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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I thought Phil said that he never took his pay cut and was on 800k?

How does his salary rise from £800k to £750k? :unsure2:

Excellent work, Tedi. We should have known this was all about Phil.

Silly us for thinking it was about another "rangers man" butt-fucking the club he claims to love, eh?

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you know, it wouldn't surprise me and i've mentioned this before that disgruntled football supporters of the club should form their own football club like manchester utd and wimbledon supporters did.

You're not the only one to introduce this idea, but I honestly think there's more chance of Sally getting the manager's job at celtic than the rangers support getting sufficiently organised to pull that one off.

Besides, I've never met a rangers fan who would ever support anything but a club they could claim, however spuriously, to be the biggest, bestest, most supported club in the whole wide world. That is, after all, the most common reason for people to support "big" clubs.

Pretty difficult to come the Billy Big Baws from the depths of the Juniors, I would have thought.

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Besides, I've never met a rangers fan who would ever support anything but a club they could claim, however spuriously, to be the biggest, bestest, most supported club in the whole wide world. That is, after all, the most common reason for people to support "big" clubs.

My brother worked with a guy who would often been seen sporting a Rangers top. He once asked him:

"Did you watch the game on Saturday?"

His reply was "No. I don't like football."

"But you're wearing a Rangers top."

"Aye, I hate football but I still support Rangers."


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It wasn't just Phil though

If only it was just Phil...

And your point is?

All you've done there is point out that I have a habit of questioning fools who believe whatever they want to hear without question. Everyone will be proved right at times, and wrong at others. The difference is some like to hear the whole story, and not just one side.

Which particular example of the Horde was I talking about in this instance, Tedi? ;)

For example, some might believe this.

While others may require confirmation.

And oh, look - the post of mine falls nicely between the dates of those two stories. Swing and a miss, Little Grasp.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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My brother worked with a guy who would often been seen sporting a Rangers top. He once asked him:

"Did you watch the game on Saturday?"

His reply was "No. I don't like football."

"But you're wearing a Rangers top."

"Aye, I hate football but I still support Rangers."


He'd be enjoying what they're serving up nowadays, then.

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I'm possibly missing something, but can a company formed in 2012 be bound by a contract dated 2010 to which it wasn't a party? Is this to do with TUPE?

Ally's old contract would have become null and void as the club it was agreed with had ceased to exist. It obviously suited the new club to offer him similar (or better) terms - given the stand-up job he's done of pushing Season Tickets and endorsing every jackal to slink up the marble staircase, I reckon they've got pretty good value.

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it won't be the juniors they are not part of the pyramid it would be the lowland league which would this time allow the club to grow properly hypothetically free range happy club that can run around, instead of the intensively reared overgrown-for-its-age club that is top heavy and who's legs are to weak too support itself.

It would be whoever would take them, really. Most leagues, at whatever level, would want to be satisfied that a club could, at minimum, fulfil its fixtures. As I would assume this lot would want the "R" word somewhere in their name, alarm bells might start ringing.

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If a Sevco MK II has to start again in the Lowland League I think I will die of laughter.

If that happens much of Scotland is going to look like Midwich, with so many people passing out unexpectedly.

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If a Sevco MK II has to start again in the Lowland League I think I will die of laughter.

I am already in training so I can maintain a solid riverdance tempo on top of their second grave while simultaneously laughing as hard as I did the first time I saw that youtube clip of a sealion shouting like a man.

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"His service contract dated 28 December 2010, which was subsequently amended, has a 12 month notice period ("Notice Period").

That certainly reads like the same contract to me.


"reads like the same contract"

Dear God almighty, Tedi. You should maybe go back to bed for a bit. You're all over the fucking place today. :lol:

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Certainly not 'null and void' You're all over the fucking place today. :lol:

OK, bright spark, who is the contract with? McCoist and which other party?

You may want to start the PM rallying call here, btw. Because basically your options are a. He got a new contract, or b. He wasn't employed by the same people as employed Naismith, McGregor, Davis, etc.

