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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No thanks to asset stripping Yanks, we prefer asset stripping Yorkshire men who wear orange tops


Q&A session in Northern Ireland with Charlie....

Q3: Would Rangers consider bringing out an Orange Top ?

C.G: "Yes, they have a number of designs and are coming near agreement with Adidas"

R.T.I.D.N.I and guests then headed to The Hilton, Templepatrick to meet other Reps from Rangers Clubs throughout Northern Ireland.

After thanking everyone for attending, I explained our future plans for R.T.I.D.N.I.

This included getting ALL Clubs, Fan Groups and Fans in Northern Ireland to work together for a N.A.R.S.A type Convention in Northern Ireland.

First thing on the Agenda after introductions and thanks for Support etc, was for Mr Green and Imran to give a Presentation on current affairs at the Club and their outlook for the future.

Everyone was in agreement that our Clubs future was looking extremely good with plans of Hotels, Cancer Centre, New Shop, New Ticket office and renovations to Edmiston Club along with Football Academies in America, Asia and widespread Global Marketing.


1: Charles Green stated quite categorically that although it was not ALL Clubs in the S.P.L that he had a problem with, his main problem was with The Leadership and running of the S.P.L.

He said the Agenda from the S.P.L against Rangers F.C and their fans and their constant attacks upon our Club will not be forgotten.

He then stated that whilst things are the way they are, the onslaught continues AND as long as he is C.E.O of Rangers F.C, Rangers will NEVER play in the S.P.L again.

This was met with a round of applause from the Audience.


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Orange top that looks good will sell , make money and help Rangers



Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Q&A session in Northern Ireland with Charlie....

Q3: Would Rangers consider bringing out an Orange Top ?

C.G: "Yes, they have a number of designs and are coming near agreement with Adidas"

R.T.I.D.N.I and guests then headed to The Hilton, Templepatrick to meet other Reps from Rangers Clubs throughout Northern Ireland.

After thanking everyone for attending, I explained our future plans for R.T.I.D.N.I.

This included getting ALL Clubs, Fan Groups and Fans in Northern Ireland to work together for a N.A.R.S.A type Convention in Northern Ireland.

First thing on the Agenda after introductions and thanks for Support etc, was for Mr Green and Imran to give a Presentation on current affairs at the Club and their outlook for the future.

Everyone was in agreement that our Clubs future was looking extremely good with plans of Hotels, Cancer Centre, New Shop, New Ticket office and renovations to Edmiston Club along with Football Academies in America, Asia and widespread Global Marketing.


1: Charles Green stated quite categorically that although it was not ALL Clubs in the S.P.L that he had a problem with, his main problem was with The Leadership and running of the S.P.L.

He said the Agenda from the S.P.L against Rangers F.C and their fans and their constant attacks upon our Club will not be forgotten.

He then stated that whilst things are the way they are, the onslaught continues AND as long as he is C.E.O of Rangers F.C, Rangers will NEVER play in the S.P.L again.

This was met with a round of applause from the Audience.


Top comment

Orange top that looks good will sell , make money and help Rangers



However he needed a real Rangers man to shift the season books


Rangers FC

[LIVE] Stay tuned for live Twitter coverage shortly of a press conference with manager Ally McCoist as he urges fans to buy season tickets.

Rangers FC

AMcC - "Charles has nailed his colours to the mast in working hard for Rangers...He's represented the club to the best of his abilities."

Rangers FC

AMcC - "Now is the time to get behind Rangers and the best way to do that is to buy season tickets."

Rangers FC

AMcC - "I encourage all fans to back the Club and renew their season tickets for the season. I plan to buy four for my family."

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The serial sycophantic trolling of Gers, is as pathetic as the current state of Gers.

Ashley is only in it for himself as always. Either Easdale I wouldn't trust with a cat, whether they are proxies for Green, White's dad or whoever they are bad news. The board is a car crash who are too busy lining their own pockets and depleting the resources at an alarming rate. Why cant all fan groups get together and raise a vote of no confidence in the board? The amount of different factions of fans groups are diluting their potential impact.

