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Sons of Struth

about an hour ago

Just had a leak from within Sports Direct. As we will be having main protest at Glasgow Fort shop tomorrow, they are aware we are having smaller flash protests around the country at 12.00 in approx 10 other stores.

As a response they are upping security at all stores. Great news, giving some of his staff more money and costing them.

Keep up the graft guys and let's get even more doing so across the country.

So Sports Direct will be crowded with poorly dressed Neds? Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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I know it is a sectarian slur used against Rangers fans (and others) often.

Which religion is the H word sectarian against ? The Ibrox religion. I've always used the term as another word for Rangers fan and will continue to do so.

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Snaf, that's kinda my point.

The ones that don't want Ashley , want the rule book invoked. If it is , it "should" debar their own preference. In this case, twofold. King was a director of the club that died, hence cannot hold a similar position till 2017/18 I think. Plus fit and proper test debars him over his SA convictions. Yes, convictions, not 'agreements with SARS.'.


So what is needed ? £50m? 100? For a club struggling to get to the top if the second tier of the piss poor empoverished Scottish League?


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there is this fixation on this 16m from the 3 stooges yet ashley already has a stake in the club. its the old carrot dangling trick yet no one has seen the carrot

ashley is winning part control of the club while the others have nothing

whats needed most of all at rangers is a restructure within the club from the top as it is ran now its a mess

ive heard figures of 20m a year to run the club does king have that kind of cash,who knows?

Yes King has that and a hell of a lot more. But may not be able to move it out of the country.

Remember, as part of his convictions in SA, he, or even his wife, cannot invest a controlling stake in an overseas business. Or it's jailtime.

I suppose the fixation, is bar bears and orange tinted journos, know it is moonbeams.

Ashley will want £££. Doesn't care about club.

King wants club. Might not have disposable £££.

SFA want nowt to do with it.

I don't see a saviour on the horizon snaf, and even the AGM which Wallace promised in October from memory, cannot go ahead. 28 days notice iirc.

All of them are stringing you along , whilst Diets of MidLoathsome romp the Division, having done things "right".

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Yes King has that and a hell of a lot more. But may not be able to move it out of the country.

Remember, as part of his convictions in SA, he, or even his wife, cannot invest a controlling stake in an overseas business. Or it's jailtime.

Former Rangers director Dave King has agreed on a £43.7m settlement with the South African tax authorities after criminal charges against him were dropped. Is what i believed to be true until i read uncle Wunfs post.

The only place that i can find Wunfs allegations on is the website of a former disgraced lawyer (not the QC) Maybe Wunf would oblige me and a post a link about King not being able to invest outside SA, as this is news to me

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Former Rangers director Dave King has agreed on a £43.7m settlement with the South African tax authorities after criminal charges against him were dropped. Is what i believed to be true until i read uncle Wunfs post.

The only place that i can find Wunfs allegations on is the website of a former disgraced lawyer (not the QC) Maybe Wunf would oblige me and a post a link about King not being able to invest outside SA, as this is news to me

I posted the links from the SA press at the time Benny :)

Go "search".

And are you really saying King was nor convicted on 70+ charges? Really?

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Round and round and round we go.........................................

Our sentence agreement with Dave King - NPA

Bulelwa Makeke

29 August 2013

Authority says businessman entered a plea of guilty on 41 counts of contravening Section 75 of the Income Tax Act

The State versus David Cunningham King (Case No: CC 257/2005)

29 Aug 2013

Mr David Cunningham King, the accused in the case of The State versus DC King (Case no.: CC257/2005 - otherwise referred to as the King 1 case), today entered a plea of guilty in the South Gauteng High Court held at Palm Ridge, on 41 counts of various contraventions of section 75 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962, as per the indictment.

The said plea is in accordance with a plea and sentence agreement in terms of section 105A(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977, entered into between the accused and the National Prosecuting Authority. The High Court was satisfied that the aforesaid agreement complied with the requirements of the provisions of section 105A(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act, that the accused admitted the allegations in the above-mentioned counts and that he was guilty of the offences.

The Court was moreover satisfied that the sentence agreement was just, whereupon the Court proceeded to convict the accused of the offences and sentenced the accused in accordance with the sentence agreement.

In terms of the agreement, the accused was sentenced to a fine of R80 000.00 or 24 months' imprisonment on each of the 41 counts, being the maximum sentence provided for in the Income Tax Act read with the Adjustment of Fines Act 101 of 1991. The effective sentence, as confirmed in the agreement, is a fine of R3 280 000.00 or 984 months (82 years) imprisonment.

The accused has, moreover, agreed to pay to the Criminal Assets Recovery Account ("CARA") the amount of R8.75 million as contemplated in section 64(e) of Act 121 of 1998. This payment will be effected within 30 days of the plea agreement having been finalised today. The plea and sentence agreement was entered into having due regard to the following factors, as stipulated in the agreement:

  1. the State consulted with the complainants, being representatives of the South African Revenue Service ("SARS") and representatives of the South African Reserve Bank ("SARB"), and afforded them the opportunity to make representations; as required by the law.
  2. the said complainants, namely SARS and SARB, are satisfied with the agreement as entered into
  3. SARS has instituted various actions against the accused relevant to the offences and will (in terms of the actions and by agreement with the accused) recover an amount of R 706.7 million (figure verified by SARS)
  4. the accused has reached an agreement with SARS and SARB to settle all disputes between them. In terms of the agreement with SARS, the accused has entered into an agreement to settle his tax indebtedness with SARS and has reached a settlement with SARB
  5. the length of the trial should the accused plead not guilty, and the consequent burden on the criminal justice system
  6. the trial related prejudice by virtue of material witnesses who have passed away or have become unavailable or unable to testify
  7. the expense to which the State would be put by such a trial, which would be lengthy and require the testimony of experts and witnesses based in foreign countries
  8. the nature, aggravating circumstances and facts relating to the offences
  9. the personal circumstances of the accused
  10. the fact that the accused has no previous convictions
  11. the interests of society.

Statement issued by Bulelwa Makeke, Executive Manager: Communications, National Prosecuting Authority, August 29 2013

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Which religion is the H word sectarian against ? The Ibrox religion. I've always used the term as another word for Rangers fan and will continue to do so.

Well why say 'the H word'? If you intend to keep using it then use it here.

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