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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This thread has taken a turn for the better recently. All of the entertainment coming from Ibrox itself clearly having an effect.

It's pretty clear things are pretty dire at Rangers, and it doesn't seem to be showing any signs of getting better. Their saviour is either someone who has openly showed a complete disregard for the future of Rangers, or someone who isn't even allowed to take them over.

That the first option is probably the best option should be telling in itself. Administration #2 is almost certainly on the way. They could probably steer their way through that one if it doesn't go the same way as the utterly bizarre first one, and if the Rangers support show more actual support to the team they claim to give a shit about.

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This thread has taken a turn for the better recently. All of the entertainment coming from Ibrox itself clearly having an effect.

It's pretty clear things are pretty dire at Rangers, and it doesn't seem to be showing any signs of getting better. Their saviour is either someone who has openly showed a complete disregard for the future of Rangers, or someone who isn't even allowed to take them over.

That the first option is probably the best option should be telling in itself. Administration #2 is almost certainly on the way. They could probably steer their way through that one if it doesn't go the same way as the utterly bizarre first one, and if the Rangers support show more actual support to the team they claim to give a shit about.

You are like one of those Christmas revellers aren't you? Spend all year slagging off the residents of the local pub for being alkies then get your two weeks off and you are never out the place. You've had plenty derogatory comments about the BRALTers over the past wee while and now you want to come into our thread and play with us? Away and f**k off back to your own forum and take your buddies with you :P

I bet you take up someone's space on a gym machine in January too until the motivation wears off your New Years resolution, then you go back to slagging off the roid heads.

Edited by stonedsailor
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I almost feel sorry for the Ps & Ds......Almost but not there yet. I actually worry about wee Dhenbhoys well being when this is all over and Rangers are back in their rightful place lording it over the rest of Scottish Football. ^_^

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I almost feel sorry for the Ps & Ds......Almost but not there yet. I actually worry about wee Dhenbhoys well being when this is all over and Rangers are back in their rightful place lording it over the rest of Scottish Football. ^_^

Shite attempt from you 8

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I almost feel sorry for the Ps & Ds......Almost but not there yet. I actually worry about wee Dhenbhoys well being when this is all over and Rangers are back in their rightful place lording it over the rest of Scottish Football. ^_^

I don't think your heart was in that No8.

Just like those who currently wear the Rangers jerseys.

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Tears,snot,seethe. Happy New Year.

The seethe is glorious...absolutely glorious.

As I said.... Absolutely fucking glorious.

Aaaannnnnd.. now he's back, not bothered at all. :lol:

Although you've been around, haven't you, you playful wee rascal? Just didn't have the arse to post after your hubris smacked you right in the haw maws.

One wee chink of light where your team gets a result* makes up for all the rest of the mediocrity, eh? Well, there's proof of the rangers' Diddy qualifications right there.

*Or the sycophantic loyal think they've got a result...

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The Hibernian Manager says...

" what's happening at Rangers isn't a good thing for Scottish football, and that's the most important thing. "

Shut up Stubbs!

Have to disagree with you here, Shull. What's happening at rangers is an absolute embarrassment to the Game and the Country. This lot shouldn't even exist, for fúck's sake, and the way they're burning through cash is so blatant any responsible governing body would have put sanctions in place, if not from their conception, then at least once the accounts showed the GDP of small African nations disappearing when they were in the Seaside League.

Stubbs is right*. What would be a good thing for Scottish Football is for this lot to get horsed before we have another clusterfuck like 2012.

*At least, what you've quoted there is right. Bang on the fucking money, in fact. I agree he probably didn't mean it that way, though.

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Aaaannnnnd.. now he's back, not bothered at all. :lol:

Although you've been around, haven't you, you playful wee rascal? Just didn't have the arse to post after your hubris smacked you right in the haw maws.

One wee chink of light where your team gets a result* makes up for all the rest of the mediocrity, eh? Well, there's proof of the rangers' Diddy qualifications right there.

*Or the sycophantic loyal think they've got a result...

I was away in London and only got back on Monday evening. I did look in to see if there were any developments and that was it.

As far as the 'chink of light'....


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I was away in London and only got back on Monday evening. I did look in to see if there were any developments and that was it.

As far as the 'chink of light'....


Aye, now I remember the news story - "London paralysed by Internet shortage" :lol:

At least Vicky puts some effort into his excuses.

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Have to disagree with you here, Shull. What's happening at rangers is an absolute embarrassment to the Game and the Country. This lot shouldn't even exist, for fúck's sake, and the way they're burning through cash is so blatant any responsible governing body would have put sanctions in place, if not from their conception, then at least once the accounts showed the GDP of small African nations disappearing when they were in the Seaside League.

Stubbs is right*. What would be a good thing for Scottish Football is for this lot to get horsed before we have another clusterfuck like 2012.

*At least, what you've quoted there is right. Bang on the fucking money, in fact. I agree he probably didn't mean it that way, though.

It's a toughie. On the one hand i have very nearly laughed myself to death at the expense of theTheRangers fans and their suffering (NoB in particular is amusing me today) while on the other the behaviour of the thing in Govan that plays in blue is an absolute embarrassment to everyone and everything to do with Scottish football. But they've been a disgrace for so long it's become part of the landscape. A pity, imagine how much better shape our game would be in if they just crawled back under their rock and wasted away quietly.

Doubt the holistic argument works for most bears tho. Oh well *points* Ha Ha

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Whatever happened to Sally's shares? From September.

The club raised £3.13million in their latest rights issue, falling short of their £4million target, but McCoist revealed on Monday that he dipped into his own pocket to invest.

Rangers announced that several plc directors had increased their shareholdings - most significantly James Easdale, who purchased 215,606 of the 20p shares.

The Ibrox board had set a minimum target of selling 15million shares and exceeded that by 667,860.

McCoist - who already owned over a million shares, giving him a stake of just under two per cent - said ahead of Tuesday night's League Cup tie with Inverness: "I did invest. Without going into too much detail, I just thought it was the right thing to

Asked if he had ploughed a "substantial" sum into the rights issue, he replied: "It depends how you would look on it as substantial. A few quid, yes."


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