Before I go on I would like to make it clear I deplore bigotry in any form, religion is farce imo, and have supported Gers for over 25 years.

If Ashley and his cohorts move in, it will me the last straw for me. We need a total overhaul of the current board, and only administration will bring that, as the current board are too busy stripping Gers for their own needs.

What the people who repeatedly rip into Gers need to realise is would you like your club to suffer in this way?

Lloyds Bank were the catalysts for this mess imo.

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The serial sycophantic trolling of Gers, is as pathetic as the current state of Gers.

Ashley is only in it for himself as always. Either Easdale I wouldn't trust with a cat, whether they are proxies for Green, White's dad or whoever they are bad news. The board is a car crash who are too busy lining their own pockets and depleting the resources at an alarming rate. Why cant all fan groups get together and raise a vote of no confidence in the board? The amount of different factions of fans groups are diluting their potential impact.

Before I go on I would like to make it clear I deplore bigotry in any form, religion is farce imo, and have supported Gers for over 25 years.

If Ashley and his cohorts move in, it will me the last straw for me. We need a total overhaul of the current board, and only administration will bring that, as the current board are too busy stripping Gers for their own needs.

What the people who repeatedly rip into Gers need to realise is would you like your club to suffer in this way?

Lloyds Bank were the catalysts for this mess imo.

but..but... You are the people????
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The board is a car crash who are too busy lining their own pockets and depleting the resources at an alarming rate... the current board are too busy stripping Gers for their own needs.

Can you clarify what you mean by this?

A vote of no confidence from the fans means jack shit.

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The serial sycophantic trolling of Gers, is as pathetic as the current state of Gers.

Ashley is only in it for himself as always. Either Easdale I wouldn't trust with a cat, whether they are proxies for Green, White's dad or whoever they are bad news. The board is a car crash who are too busy lining their own pockets and depleting the resources at an alarming rate. Why cant all fan groups get together and raise a vote of no confidence in the board? The amount of different factions of fans groups are diluting their potential impact.

Before I go on I would like to make it clear I deplore bigotry in any form, religion is farce imo, and have supported Gers for over 25 years.

If Ashley and his cohorts move in, it will me the last straw for me. We need a total overhaul of the current board, and only administration will bring that, as the current board are too busy stripping Gers for their own needs.

What the people who repeatedly rip into Gers need to realise is would you like your club to suffer in this way?

Lloyds Bank were the catalysts for this mess imo.

Not the Rangers fans who demanded Murray spend, spend, spend when it was clear they had been skint

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Here Podlie, I can see an '8' does that mean I'm colourblind or something?

In other news, this is the much predicted death of the BRALT IMHO. Sad to see it go but the seethe at Ashley will be fun I suppose. Anyone know how to manage a fraggles expectations?

@Daily_Record ashleys money yeha whats that smell its the smell of fear from the torbett towers WE ARE THE PEOPLE

I predict disappointment in this poor muppets future.

The serial sycophantic trolling of Gers, is as pathetic as the current state of Gers.

Ashley is only in it for himself as always. Either Easdale I wouldn't trust with a cat, whether they are proxies for Green, White's dad or whoever they are bad news. The board is a car crash who are too busy lining their own pockets and depleting the resources at an alarming rate. Why cant all fan groups get together and raise a vote of no confidence in the board? The amount of different factions of fans groups are diluting their potential impact. Good

Before I go on I would like to make it clear I deplore bigotry in any form, religion is farce imo, and have supported Gers for over 25 years.

If Ashley and his cohorts move in, it will me the last straw for me. We need a total overhaul of the current board, and only administration will bring that, as the current board are too busy stripping Gers for their own needs.

What the people who repeatedly rip into Gers need to realise is would you like your club to suffer in this way?

Lloyds Bank were the catalysts for this mess imo.

I bet I'd fucking hate it Ted. I'm sure it has been excruciatingly painful and must feel like an almost total humiliation. I'd be scunnered if my team was found to be a bunch of thieving, cheating b*****ds. That would be really hard to take, but what would crush me would be the knowledge that I (along with my fellow fans) did f**k all to stop it and allowed our once proud club to die and be resurrected as the chattels of a discount sportswear retailer.

ps If you're on the deck and everybody bar none is queuing up to stick the boot in, perhaps you might want to consider why that is.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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The serial sycophantic trolling of Gers, is as pathetic as the current state of Gers.

