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Did you or did you not say that the usage of the word can be debated? If you can debate it ... it's debatable ..

Or are you saying that's on it's own it's sectarian ?

I am responding to his repeated assertions that it is sectarian .. nothing else.

Ooft. Thats some quality word twisting there.

What I said was that there was nothing to stop posters debating whether the word is sectarian or not - other than the mind numbingly, tedious, pointlessness.

Dont try and twist that into some kind of implicit agreement with whatever particular argument you seem to be making this week.

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I think he was illustrating the delusional levels of the phruny phlegms ... you seem upset. You don't believe in the DK pish or do you?

I didn't say you were.

Love Stevie Nicks ...

Er, yes you did but i won't prolong this trivial point, yours, Mick Fleetwood.

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No capital again, exposed bigot you.

I believe hbqc and i have come to some understanding through PM but i am sorry my learned friend. The accusations of bigotry as i never used a capital letter is one of my all time favourites lol

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Why .. did it receive complaints ... Celtic fans even call themselves by it (see the website ETims)

Even lists defining slur words for religious and ethnic groups do not mention Tim despite being comprehensive lists.

Every Celtic fan I know calls themselves .. **** .

So why has it been barred ... genuinely interested .. ?

have a look at the translation of the word which starts with T and ends with aig and you will see why the word probably can be viewed as a naughty word and therefor was decided to be banned etc . I dont know many celtic fans that find the word offensive but its these sort of things which are enough for the scottish goverment to decide wether or not they are acceptable to use and the reality is their is heehaw we can do about it. like the h-word the word can take on a sectarian meaning at certain times.

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Why .. did it receive complaints ... Celtic fans even call themselves by it (see the website ETims)

Even lists defining slur words for religious and ethnic groups do not mention Tim despite being comprehensive lists.

Every Celtic fan I know calls themselves .. **** .

So why has it been barred ... genuinely interested .. ?

No idea. Div wrote the forum rules. He's probably part of some kind of conspiracy

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I simply stated that word itself is not sectarian.

Whether or not it is sectarian is open to debate.

I never stated that you taken either side on this issue. If I have given that impression it stands corrected.

Is that a fair assessment of the situation?

No. You said

The mods confirmed that whether or not it is sectarian is debatable

Implying I agreed with you. What I actually said was that posters are free to debate it.

I think you maybe onto to something we can't call them the H word and we can't call ourselves by the T word ... what school did he go to?


Are we all perfectly clear that I was joking about that??

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If you're being challenged on a specific allegation you've made however, I think it's perfectly reasonable that you be asked to prove it or retract it.

I did prove it though ... Admittedly examples of this were not difficult to find a few months ago but the vast majority seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.

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No. Do remind us - you know, post a link, that kind of thing.

Of course, silly me. It's just another Bennett fantasy.

Or bare faced fucking lie, if you prefer.

Oh look i have posted a link to prove you are a liar ;)

"Quoting roughly" - you really are priceless at times, you know that?

. I didn't use the word "hate"in terms of my emotions at any time, as you've probably found out by searching back. I also stated my offence at celtic fans assuming that I would somehow align myself on their side of the fence.

You're actually quite correct here. I wasn't roughly quoting but very accurately quoting exactly what you said. ;)

I was actually being pretty generous to you by describing it as pretty tame bigotry.

I did as you said and went back in your history to find the posts where you stated repeatedly you hated Rangers. As you might be aware i don't usually do that but a poster with a real dislike for you pointed them out to me and showed how to search for these posts. This was a quite a while ago...Not a Rangers poster BTW or somebody that is on here that often. I wondered why you were so keen on Bennett and I to go searching when there was so much evidence available but what do you know. Try searching for the said posts and they are no longer there. :lol: Well done WRK you know how to use the delete function...well played.

The problem is others probably remember the posts as they went to great lengths to defend you and your 'bigotry'.

'I hate rangers more. For two reasons, or maybe three

1) No fan of celtic ever put me in hospital simply because of the school I went to.'

You missed this one and only this one. Considering how many there were i would say good job WRK. It must have taken quite a while :thumsup2 .

Just for the record..I had to pass St Aeldreds Roman Catholic school to get to my school. It was an all boys school (at the time) and took in the RCs from Feegie, Foxbar and Glenburn so as you can imagine it was a pretty rough School. I was involved in quite a few altercations with pupils from that School but do you know what? None of those incidents led me to hating Roman Catholics or Hating the team the vast majority of them supported.

Can you see the word highlighted. The other H word that you would never use. ;)

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