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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As if you have never made any errors ... pot and kettle spring to mind for some reason .. :lol: :lol:

Not the point DhensyBhoy. For sure I have made hunners of gaffes. It is perfectly normal to make typos and small errors.

However, if you want to call folk for their "ignorance and stupidity" then get it fucking right or you appear to be a cretin.

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Not the point DhensyBhoy. For sure I have made hunners of gaffes. It is perfectly normal to make typos and small errors.

However, if you want to call folk for their "ignorance and stupidity" then get it fucking right or you appear to be a cretin.

"Oh, wad some Power the giftie gie us..."


Oh, and call him Mr. Disingenuoune - he likes that. ;)

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^ ^ ^

Heads been blown up in the middle of a nuclear reactor type meltdown. :lol:

Couldn't even answer a simple yes or no question because you know you going to make a complete and utter cock socket out of yourself. :lol:

Also I did ask you not go into conspiracy theories are us mode and you went right into it, is that a picture of you Tedi ?, the way you have handled a simple question posed to you certainly completes the image I have of you right now. :lol:

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No it was an embargo for exactly 1 year, you really need to think first then think again and then after you've thought about it for a 3rd time - press the post button.

:lol: Advice from Benny about thinking before posting ? :lol: You couldn't make this up ffs and just gets even more bizarre because Benny was probably serious as fcuk when he posted that ? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Benny did it cross your mind it may have been a deliberate error ?, I mean it isn't the first time I have deliberately posted the wrong word or number for a whoosh. :rolleyes:

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:lol: Advice from Benny about thinking before posting ? :lol: You couldn't make this up ffs and just gets even more bizarre because Benny was probably serious as fcuk when he posted that ? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Benny did it cross your mind it may have been a deliberate error ?, I mean it isn't the first time I have deliberately posted the wrong word or number for a whoosh. :rolleyes:

How can i possibly argue against such an excellent display of smilies.

Take it from me Spartans didn't apply because they didn't want their nice new clubhouse torched, nor bullets in the post.

Those kunts dine in hell, i doubt that our young rascals would bother them much.

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I am not, you are though.

Jeezos and ffs ?, I even posted the insolvency rule (circa 2009/2010) in a pic attached to one of my past posts from well over 18 months ago that clearly showed the associations ended a member clubs licence on receiving the liquidation order.

Here's the link to the associations handbook from 2009/2010 and in it under section 17 article 7 it gives a detailed outline that if clubs enter the liquidation phase in insolvency the clubs licence is terminated because the club itself and no mention of this mythical company is lawfully & legally being wound up.


To make you look even more stupid why don't you find that rule in the handbook circa 2011/2012, you won't find it chump because it was deleted and something else was put in place mentioning companies and no mention of the club. Coincidentally this was the season Rangers died, whod da thunk it eh ?, changed just in time to accommodate Rangers death.

There is no conspiracy theory you nugget, only the facts and they speak the truth of what went on and transpired later.

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Got any links for this conspiracy theory?

I mean you seem to be buying into it? you must have read about it somewhere....or is your source the QC?

Do you only form an opinion on something, if someone has written about it first?

Why must I have read about it somewhere first, to be able to acknowledge the SFA changed their rules, and in my opinion, with a specific club in mind?

You seem to be struggling to provide an alternative reason for them changing their rules.

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WOW ?, that was very adult and mature of you. You claim I am being a conspiracy theorist but post the sum of feck all to prove that I am, reply with full deflectors on and now the last bastion of a broken man ?, when all else has failed post a pathetic pic then stick you fingers in your ears and go "la la la I'm not listening la la la".

If all the members of P&B lived in a local community, you'd be the village idiot on a Thursday night giving Benny a night off. :1eye

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You seem to be struggling to provide an alternative reason for them changing their rules.

Why would I struggle with something that simply does not exist? That is the reason you are unable to read about it anywhere.

You acknowledge they changed their rules, but can't come up with a single reason why they would do that. The only reason so far provided, you describe as a conspiracy theory.


Imagine having the proof right infront of you that shows you are the same club, but to agree with it or use it, would mean you could no longer claim the SFA have it in for you.

Edited by dave.j
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Today's papers spent page after page, in publications across the entire UK from London to Aberdeen, laying out in precise and painstaking detail just how much of an appalling clusterfvck Rangers FC is.

And the best part is, it was all true - the board hate the manager, the players are clueless, the fans hate the board, there's no money to pay for anything and what little money there is, is being sucked up for non-football reasons immediately. The authorities hate the club because it won't pay the money that it's due, the club doesn't know if it's a club or a company, the manager hates the board and the fans are all disgusted by the manager's remorseless personal greed and are split on supporting either the manager or the board, and absolutely everyone in Scottish football knows that the club will go tits up without further Sugar Daddy intervention.

Speaking as a Celtic fan who went through the nineties with a very similar, although not as drastic, scenario playing out at my own club, I just want to say - Get It Right Up You.

Edit: Sorry, I revised this. I stupidly hit Post while the Mrs was distracting me.

Edited by flyingrodent
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Why would I struggle with something that simply does not exist? That is the reason you are unable to read about it anywhere.

What a fucking idiot :lol: , the rule changes are there for everyone to see and look at you numpty. You can clearly see the insolvency rule changes before during and after Rangers died. In fact I'll post a link to both versions so everyone else can see them.

The rules before Rangers got into financial soapy and had stood for over 135 years

2009/2010, page 19 article 17 section 7 http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/SFAPublications/SFAHandbook/09Articles.pdf

The rules that where in place when Rangers died and were less than 18 months old at the time,

2011/2012, page 38 article 14 section (g) this time instead of using the number 7 http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/SFAPublications/ScottishFApublications2011-12/Scottish%20FA%20Handbook.pdf

You will notice that rules through 1 to 6 in the 2009/2010 and rules (a) to (f) 2011/2012 are almost exactly alike but the wording is different and have removed the board from making ultimate decision to being referred to panels. The previous rules were finite and played out to the letter of the law to the association will ask a panel first just incase Rangers fcuk it up again.

You're an idiot Tedi.

oops posted the same 2009/2010 link twice :lol:

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I'm inclined to agree with the qc here tbh, it does seem a little fishy.

Although what about 2010/11 that is missing from your analysis hb?

AB I have posted both handbooks in PDF format on the web in two links above and have given the location of the suspension and termination of members licences where you yourself will see the dramatic changes from killing clubs for getting liquidated to ,,,,, a panel will decide if they should have their licence terminated.

You can clearly see the changes laid out for club entering the liquidation phase changed from "yer deid" in 2009/2010 to a panel will decide the clubs future ie who gets the dead clubs licence to kid on it's the same club if you have a pre made company with a dead clubs assets to incorporate the licence into.

Another typoo, getting tired of roasting Tedi ass. :lol:

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Why are you incapable of discussing things normally without constantly lashing out with the insults?

Go on then post the rule book from 135 years ago.

Now you are just being plain right stupid now, that insolvency rule has been in place since the inception of the SFA and only got changed funnily enough just before Rangers died.

I have supplied a handbook from 2009/2010 and also the revised handbook from 2011/2012, you can clearly distinguish the rule changes and I gave where to find them.

You are going around in circles here chasing your tail Tedi

All this from you not wanting to give a straight answer to did the SFA change their rules or not, it's simple they did and I have given you all the proof you need but you still want to fanny around picking out minor discrepancies and you wonder why I insulted you ffs.

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