Ashley is only in it for himself as always. Either Easdale I wouldn't trust with a cat, whether they are proxies for Green, White's dad or whoever they are bad news. The board is a car crash who are too busy lining their own pockets and depleting the resources at an alarming rate. Why cant all fan groups get together and raise a vote of no confidence in the board? The amount of different factions of fans groups are diluting their potential impact.

Before I go on I would like to make it clear I deplore bigotry in any form, religion is farce imo, and have supported Gers for over 25 years.

If Ashley and his cohorts move in, it will me the last straw for me. We need a total overhaul of the current board, and only administration will bring that, as the current board are too busy stripping Gers for their own needs.

What the people who repeatedly rip into Gers need to realise is would you like your club to suffer in this way?

Lloyds Bank were the catalysts for this mess imo.

You're doing it wrong.

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I posted this last week. Once again, for the avoidance of doubt :-

Here's the full article, think only the preview has been posted in this thread. As mentioned it has since been taken off the Scotsman website and it'll be interesting to see if it appears in print tomorrow. Regan simply has to go.


Published on Wednesday 4 July 2012 21:26

SCOTTISH Football Association chief executive Stewart Regan has issued a startling warning of "social unrest" in Scotland if newco Rangers are denied entry to the First Division of the Scottish Football League following the emphatic rejection today of their application to retain top-flight football at Ibrox.

Regan's remarkable comment came as he insisted admission to the First Division is now the only viable option if Scottish football wishes to avoid what he described as a "slow, lingering death".

The Scottish Premier League turned down Charles Green's bid to have Rangers' existing share in the organisation transferred to his newco for next season, with ten of the member clubs voting against the application. It is understood Green cast the only vote in favour, while Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston is believed to have abstained.

The SPL will now await the outcome of an SFL meeting next week when that organisation's 30 clubs will vote on a proposal to accept newco Rangers into the First Division in the new season ahead of an amalgamation of the league governing bodies from 2013-14.

There is considerable opposition and resistance to the plan among SFL clubs and their supporters with many believing Rangers should have to apply for entry to the Third Division in the wake of their spectacular financial collapse.

But Regan bluntly asserted that Scottish football simply cannot afford to have Rangers outwith the top two tiers of the league structure, with his argument not confined to the commercial impact their absence would have.

"Without Rangers, there is social unrest and a big problem for Scottish society," claimed Regan. "They have a huge fan base and to contemplate the situation where those fans don't have a team to support, where those fans are effectively left without a game to follow, I just think that could lead to all sorts of issues, all sorts of problems for the game.

"Tribalism in football is really important. It is part of the game. People follow their clubs with pride, it is passed down from generation to generation. There are thousands of Rangers fans whose fathers and parents and grandfathers have been Rangers fans. You can't contemplate a situation without that and if Rangers weren't to exist that could have real dire consequences.

"There is a lot of emotion around this subject because Rangers are a huge institution in Scottish football history and they are where they are. Their fans have been hurt, they don't know what's happening. There hasn't been a great deal of leadership at the club and there hasn't been a huge amount of communication from the football authorities.

"The SPL have now decided that Rangers won't be coming back into the SPL. From our perspective it's important we set out the landscape because there is only one solution for the game now.

"The only solution for the game now is that Rangers come into the Scottish Football League and they come into it in the First Division. If Rangers were to go anywhere other than the First Division, then there would something in the region of £15.7 million worth of losses to the game.

"For the bigger clubs at the top of the league, that's half their annual distributions. For clubs at the bottom it is basically wiping out their entire distributions, for some of the smaller clubs it's a huge proportion of their annual turnover.

"The same will be true for most clubs. Perhaps clubs could survive for a short period of time but it's not sustainable. Even if Rangers end up in the First Division, there is still going to be a £5 million loss of income to the SPL clubs. The game is not sustainable so there would be a slow lingering death for the game in Scotland. It would then trickle down to the SFL. From our perspective as the governing body and we cannot allow that to happen.

