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What term?

Oh, dear - wilfully obtuse mode for the Sleuth this morning, is it?

Another coincidental joint appearance by the remaining Amigos, as well. :lol:

Maybe you could ask No. 8, Tedi. That's who I'm having the conversation with, and I don't recall asking you or the cellar-dweller to join in. A bit rude of you, don'tcha think?

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Rhyming slang for Rangers fans lol, maybe Norman will explain how that word rhymes with Rangers fans...

Again, trying the wilfully stupid card. Comes easily to you, mind, Vicky.

Currant bun is a widely-used term to describe the Horde. Feel free to find examples of anyone referring to anyone by this term in another context. I'll even let you go and drag some shite from KDS, as you've probably already got that open in another tab....

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Now I know this is about words that have been deemed offensive but I have a separate related question

Are there any Rangers supporters on here personally offended by the term '***'?

United supporters are generally referred to as DABs by their Dee counterparts; for anyone who doesn't know this stands for Dirty Arab b*****d. I've never lost sleep at night because of being described in this way.

ETA the asterisks should read h u n

Edited by Granny Danger
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Sorry but the word being referred to with the rhyming slang when used by me is being referred to in the following context; "short for hundred, the combined IQ of Ipox when it's full" and can in no way be described as sectarian .. why it's banned on here is a mystery.

Edit: Maybe the mods could shed some light as to why it's considered 'sectarian' and banned ... or is it simply banned because of a few 'precious darlings' that frequent the site?

I think it's the precious darlings. I had always thought the term was used because of the Orcs' loyalty to the royal family with their German ancestry. Is there another reason? Maybe just nasty b*stards like the nazis were?

Too far?

Probably. :P

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No this is simply you wilfully dodging the question, if the 'term' is an inoffensive, non sectarian 'term' then you will have no problems repeating it without the 'rhyming slang'.

OK, then. Ignoring your rudeness and bandwagon-jumping....

The term is "hún". Caught by the same filters as "fúck", "bastárd" and "cúnt".

Feel free to explain the sectarian roots of this term...with specific reference to the meaning of the word "sectarian", if you please.

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As it was this week's meltdown, No.8, who first claimed offence at this term, perhaps he can find time away from keeping the public mobile to have a guess where this definition of sectarianism comes from:

“Narrow-minded beliefs that lead to prejudice, discrimination, malice and ill-will towards members, or presumed members, of a religious denomination.”

... and then explain how he knows the rangers fans of all denominations and creeds....

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Now I know this is about words that have been deemed offensive but I have a separate related question

Are there any Rangers supporters on here personally offended by the term '***'?

United supporters are generally referred to as DABs by their Dee counterparts; for anyone who doesn't know this stands for Dirty Arab b*****d. I've never lost sleep at night because of being described in this way.

ETA the asterisks should read h u n

I think you'll find that there are the rangers fans on here offended by just about everything. Possibly their way of reclaiming at least one title from celtic...

A*r fans refer to Killie fans as soap-dodgers, and our pet name for them back in the day was "darkies"*, which has obviously fallen out of use as that term, unlike hún, actually does have discriminatory connotations. Nowadays, they're not really viable enough rivals to bother with all that much.

* In Errshurr-speak, "black" was used as a synonym for "dirty" or "unwashed".

The Sleuth do appear to have fúcked off for the moment - a wee bit selective googling followed by a PM frenzy, routine wagon-circling and more "poor wee us" shite awaits, methinks. :lol:

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Currant flans = rangers fans

C'mon benny your a bit slow aren't you? :lol:

You're just noticing? Doesn't say much for your "sharpest knife in the drawer" pretensions. ;)

p.s. I think you'd better edit that to "intellectually challenged" - don't want to upset anyone.

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Now I know this is about words that have been deemed offensive but I have a separate related question

Are there any Rangers supporters on here personally offended by the term '***'?

United supporters are generally referred to as DABs by their Dee counterparts; for anyone who doesn't know this stands for Dirty Arab b*****d. I've never lost sleep at night because of being described in this way.

