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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Imagine the pain of spending a five figure sum on shares and debentures in your club. Only to be told years later that in order to keep the dream alive, you had actually invested in a company who was running your club. That the club infact wasn't the plc, And you'd lost the lot.

Make you feel pretty stupid, eh?

But, enough to wish cancer on some one?

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One can only imagine the hatred and vile thoughts Youngsy has towards McCoist, who basically opened the door and threw petals over Whyte as he walked up the marble staircase. Before running back down and out the front door to do Whytes bidding for him.

I'd be surprised if he gets a chance to vent his feelings on that one, now that Tedi and bennett - moral guardians and at least one admitted clipe - are around to condemn his statement about Whyte contracting cancer. They'll surely be agitating for a ban?

Oh, hang on a minute. I forgot, didn't I?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Bit of a waste of time, Vicky, considering

a. I almost immediately modified that statement in reply to several posters, and

b. It's a fair old distance from that to wishing cancer on someone.

Wee clue: the words "getting close to".

Any chance of you condemning one of the sleuth, then? Or is it going to be another episode of failed whataboutery from you?

You really are a pathetic, spineless little shitebag.

Edit - auto reckons airbag is accurate. I don't.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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You really are a scumbag.Wishing cancer on anyone is really the lowest of the low. It is a fucking football club, nothing else.

Posts like this really piss me off. I agree the cancer comment was way too far. I think he should edit the post and leave it at that.

Youngsy is one of the best Rangers posters on P&B if not THE best..i know damned by faint praise :P ..There was a Kilmarnock poster who came away with one of the most sickening posts i have read on here about 'a c**t with cancer' when talking about the late great Sandy Jardine and sorry if i am doing you a disservice here but i don't recall you clambering to be one of the first on here to condemn him.

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^ ^ ^ ^


Fuxake Benny don't hold back posting mince.

The club is not a victim, the club is the villain here.

If this were Celtic in the dock you'd be frothing at the mouth to have what the club won during the EBT era to be expunged or handed back to the runners up and you would most certainly not be claiming that Celtic the club was the victim so fcuk off with your sob story. Also you'd be screaming for every punitive measure available to be thrown at the club and not who ran it.

Another one who missed the two EBT rulings, Rangers were cleared plain and simple. I know that Scottish football fans and pundits jumped the gun and believed everything that a discredited blogger told them but the truth is they were wrong.

They were also wrong to brand Rangers as being guilty and they were wrong to demand that the Rangers be punished for being the victims of fraud.

Maybe you should show a little contrition and humility.

If it was celtic in trouble i'd have the odd wee joke but i sure as hell would not act in the same manner that Scottish football fans have towards us.

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Posts like this really piss me off. I agree the cancer comment was way too far. I think he should edit the post and leave it at that.

Youngsy is one of the best Rangers posters on P&B if not THE best..i know damned by faint praise :P ..There was a Kilmarnock poster who came away with one of the most sickening posts i have read on here about 'a c**t with cancer' when talking about the late great Sandy Jardine and sorry if i am doing you a disservice here but i don't recall you clambering to be one of the first on here to condemn him.

If that was one of the most sickening, where would you rank Youngsys?

Bear in mind he under no circumstances will edit it.

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Yep they were.

According to these unaudited accounts (http://scotslawthoughts.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/unaudited-accounts-to-june-2011-rangers-football-club-plc.docx), Rangers showed a pre-tax profit of £76,000 to June 2011 (top of page 2). I suppose it is a profit. But then there's this pesky little thing called... tax.

I love the way the Taxation entry at the bottom of page 1 is blank for both 2010 and 2011. Any accountancy experts know why that might be?

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Posts like this really piss me off. I agree the cancer comment was way too far. I think he should edit the post and leave it at that.

Youngsy is one of the best Rangers posters on P&B if not THE best..i know damned by faint praise :P ..There was a Kilmarnock poster who came away with one of the most sickening posts i have read on here about 'a c**t with cancer' when talking about the late great Sandy Jardine and sorry if i am doing you a disservice here but i don't recall you clambering to be one of the first on here to condemn him.

Quite possibly because i never wished the cancer upon Jardine - who many would agree had been acting like a cúnt since the saga began. Strangely enough the only people to carry on bringing this up are members of the sleuth. The closest I've come to wishing harm on an individual was in relation to my own clubs chairman - a post that the cellar dweller has helpfully resurrected for your delectation. So stick your fake offence up your arse, while accepting a wee bit of respect for having been the only rangers poster to pull youngsy for his poison.

This isn't the first time that a rangers poster has wished long and painful suffering on someone on this thread - I've got a feeling youngsy and Whyte have been the principals before. No doubt someone with more spare time could find out - Vicky seems quite willing to go back a couple of years to make a point...

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Never mind Vicky, you tried your best and were found wanting yet again.

Any comment on youngsy's comment, then?

You know, the one made considerably less than a year ago?


Fair enough. Your silence is more than enough of an answer. Living up to your usual values as the scumbag's scumbag..

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