In other words your options are:

a. Tedi's fúcked up...again, or

b. Somehow, when everybody and his dug were employed by the company, Fat Boy had a special arrangement with the club. Which, with all the financial issues being the company's concern (according to the peepul's manifesto (mkII edition)), begs the question, where was his salary coming from pre-liquidation.

In your own time, little fella. Oh, and you may find these lads handy. The shovel might not be up to the job today.

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I will let you know next time I see the contract, meanwhile I guess we will just have to stick with the announcement to the stock exchange....same contract

Normans fucked up again, put the JCB down.

"same contract"? Not seeing those words in the announcement, little fella. Try reading it again, and ask yourself why they felt it necessary to put the date in there? Maybe to give the impression to the hard of thinking that he's had the same contract since 2010? When the company he signed alongside went tits up just over a year later? How is he getting paid, then?

I think you'll find that "subsequently amended" means, at the very least, the new company name replacing the old one and, now this is just a wee bit important, a different signature from a representative of the new company.

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Brown - Rangers has cancer in it
  • Last Updated: December 15 2014, 12:49 GMT
Former Rangers defender John Brown has warned the Ibrox support that the club's woes will not end with Ally McCoist's resignation.

John Brown: Spoken in favour of McCoist

The Light Blues' board finally confirmed that McCoist had given 12 months' notice of his intention to quit on Monday morning after a weekend of speculation.

The club issued a 7am statement to the London Stock Exchange in which they said they now planned to hold talks with McCoist. They also confirmed the manager's salary would rise to £750,000 for his final year of employment.

Reports over the weekend suggested the 52-year-old was quitting in a bid to shift the focus away from his performance as boss and back on to the way the Glasgow giants are being run.

But Brown - who was in the same Gers team as McCoist which won nine successive titles - insists Rangers will continue to suffer so long as the likes of Sandy Easdale and Mike Ashley are calling the shots behind the scenes.

The former Dundee boss told Press Association Sport: "Ally McCoist has given fans so many happy memories over the seasons as a player and in the recent times where he has given them back-to-back promotions.

"He's had to put up with so much. He's had no support. The Easdales and others should hold their heads in shame.

"But I honestly couldn't care what the fans are thinking about performances. Their club has a cancer in it and it needs to get cut out.

"People need to wise up. Changing the manager is not going to change the situation. Until the Rangers fans realise that, their club is going to be in a sorry, sorry position."

Some of the financial figures since the club was reformed in 2012 have been astonishing.

It was announced earlier this year that almost £70million had been spent in the first two years following the club's liquidation meltdown. This year's accounts, released last month, show another £8.3million loss and that the club requires a similar sum just to survive until the end of the financial year.

Newcastle owner Mike Ashley - who also holds a nine per cent stake in the Light Blues - has given the club a £3million loan but Brown is alarmed at the way the money is being spent.

This year's accounts show that former chief executive Graham Wallace earned £378,000 from the day he joined the company on November 20, 2013, until the end of June, almost half of which was a bonus. Wallace also earned a £100,000 pay-off when he quit in October.

Former finance director Brian Stockbridge, who left halfway through the season, earned £218,000. The club also stated that Stockbridge earned a £216,000 severance package.

Another former chief executive, Craig Mather, received a £350,000 severance deal while ex-director Philip Nash made £131,412 in consultancy fees in the first six months of this year.

Meanwhile, around 10 backroom employees were made redundant last month.

Brown said: "Ashley has upped his shareholding in recent weeks and brought people in. But then we have seen people with a long service at Rangers, 40 years and more, being shown the door.

"All the players know who these folk are - they were part of the family. So when you see that happening so know that things are ultimately just going to end in tears again.

"It's soul-destroying. These folk who have left were not on big money but you have got so many people in the boardroom looking after their pals and handing out golden handshakes. It's disgusting."

Does this mean we can't take the piss now?!? Cancer is no laughing matter.

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..But then we have seen people with a long service at Rangers, 40 years and more, being shown the door.

"All the players know who these folk are - they were part of the family. So when you see that happening so know that things are ultimately just going to end in tears again.

"It's soul-destroying. These folk who have left were not on big money but you have got so many people in the boardroom looking after their pals and handing out golden handshakes. It's disgusting."


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