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oh no sorry , he is still here trying to defend his bigoted views .

I'm sure it was only yesterday that he denied ever posting anything that was bigoted.

As i said his lies always catch up with him.

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Nothing to say about football or your beloved club. Still going on and on about WRK. I hate to break it to you but I don't think he's your type.

Anyways Rumour time.

Mate of mine is a rangers supporting taxi driver (not No.8 I rush to point out) and he claims to have twice picked up DK from ibrox in recent weeks. He further claims DK has filled him in on all his plans and "Big Things" will be happening in the next few days. He can't give details though as he doesn't want to betray the confidence of an upstanding individual like DK. Take from that what you will, personally I think he's got a heavy case of sevcoitis and can't stop talking crap. Anyone else heard anything similar or can I chalk this up as tear stained pish?

Chalk it up as you being a tosspot for posting it in the first place.

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You're a bigot, it's there in black and white - your prejudices are there for all to see despite your two bit protests.

Just a pity that post was quoted and will be always be there to show what a narrow minded individual you are.

I explained the wording at the time, Vicky, and afterwards. And you know it. Pathetic that you would continue to pull this up again and again and again. Almost as bad as Magoo and his Cancer schtick.

Your sexuality matters not a fúck to me. Your continual throwing in witty ripostes and "advice" about traditional relationships is equally inappropriate, and your willingness to embrace 1970's campery when you feel like it sits badly with your hair-trigger bleating - -normally when a grown-up debate has left you, yet again, with a well-spanked arse.

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I explained the wording at the time, Vicky, and afterwards. And you know it. Pathetic that you would continue to pull this up again and again and again. Almost as bad as Magoo and his Cancer schtick.

Your sexuality matters not a fúck to me. .

It obviously does or you wouldn't have posted what you posted Norman.

Bigotry should not be tolerated.

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It obviously does or you wouldn't have posted what you posted Norman.

Bigotry should not be tolerated.

It really doesn't, and you're really plumbing new depths here when you know I've pulled people up for attacking yours in the past. The occasions where I'd defend a scumbag like you are pretty fucking rare, so believe me I remember those times.

You really are the lowest of the low.

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It really doesn't, and you're really plumbing new depths here when you know I've pulled people up for attacking yours in the past. The occasions where I'd defend a scumbag like you are pretty fucking rare, so believe me I remember those times.

You really are the lowest of the low.

^^^^^ bigot

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I think he was illustrating the delusional levels of the phruny phlegms ... you seem upset. You don't believe in the DK pish or do you?

Upset, why would i be upset. More likely to be laughing at someone putting up such a post in the first place.

As for DK, i don't believe anything related to Ibrox until i see it's 100% confirmed and genuine. Only rumours i listen to is Fleetwood Macs.

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Bennett is a sound chap who does not take this site too seriously, basically the exact opposite of Norman.

Oh i forgot to get back to Henrik, what was it again - not liking celtic?

Guilty as charged....

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Yeh ... Who could forget your argument. Choosing not to arrend games you would previously attendded is not a boycott.

Like Tedi i have drasttically cut back on what i spent previously on Rangers. I am now only attending games on season ticket and have resigned from the CCCS and all cup.games. I havent bought any merchandise from Rangers in years. All that considered i would think financially i am witholding far more per season than yoyr average season ticket holder who didnt renew.

If you want to call my wishy washy 'stance' a boycott, I can't stop you. Similarly if you wish to call it a Ford Mondeo, I can't stop that either.

I've no interest in how much you may be withholding in relation to previous years, which is why I offered no comment whatsoever on it.

The description of you as an ST crumbler however, is entirely accurate as is one that suggests you're a liar.

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