ETA the asterisks should read h u n

They don't like it, therefore it is illegal

Currant flans = rangers fans

C'mon benny your a bit slow aren't you? :lol:

Currant Jam = Unwashed bam

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May the problem is the IQ of the average bear and they see the new and old Rangers 'clubs' and support as being solely Protestant, therefore any jibe aimed at their 'football fans' is thereby automatically sectarian ... "coz wur proddies ... ye ken"

Maybe the bears are going to enlighten us .. doesn't explain No8's stance on the matter though.

I don't have the medical, or indeed currently approved, terminology, but "not wired up right" or "slowly unravelling" might go some way towards explaining...

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OK, then. Ignoring your rudeness and bandwagon-jumping....

The term is "hún". Caught by the same filters as "fúck", "bastárd" and "cúnt".

Feel free to explain the sectarian roots of this term...with specific reference to the meaning of the word "sectarian", if you please.

It is a derogatory term now widely used to describe Protestants. It is used as a sectarian insult in the West of Scotland and Ireland.

You also have the KAH grafiti painted onto Orange Halls and Protestant churches.

It is now deemed sectarian in much the same way as F e nia n. The one difference i see is Fen ia ns. actually use that term to describe themselves and take a kind of pride in it. I dont know any Protestant or Rangers supporter who if called a h u n would see it as anything but an insult.

As i said previously. It doesnt matter if you dont think it is offensive.

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It always amuses me how many bring up my chosen profession as some kind of insult. I choose to do my job...I have had other jobs in the past but chose to go and work for myself and earn money for myself and tbh i do very well out of it and it gives my family a very decent standard of living and i have supported the family while my wife goes to University. There's a lot to be said for working for yourself

I lived in Rathcoole. I am sure i have been in many boozers with many terrorists. You cant live there and not drink in their company FFS.

Your own club have promoted terrorist murderers and have helped to raise money for Irish Republican Terrorists. I wont hold my breath waiting on you condemning them

Not only do you not condemn the actions of your despicable club and individuals of the club in protecting suspected Paedophiles but you actually shout down those who do raise the subject. It is people like you who would rather hush people up and turn a blind eye that allow these b*****ds to get away with it. Sorry but i have kids and even if i didn't i would feel duty bound to hound these scumbags and those who protect them wherever they are.

Listen, when people bring this up on a football forum do you condemn it???

No you don't...instead you go on a wee crusade for pages of a thread masking it as wanting justice.....,

When in actual fact all you are doing is using it to point score for your own twisted agenda.

The statue GIF makes you throw the toys out the pram.....you don't like it one bit, but when you are happy to indulge in CA posts masked as justice for victims then you leave yourself open.

Maybe some fans would condemn the GIF if it was not for the fact you use CA posts about the boys club cowardly masked of course.

So in the twisted world you are in the boys club is fair game, but a statue GIF makes you mad and a mope faced c**t

You are not the level headed poster you try and make out.....

You are a bitter twisted homophobic racist bag of fail.....the mask slips and we see the real 8 in all its glory.

And for the record I think taxi drivers are c***s...shower of robbing bazzas.

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It is a derogatory term now widely used to describe Protestants. It is used as a sectarian insult in the West of Scotland and Ireland.

You also have the KAH grafiti painted onto Orange Halls and Protestant churches.

It is now deemed sectarian in much the same way as F e nia n. The one difference i see is Fen ia ns. actually use that term to describe themselves and take a kind of pride in it. I dont know any Protestant or Rangers supporter who if called a h u n would see it as anything but an insult.

As i said previously. It doesnt matter if you dont think it is offensive.

So your evidence is three letters graffiti-ed on a wall? :lol:

Of course it's a fucking insult. Of course it's offensive - that tends to be the defining characteristic of an insult.

The point is, it's an insult aimed entirely at fans of a football club. Unless, of course, you're saying that rangers and the rangers are solely protestant organisations? Because that would be a wee bit discriminatory, don'tcha think?

ETA: Five minutes ago - no rangers posters about. Currantly three. Like buses...

