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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ok so Youngsy, I can't see a reply, so you've chosen to ignore my, not setting up RFFFF to fund Whyte's company running your club option?

How about, and open your mind real fuckin wide, when liquidation kicked in, and Green came along to rape you all some more, to a man, you said... Hang on a minute, something stinks here, we're in liquidation, how can this be? No mr green we won't follow your fairy tale, you're getting nothing from us, because never before has a club survived liquidation. This smells fishy and looks like you are just out to take our money off us.

Inagine, for a second, the reaction having the whole of Scottish football behind you, supporting the rangers fans for taking a stand. Against green, against the governing bodies.

That would have been the end of it, 50000 rangers fans, proud of their history, but surely more pride in walking away from that with honour and not being fleeced.

What did your clubs fans do?

Opened your wallets and boasted about how you'd given more to a share issue than what Celtic fans had to theirs.

As a fan base, you will forgive me for not having one ounce of sympathy for any of you. It was all bout bragging rights. Nothing else. Your lives are consumed by them. King knows it, Whyte knew it, Green knew it. And they played every one of you like a fiddle. You gullible b*****ds.

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So the banks man Muir (I want to know about every paper clip) was a long time associate of Grier, one of the 4 who has just been arrested, how deep does this shit go? going to be an interesting few months / years before this all comes out.

Obviously further than Whyte and the 4 who were in court today, it'll be very interesting to see who else has been involved in this.

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What the fucking hell is Oo my go, oh my go? :lol: There is nothing any football support could have done against a criminal conspiracy such as this.



Oh you Sevconians, how soon you ahem.... make up some revisionist pysh forget, don't you even remember the "We deserve better" stuff about the old club.

Ra-DeadRangers fans were threatening Lloyds way back in 2009, a long time before Nookie even appeared.

How to win friends and influence people :)

Remember Sevconians when in doubt, don't ask questions, don't attempt anything positive, just BOYCOTT!



Edited by aDONisSheep
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Tom English is nothing but a fence sitter, he reminds me a lot of a certain bumpkin Queens of the South supporter.

His main problem is that he tends to be swayed by the twitter/blogging/who can shout the loudest crowd.

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Questions were asked by many, the support groups asked plenty at meetings they had but no matter how many questions were asked, irrespective of the answers, this fraudulent activity was already in place and was gathering momentum, the support could do nothing about it, not unless we were all fucking working undercover for the Serious Fraud Office. This was a serious fraud so do you seriously think that any football support, Rangers or otherwise could have stopped it. Behave yourself ffs and accept the full reality of it all.

What questions were asked? When are we getting an orange top? Can we sign Novo?

Craig Whyte was swept up the marble staircase on a wave of love from the Rangers fans in an display of mindless deference that did nothing to aid their cause. And how did the fans respond when confronted with evidence of his character from the BBC? "Biased Bigoted Corrupt", "SINK US AND WE'LL SINK YOU".The administrators making only minimal cuts and savings was barely questioned, if not actively encouraged.Charles Green was lapped up after he pushed a few buttons and performed a couple of tricks. You seem to think it's news that these guys are bunch of crooks?

Maybe the if the fans had behaved more sensibly, and they definitely could have, it wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference. I'll guess we'll never know, but it certainly couldn't have made things any worse.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Questions were asked and those who did ask were ridiculed by a large section of the media. (How can the court appointed administrators possibly be crooked - G Spiers)

Tom English especially let himself down very badly.

I believe you if you say you were questioning things at the time Benny, but this does seem to be quite an uncommon view from the support in general. But tbf you were also questioning Charlie whilst others lapped him up.

I'm not a huge a fan of English either.

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What questions were asked? When are we getting an orange top? Can we sign Novo?

Craig Whyte was swept up the marble staircase on a wave of love from the Rangers fans in an display of mindless deference that did nothing to aid their cause. And how did the fans respond when confronted with evidence of his character from the BBC? "Biased Bigoted Corrupt", "SINK US AND WE'LL SINK YOU".The administrators making only minimal cuts and savings was barely questioned, if not actively encouraged.Charles Green was lapped up after he pushed a few buttons and performed a couple of tricks. You seem to think it's news that these guys are bunch of crooks?

Maybe the if the fans had behaved more sensibly, and they definitely could have, it wouldn't have a blind bit of difference. I'll guess we'll never know, but it certainly couldn't have made things any worse.

In fairness, I'm pretty sure they asked " what school did you go to" as well.

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Yes if the fans had behaved differently that would have stopped D&P in their tracks.....

Probably not.

I'm just pondering the thought that perhaps if most of the support had behaved a bit more like yourself over the last couple of years and been a bit more circumspect and sensible things might not have gotten so bad so quickly.

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Ok so Youngsy, I can't see a reply, so you've chosen to ignore my, not setting up RFFFF to fund Whyte's company running your club option?

How about, and open your mind real fuckin wide, when liquidation kicked in, and Green came along to rape you all some more, to a man, you said... Hang on a minute, something stinks here, we're in liquidation, how can this be? No mr green we won't follow your fairy tale, you're getting nothing from us, because never before has a club survived liquidation. This smells fishy and looks like you are just out to take our money off us.

Inagine, for a second, the reaction having the whole of Scottish football behind you, supporting the rangers fans for taking a stand. Against green, against the governing bodies.

That would have been the end of it, 50000 rangers fans, proud of their history, but surely more pride in walking away from that with honour and not being fleeced.

What did your clubs fans do?

Opened your wallets and boasted about how you'd given more to a share issue than what Celtic fans had to theirs.

As a fan base, you will forgive me for not having one ounce of sympathy for any of you. It was all bout bragging rights. Nothing else. You. King knows it, Whyte knew it, Green knew it. And they played every one of you like a fiddle. You gullible b*****ds.

First of all i've not chosen to ignore anything, i simply didn't see it.

Secondly, the RFFF was not set up for anything to do with Whyte, it was set specifically to argue against or for any legal disputes that the support may or may not have had after admin, however some of the funds would have been made available for the short term running of the club, no argument there.

As to Green coming in post liquidation, we have a club that had came through it's darkest hour, save 1971 i should say, of course the support are going to back the club under that situation, however the question that was asked was exactly what could the support have done regarding the fact that this club was being pulled apart by fraudsters and had been from the first day of admin.

The Rangers support did not have a chance to have any say over the running of the club, that was cut and dried way back in February 2012. The part in bold i've highlighted. i won't even respond with a relevant answer, suffice to say, please do me a favour, ffs. Nice bit of re-visiting the pasdt there but try and deal with the here and now and acknowledge that there has been a massive fraud committed, something that should be condemned by all, although i doubt if that will happen by the majority on this forum.

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Questions were asked by many, the support groups asked plenty at meetings they had but no matter how many questions were asked, irrespective of the answers, this fraudulent activity was already in place and was gathering momentum, the support could do nothing about it, not unless we were all fucking working undercover for the Serious Fraud Office. This was a serious fraud so do you seriously think that any football support, Rangers or otherwise could have stopped it. Behave yourself ffs and accept the full reality of it all.

When questions were being raised by those not in thrall to the dream of TIAR or even winning that big cup - well over a decade ago - the only questions rangers fans were asking were "who's signing next" and "how many more titles than thame huv we got".

2012 was way too late, and that's what really leads you to the core of your denial - every last one of you looked at the shinies, and trusted the men in the big hoose.By the time you realised rangers were screwed, it was Mission Accomplished for the man who sacrificed your club to save his empire.It was Job Done for the flim flam artist. And lastly, it was Open Season for the Yorkshire man with big hands to activate the chateau acquisition program.

Why oh why did nobody warn them?

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