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According to Somers the onerous Sports direct deals can be broken and aren't set in stone. Interesting. (via the emails (?) )

Jesus. If that's half true, it's ridiculous.

The media ignored CF's stuff, a national newspaper is running with the SOS guys stuff.

P.S CF got tracked down easily enough .....

Charlotte Fakes got tracked down after about 5 months of embarrassing revelations. I wouldn't call that too easy.

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Jesus. If that's half true, it's ridiculous.

Charlotte Fakes got tracked down after about 5 months of embarrassing revelations. I wouldn't call that too easy.

CF was apparently blackmailing people and thats when he was tracked down.

The above is a very biased view.

From what I understand, Lambias has to prove that Ashley's vision is the only way forward but the SFA group have to weigh up the Dave King funding option as well.

Surely there is a conflict of interest here with Lawwell being present, integrity and all that.

If the SFA say no then i can see the Lawwell card being played.

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The presence of Lawell is not to the detriment of Rangers.

I'm amazed anyone thinks it would be. His club, more than any other in Scotland, will wish to see Rangers 'back'.

Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell insists his club "don't need Rangers" to flourish financially.

Rangers are awaiting the verdict of a long-running tax case that could place the future of the Ibrox club in doubt.

But Lawwell says the eventuality of their Old Firm rivals going bust "would have no material effect on Celtic".

"We look after ourselves," Lawwell told BBC Scotland. "We don't rely on any other club. We are in a decent position, we're very strong."

Our aspirations and horizons are to dominate in Scotland but also beyond that; we want to compete at the highest level again in Europe," said Lawwell.

"We have a stand-alone strategy, a stand-alone financial plan and a robustness hopefully that will take us through that."

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Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell insists his club "don't need Rangers" to flourish financially.

Rangers are awaiting the verdict of a long-running tax case that could place the future of the Ibrox club in doubt.

But Lawwell says the eventuality of their Old Firm rivals going bust "would have no material effect on Celtic".

"We look after ourselves," Lawwell told BBC Scotland. "We don't rely on any other club. We are in a decent position, we're very strong."

Our aspirations and horizons are to dominate in Scotland but also beyond that; we want to compete at the highest level again in Europe," said Lawwell.

"We have a stand-alone strategy, a stand-alone financial plan and a robustness hopefully that will take us through that."

But Bennett, you know very well that he said that ages ago and has since made noises about how costly Rangers' absence has been for Celtic.

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But Bennett, you know very well that he said that ages ago and has since made noises about how costly Rangers' absence has been for Celtic.

Hardly ages ago Monkey, stop exaggerating.

Peter is very clear and direct in what he has said, celtic do not need Rangers and Peters word is his bond.

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Peter is very clear and direct in what he has said, celtic do not need Rangers and Peters word is his bond.

I'm sure Lawell will be moved by a sudden spirit of humane generosity at the sight of a Rangers chief exec crawling and begging for favours on all fours.

What Celtic fan wouldn't be?

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Hardly ages ago Monkey, stop exaggerating.

Peter is very clear and direct in what he has said, celtic do not need Rangers and Peters word is his bond.

You're right. It wasn't literally ages ago, as in bronze, iron or stone ones. I'd kind of hoped nobody would take it that way. It was said almost three years ago though I believe, and it's a message he's since contradicted.

Once more Bennett, don't be silly.

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The idea of maintaining our history being down to holding on to geewgaws dating back to our first (shared) title in 1891 isn't the point.

The 'real history' is about, for example, me coming back from Ibrox with my dad and having tea at my grandfather's and discussing the merits of Henderson vs Waddle vs Morton.

This is nothing unique to Rangers of course. It happens in every footballing-supporting family in Scotland with two or more generations of fans. The younger ones laud players that the older ones say weren't fit to lace the boots of a player of their own generation etc.

History like this matter much more than baubles and is (partly) what makes setting up 'RFC of Govan' so difficult.

These touching memories won't evaporate though, just because people wish to set up a decent legacy for future generations.

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He has also said that celtic are losing close on 10 million a season without rangers in the league, through various commercial deals,match day revenues...etc..champions league money for celtic is crucial to the development of the playing side of the club,without this money the quality of players will deteriorate making it harder every year.

Lawell wants us back make no mistake about it,he just doesn't want us to be a threat to his champions league pot of gold.....conflicted interested?????

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You're right. It wasn't literally ages ago, as in bronze, iron or stone ones. I'd kind of hoped nobody would take it that way. It was said almost three years ago though I believe, and it's a message he's since contradicted. Once more Bennett, don't be silly.

Almost 3 years is quite recent WKR lite so stop acting the clown.

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Clearly Rangers fans don't have a monopoly on blindly tugging their forelock whenever the powers that be at their club tell them what they want to hear. Frankly the fact either set of fans genuinely thinks the two clubs are rivals is testament to their staggering stupidity.

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I am pretty sure that neither Ben nor I kent that Brother Campbell was on the board. However, it's reassuring to know you Plastics have the finger on the pulse as always.

Speaking of Masonic fraternity, i see that Somers tried to integrate those shareholders who are in the craft into his way of thinking by a certain saying in his speech yesterday. Thankfully those who are never took him on.

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