"If we allowed that to happen, it would simply be a dereliction of duty. Therefore, this whole decision-making process has been one of the most challenging and complex decisions that I have ever been involved in in 27 years of business as sport.

"Some clubs in the SFL are afraid of the implications of the decisions. There is the moral argument, the fear of a fans' backlash and there are financial implications to consider. But when we look at the alternative, it is not possible to think about it without thinking of the game withering on the vine. We cannot contemplate that and the message has to be that Division One for Rangers is the only show in town as far as the future of Scottish football is concerned."

Regan admits the influence of television contracts, which are largely predicated on the presence of Celtic and Rangers in the Scottish game, are the biggest single factor in his determination to ensure the Ibrox club drop no lower than the First Division. "We have had dialogue with the broadcasters," he added, "and we understand what the various stakeholders from Sky television, ESPN, Sport Five and a number of the SPL's other commercial partners are likely to do in the event Rangers are not in either of the top two tiers. It's not pretty. That's why we cannot sit back and let that happen without trying to get all parties to accept this is the only solution which can keep the game afloat.

"Without Old Firm games, the value drops, the overseas deals are almost exclusively about the Old Firm derby and that would go immediately. Then you look at the rest of the game and what it is worth. It is fair to say the broadcasters would live with a year without Rangers in the SPL, because it could be a fantastic story for them, which is why I think First Division rights will be an interest as people will want to see how this club is going to bounce back."

Regan conceded, however, that there can be no guarantee a financially weakened Rangers will climb back to the top flight at the first attempt. "If Rangers don't get promoted, then the game has got another year to suffer with the financial consequences that brings," he said. "I can't predict what will happen, because Rangers at the moment are a weakened team because of everything that has gone on.

"They are a newco at the moment, they have got very few players on their books. They are going to be entering the SFL in whatever division with a weakened team and I don't think it's by any means certain they are going to come back in the way they or their fans might like them to recover.

"It's going to be a slow recovery to get back to the football fitness they have shown in the past. So we can't look into the future and say 'what if they don't operate in a certain way?'. We can only look at building the foundations, to change the game for the better and provide an infrastructure that can bring financial certainty to the other 41 clubs."

Regan confirmed that sanctions will apply to newco Rangers in the First Division and also made it clear the formation of an SPL2 will be pursued in order to accommodate the Ibrox club if they are rejected by the SFL next week. "The SFA have to transfer Rangers' membership from oldco to newco," he said. "That can be done with any conditions attached to it that the SFA board deem fit. We would expect a newco to carry some of the sanctions which would have related to the club had it still been in the previous incarnation. The membership cannot be transferred on financial grounds alone. It has to have a degree of sporting integrity and that means sporting sanctions."

Hey thanks Florrie.

You've given Bennett the information he hadn't got round to locating for himself as he'd said he would.

He'll now be able to hold his hands up and withdraw the suggestion that I'd departed from the facts in highlighting Regan's role in trying to influence the SFL vote.

He'll probably want to thank you, himself.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Oh apparently Mikes a great guy.NEWCASTLE owner Mike Ashley has told Rangers fans that he is the man to save the crisis torn Ibrox club.Ashley who still insists he is staying put at St. James' Park – at least until the end of next season – is loaning the fallen Scottish giants £3 million to ease a critical cash flow shortage.He already owns 8.29 per cent of Rangers shares and has bought the naming rights to the stadium.Under a Scottish FA agreement he is not allowed to go beyond a 10 per cent holding unless he sells Newcastle.But he is still anxious to secure Rangers' future with a source close to Sports Direct supremo revealing: "Mike genuinely believes that he is the only man who has the financial clout, business expertise and knowledge of running a top football club like Newcastle United who can save Rangers."He is not happy that all the in-fighting is destroying the club and consequently he is prepared to give Rangers his immediate financial help and also give them the benefit of his world wide business acumen."Yes he will want his own people in the Ibrox boardroom but that is only to be expected."And let's not forget what Mike Ashley has done for Newcastle United. Yes there has been some criticism from the Newcastle fans but when he took over the club was spiralling out of control."Now he has won admiration from owners of other clubs throughout the world for the way he has pulled Newcastle round and put them on a sound financial footing. Newcastle United do not own a penny to anyone."And when Newcastle were relegated and some people expected him to walk away he stayed and got them get back into the Premier League."Now he not only wants Rangers to go head to head with Celtic again but also get back into their rightful place in the Champions League."