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Why are Sevco fans so offended by being called a h u n , anyone remember Dundee's Hiltoon H u n s, not to be messed with, going back a few years though.

Cant say i do but i do remember a song about Paddy McCourts F....... Army.

Wrk has complained about being insulted and called a fe nia n bassa in the past. Now he thinks that is outrageous but freely dishes out sectarian insults and then will gleefully try and defend his actions.

Celtic Football Club in the past have actually banned the. H word and people wearing a scarf with that word on it were told to remove it or they would be refused entry into the ground.

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ironically it was celtic who used to be labelled the h-u-ns due to their supports history of supporting the nazis and anti British stance during ww2

"In September 1941, the S.F.A. announced that Celtic Park was to be closed until October 17th 1941 following an Old Firm game at Ibrox. Celtic fans had fought amongst themselves and with the police, threw bottles at the police and onto the trackside, displayed a German flag and indulged in pro-Nazi chants. A front-page Evening Times headline on 6th September 1941 read 6th September read:


The following day’s paper featured a letter from a member of the public who noticed the contrast in front page articles where one focussed on Russia's fight in WWII and the other on "those hooligans who bring such a disgrace to our city and our national sport."

He continued, "Here, on one side, was a country fighting so valiantly in its own towns and streets not only its own battle but ours as well, and fighting regardless of creed or anything else. On the other hand, we have citizens of this country, allied to another, fighting among themselves all over a game of football."

On the same day, Sir Patrick Dolan Lord Provost of Glasgow, said, "It is shameful that Glasgow's great contribution to the war effort should be impaired by a few hooligans who seem to be more concerned about their club winning than that Britain should defeat Hitler in the struggle for a better world."

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Cant say i do but i do remember a song about Paddy McCourts F....... Army.

Wrk has complained about being insulted and called a fe nia n bassa in the past. Now he thinks that is outrageous but freely dishes out sectarian insults and then will gleefully try and defend his actions.

Celtic Football Club in the past have actually banned the. H word and people wearing a scarf with that word on it were told to remove it or they would be refused entry into the ground.

Oh, dear. Fantasy Island time again.

I'll freely admit to being offended at being described as a celtic fan. That, however, is, on reflection, simply a manifestation of the moronic tendency on both sides of the divide to think "no wan ae us...". In other words, more your (and their) problem, rather than mine.

You'll no doubt have the posts at hand where I've been referred to in these terms? Just that I can only think of one group of supporters who would describe me thus - and I'd hate to think that they, of all groups, would be using such terms... :lol:

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Thank f**k, some news in sevconia... last few pages was gouge your eyes out stuff.. :thumbsdown

Anyway the big news of the day is not good for all us plastics and diddies... The Fat Geordie c**t is about to sell his EPL club with its millions upon millions of sky money and sponsorship to take control of a two year old club in the Scottish Championship.. :bairn


Don't ya just love an article with absolutely no quotes from anyone related to said article :1eye

Be afraid timmy be very afraid, you too diddies..

Does Mike Ashley make overall profit out of Newcastle FC? I mean directly from gate money, EPL payments, pie sales, tv rights., not counting merchandise sales.

If he bought The Rangers and sold NFC he would (eventually) get guaranteed European football every year. He would sell approximately the same amount of merchandise. (apparently the Ibrox deal has been worth more than the Magpies') The tv and league money would be well down but would the publicity for his brand be worth it? (I doubt it)

Is he 'still' a Newcastle fan after the fans turned on him? If not, then it matters not to him what his money making vehicle is.

It is a possibility he will take over The Rangers but a slim one, imo . (unlike him, the fat b)

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The difference is that those other filter words will not get you banned from P & B nor will they get you warnings, the posts will also be deleted, basically you have to be a right cvnt to get banned from here.

Keep using the word which is derogatory sectarian insult inevitably leads to poor old div being bombarded by illegible hate mail containing human excrement and/or razor blades and you will be warned and banned for being a bigot, which is much easier than paying a spaceman to open your mail

P&B the nations moral and legal yardstick. Cretin

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