangers fans who's lives were lost on that dreadful day in 1971 but all the supporters who lost their lives in the stadium.

Edited by CityDave
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That's not exactly how i remember it at all. I remember just being relieved to have a club to support and to be able to see Rangers playing again. I remember saying on here i couldn't give a f**k if we ever won another trophy again as long as we had Rangers at Ibrox. I ll be honest and say some of the away days in the SFL 3 were among the most enjoyable i have had supporting Rangers.

Nobody knew for certainty what Green had in store and no matter what he outwardly agreed to do he would have still wormed his way out of it in some double deal..Just ask Craig Whyte who he royally shafted.

The blame does not lie with the support but it lies with SDM for selling us to Craig Whyte in full knowledge of what he was all about..Duped my arse

Whyte has to take the blame for taking the club from the precipice to right over the edge and beyond.

Charles Green just played a blinder and robbed us all and IMO continues to rob us to this day.

The support have been left in the dreadful position where if we continue to support the club we are financially rewarding the spivs but if we don't support the club then the club dies.

The club is now in limbo as we will never really move forward with these people in charge but as long as they see a buck to be made they will keep the company afloat...just.

"limbo", eh? Things are changing down Ibrox way.

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In 1902 there was a disaster that caused the deaths of 25 football fans at a Scotland v England match, that memorial also stands in memory of those lives that were lost that day. Then in 1961 two supporters lost their lives on the stairwell having been crushed. The memorial isn't only for the Rangers fans who's lives were lost on that dreadful day in 1971 but all the supporters who lost their lives in the stadium.

Strange, isn't it, that a couple of Diddy fans appear to know more about rangers' history than the buffoons who take mock offence at perceived slights towards them?

You'd almost think they were incapable of independent thought....

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Strange, isn't it, that a couple of Diddy fans appear to know more about rangers' history than the buffoons who take mock offence at perceived slights towards them?

You'd almost think they were incapable of independent thought....

Going by recent History, I wonder what statue they will hijack in two years time to mourn the passing of the 3rd Club?

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Strange, isn't it, that a couple of Diddy fans appear to know more about rangers' history than the buffoons who take mock offence at perceived slights towards them?

You'd almost think they were incapable of independent thought....

Sometimes i honestly believe you are beyond help.

The memorial is for the Ibrox disaster on the 2nd of January 1971.

Note the date it was unveiled. Note where the annual wreath laying takes place and if all that fails just read what you can clearly see on the picture posted.

We know there were two other incidents and they were added but it is THE memorial for the 66 who died.

I honestly cannot believe i even have to explain this to you. We might seldom agree on anything and have had a few heated debates but i honestly thought you were better than this...TBH it really doesn't get much lower than this

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Sometimes i honestly believe you are beyond help.

The memorial is for the Ibrox disaster on the 2nd of January 1971.

Note the date it was unveiled. Note where the annual wreath laying takes place and if all that fails just read what you can clearly see on the picture posted.

We know there were two other incidents and they were added but it is THE memorial for the 66 who died.

I honestly cannot believe i even have to explain this to you. We might seldom agree on anything and have had a few heated debates but i honestly thought you were better than this...TBH it really doesn't get much lower than this

Note the date it was commissioned.............

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