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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Youngsy, you admit yourself that RFFFF funds were used to support Whyte's company running the club.

I'll state again. The one thing you as a fan base should have done the minute liquidation was announced. Or at least a week later when the press started the new company line Green fed them.., was to say no.

Walked away with your head held high, we gave it our best shot, 50 plus titles, no mean feet, but this c**t is taking us for a ride, even the diddies are telling us!!!

Walk away and start again, contact those rangers men who couldn't get their foot through duff & phelps door, and ask them to lead you under a new banner.

Imagine in 140 years if you had done that? That would have been history right there! Honour, stuff those famous forefathers would have been proud of.

But no! You lived in the now, it's all about the now and getting it up Celtic, consumed by hatred for a football club, your fans couldn't let go, and these fraudsters knew it. Why else did they get involved? I mean god knows football is full of "crime". directors pulling off back handers at every turn.

But this? I mean how did they get away with it for so long? Because you all fed them? You parted with every last penny!

Season tickets, strips, pies, shares, you name it, anything to keep those 5 stars on the jersey.

And for what?

Really for what? It's a football team. We all provide for our families, we all find work where we can, we all love our family, our friends. But those 5 stars! They don't mean shit when push comes to shove.

A football team in Scotland win the league they play in 50 times. Great, congratulations.

But really? That's not what life's all about.

No matter how much you dismiss it. That's your answer to what we could have done...

Walked away.

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His comment 'Perth is not a football town' says all you need to know about him. He squirms like a baby whenever he is confronted on the shite he comes out with and the man is a walking, talking contradiction.

Speirs said that?

What a cretin.

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Just had a quick glance at this thread again.

So the new Peepul party line seems to be, "everybody knew it was a scam but there was nothing we could do about it" ?

Sorry morons but that's nonsense.

If everyone knew it was a scam why would you snap up season tickets & shares and generally throw wads of cash at conmen, every sevconian was warned from the start but refused to listen.

everyone who follows that comedy club is a gullible fool,

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Oh very good, the so called 'man of the people' has spoken. Again instead of posting absolute nonsense, let's hear what solution the Rangers support could have done to prevent this conspiracy, bearing in mind that football fans are just that; football fans who see one takeover from another as an ongoing part of the business.

Got to agree with WKR on this, and I've always took this position, IMO Rangers fans made it impossible for a real Rangers man to come to the rescue after Murray fcked the club up...it would have meant massive cost cutting, rookie players, etc etc That would have just not be acceptable to Rangers fans, look at some of the statements from Walter Smith, McCoist and others over the last few years paraphrased "Rangers are a big club and will behave like it" well they are not, that attitude caused them to die. They could not handle the truth and what was required to sort their club out

The subsequent need to ignore the laws of the land with the same club pish allowed Green and his friends to take the fans for absolute idiots and it's still going on.

The footballing authorities totally gave up any semblance of running the game in order to make sure that a team in blue played out of Ibrox, that allowed any fly by night operator to rub their hands and teh money to be made

The authorities and Rangers fans sense of entitlement allowed the dead Rangers team to morph into a disgraceful 24 hour party for spivs and conmen, it's sickening

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Triggers for this:

For every fiver they spend, we will spend a tenner.

Banking collapse removing soft touch bank who were heavily indebted to.

MIH being used to juggle money to make rangers seem viable.

MIH being up poop creek.

Whyte getting involved.

Ally getting horsed out of Europe twice.

Ally chucking away lead at top

Whyte withholding tax and ni in the hope ally didn't get horsed out of Europe.twice.

Whyte being allowed by the court to pick his own administrators against the will of HMRC.

D&P with their jingotastic administration milking more out the club before passing it to chuckles.

Charlotte fakes telling all its not what it seems

Share issues and loans and mercenary footballers wages.

Ally being horsed out of all cup competitions.

Magic director merry-go-round.

BDO Investigation

There's other things I have missed but alot of that is why the two versions of rangers are where they are.

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I like this idea that the non-Rangers fans are showing a despicable failure of solidarity with The Victims, especially the calls to CONDEMN! Whytey & Co, as if the man's criminal dodginess had ever been in doubt around these parts.

If the rest of us were to act anything at all like the blue horde have in the last ten years, we'd all be angrily shouting about how fraudulent schemes aren't actually all that fraudulent, if you look at them with your eyes a bit screwed up, and claiming that Whyte is the real victim of a vast conspiracy of Rangers-minded state officials and football authorities.

We'd be researching complex tax dodges to explain how the Ticketus loan wasn't technically a loan, because it was never supposed to be paid back. We'd be showing the red card to investigation.

We'd be calling for boycotts and disinvestment to damage the Newco as badly as possible; picketing Police Scotland; marching on the SFO and Crown Office; launching investigations demanding to know who are these people; bombarding any journalist who dared to express sympathy with abusive emails and demands that they be fired.

