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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Petitions, statements and waving red cards at things didn't save their club the first time round. Isn't the definition of madness doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?

Petitions, statements, waving red cards and marching on Hampden. Don't forget the marching on Hampden.

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Petitions, statements, waving red cards and marching on Hampden. Don't forget the marching on Hampden.

Alright, apart from the petitions, waving red cards, marching on Hampden, the aqueduct, sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health,,,,What have the spivs ever done for us

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Alright, apart from the petitions, waving red cards, marching on Hampden, the aqueduct, sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health,,,,What have the spivs ever done for us

One thing's for sure - they're not the messiah, they're very naughty boys.

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Is it?

All I keep hearing is how great Scottish Fitbaw is these days.

Do you want your clubs concentrating on this? or would you prefer they continually harass the football authorities about Rangers and the newco / oldco situation?

So it would appear.

Anything would be an improvement upon the situation your club is in. Why it hasn't been handed its arse for lurching from one domestic crisis to another is beyond me.

I'd rather they get their act together on behalf of the 42.

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We're getting closer to the 51% the good guys need. The three bears and King together have 34%, then you have the likes of Ally, Sir Walter, Rangers first, the rst and other individual Rangers shareholders. The spivs are running out of time.

Presumably one of the spivs is the guy who ponied up £500,000 to stop your born-again decrepit club from going down the gurgler. Good old Ally and his outrageous salary; Sir Walter and his handshaking sinecure; the gullibles falling over each other to proclaim them legends.


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