This Ashley boy isn't daft.

A source close to him mentions Celtic and the Champions' League in a statement.

If he could just pronounce on how acceptable or otherwise he'd regard 3-1 defeats to Hibs or Aberdeen, the Ashley lad might just have a chance.

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What the people who repeatedly rip into Gers need to realise is would you like your club to suffer in this way?

Lloyds Bank were the catalysts for this mess imo.

Of course I wouldn't like to see my club suffer in this way. Had it already been liquidated, re-born, driven absurdly recklessly from the outset and now had its future safeguarded however, I think I'd accept it.

Mind you, my support of my club isn't reliant on the hoovering up of trophies.

To blame Lloyds is absurd. Murray spent recklessly at the behest of fans. Lloyds were justified in wanting their money back as times and circumstances changed.

Murray borrowed and spent way beyond the club's already considerable means.

Murray took the club into the EBT scheme.

Murray sold up to Whyte, so he could scuttle away.

Blame Lloyds if it's simpler though.

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Let the stripping commence

Credit Facility of £2 million

Withdrawal of requisition for general meeting

The Board is pleased to announce that the Company's subsidiary, The Rangers Football Club Limited ("RFCL") has entered into a credit facility agreement with MASH Holdings Limited ("MASH") pursuant to which MASH shall make available the sum of £2 million for drawdown by the Company (the "Facility"). MASH is a shareholder in the Company holding 8.92% of the voting rights in the Company. The Facility shall be secured by standard security granted by the Company over Edmiston House and Albion car park. The Facility shall be for a 6 month term and is interest free. The Facility will be used by the Company for general working capital purposes. Under the terms of the Facility MASH has the right to appoint up to 2 directors on the board of directors of RFCL.

Further to the announcement made on 8 October 2014, the Company has entered into a letter agreement with MASH (the "Withdrawal Letter") pursuant to which the Company has invited MASH to put forward the names of 2 nominees of its choice for appointment to the Board, such appointments being subject to all necessary regulatory approvals being successfully completed for such persons nominated by MASH. In addition, the Company confirms that MASH has agreed the immediate withdrawal, by virtue of the Withdrawal Letter, of the notice served by MASH on the Company on 7 October 2014 requiring the Company to convene a general meeting of the Shareholders of the Company to put resolutions to such Shareholders for the removal of Mr Graham Wallace and Mr Philip Nash as directors of the Company

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The serial sycophantic trolling of Gers, is as pathetic as the current state of Gers.

Ashley is only in it for himself as always. Either Easdale I wouldn't trust with a cat, whether they are proxies for Green, White's dad or whoever they are bad news. The board is a car crash who are too busy lining their own pockets and depleting the resources at an alarming rate. Why cant all fan groups get together and raise a vote of no confidence in the board? The amount of different factions of fans groups are diluting their potential impact.

Before I go on I would like to make it clear I deplore bigotry in any form, religion is farce imo, and have supported Gers for over 25 years.

If Ashley and his cohorts move in, it will me the last straw for me. We need a total overhaul of the current board, and only administration will bring that, as the current board are too busy stripping Gers for their own needs.

What the people who repeatedly rip into Gers need to realise is would you like your club to suffer in this way?

Lloyds Bank were the catalysts for this mess imo.

Thank you or guarding those far away Walls for 25 years and keeping them safe.

All of you condone bigotry.

The majority say it;s a minority.

The majority do nothing.


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This Ashley boy isn't daft. A source close to him mentions Celtic and the Champions' League in a statement. If he could just pronounce on how acceptable or otherwise he'd regard 3-1 defeats to Hibs or Aberdeen, the Ashley lad might just have a chance.

That is a Jack Irvine statement

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