I'm all for solidarity with people who have been defrauded by wealthy shysters but seriously, the Rangers fans have shat the bed so badly, so many times and with such determination that there's very little public sympathy left.

Had a decent number of Rangers fans or supporters groups spent any serious time in the last two and a half years e.g. organising against Whyte & Co and hammering football/justice organisations with calls to investigate his criminality, most folk would agree you'd been hard done by. A good number of people wouldn't, being dicks, but most would.

But Rangers fans didn't do that. Instead, insofar as they've organised, it's been to think up creative ways to damage the rest of Scottish football as badly as possible, while furiously insisting that the club barely put a foot wrong in the last decade.

So you know, thanks for the invitation to respect your hurt feelings, and all. I'll bear it in mind, if you'll pardon the pun.

Edited by flyingrodent
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What the fucking hell is Oo my go, oh my go? :lol: There is nothing any football support could have done against a criminal conspiracy such as this.



So, the club was so deep in debt that only a shyster was willing to bid for it. And, if said shyster hadn't offered that pound, the club would have gone bust a year earlier than it did?

Is that a fair summary?

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Whilst I hope Whyte and his pals get some jail time, my condemnation of this massive fraud and the people who made it possible is balanced by the fact that most Ragers fans seem perfectly content and indeed proud of the biggest disgrace in Scottish football. Decades of defrauding the game from the Discount Option Scheme to EBT's, some of the highest earning people in the country not paying any tax, resulting in what amounted to an enormous and unconscionable theft from the public purse.

No such bile and spite for this crime, oh-no "it's we turned over ra taxman and were found innocent".

Excuse me if I find sympathy hard to come by for folk who don't mind stealing from the entire country but get right up on their high-horse when it's just their own clumpany who are ra victims.

And don't forget if you ever want to know what a support should have done in the face of over-whelming financial difficulties, have a wee look at Hearts. It must really rip your knitting to see a club who were in, in many ways, even worse financial trouble that deadclub, doing so well and putting out such a positive message. Jealousy is a stinky cologne bears and I know it must be hard to look at yourselves (gies me the bauk too) but perhaps if you had tried, just put in a smidgen of effort beyond threatening clowns and wanting to burn down Starks Park, things could be very different.

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I'm still convinced that after his financial mismanagement of the Club & MIH, combined with the Banking crisis SDM desperately tried to find a buyer for Rangers to no avail. Despite his public soundbytes I think he was convinced they'd lose the BTC and brought in Whyte with his "distressed Companies" expertese to carry out the rebirth of Rangers.......what we've seen over the last 2+ years is just various parties getting their money back for doing the dirty deed of liquidating the old Rangers.

Given how desperately the SPL/Doncaster/Regan & certain media outlets acted in trying to have the Newco expedited into the top league I wouldn't be surprised if there was some contrition at these levels too.

Edited by sjc
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They got the wrong Mr Green at the reins....


I still get a pleasant inner glow that the great Glasgow Rangers were utterly destroyed by Green and Whyte.

It was pointed out to me by a celtic supporting acquaintance that we have been shafted by Green and Whyte and our now controlled by a Mick.

It made him laugh anyway :(

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And in the news filtered for Rangers fans Barack Obama has been reelected and unfortunately Nelson Mandela is no longer with us.

Any word on the Titanic

...that's amost a suitable wosname, innit...thingy...metaphor

Edited by EdTheDuck
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Ok so Youngsy, I can't see a reply, so you've chosen to ignore my, not setting up RFFFF to fund Whyte's company running your club option?

How about, and open your mind real fuckin wide, when liquidation kicked in, and Green came along to rape you all some more, to a man, you said... Hang on a minute, something stinks here, we're in liquidation, how can this be? No mr green we won't follow your fairy tale, you're getting nothing from us, because never before has a club survived liquidation. This smells fishy and looks like you are just out to take our money off us.

Inagine, for a second, the reaction having the whole of Scottish football behind you, supporting the rangers fans for taking a stand. Against green, against the governing bodies.

That would have been the end of it, 50000 rangers fans, proud of their history, but surely more pride in walking away from that with honour and not being fleeced.

What did your clubs fans do?

Opened your wallets and boasted about how you'd given more to a share issue than what Celtic fans had to theirs.

As a fan base, you will forgive me for not having one ounce of sympathy for any of you. It was all bout bragging rights. Nothing else. Your lives are consumed by them. King knows it, Whyte knew it, Green knew it. And they played every one of you like a fiddle. You gullible b*****ds.

Aye indeed !

F*CKEM !!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:THE NEWCUNTO F.C. SUPPORTERS :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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It's amazing how you read posts and create a mental picture, I had this picture in my head that for the last two or three years the rangers fans on here have generally slated every word a blogger has committed to print, argued black is white with every P or D and generally trolled or disrupted any meaningful conversation through personal insults verging on stalking.

It turns out they were actually agreeing with everything that was said... Well, if you believe what they've posted over the last 48 hours.

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