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I hope Celtic win about 7-0 and then a series of freak lightning strikes weld all the doors permanently shut, leaving all the unwashed hordes trapped inside and forced to eat each other until only one is left standing. I predict this will be Big House Guy.

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I hope Celtic win about 7-0 and then a series of freak lightning strikes weld all the doors permanently shut, leaving all the unwashed hordes trapped inside and forced to eat each other until only one is left standing. I predict this will be Big House Guy.

Close, but I reckon Ashley would take him in the final battle.

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Amazing how in the last week all we have heard from De Boer, Novo, Konterman, Ferguson, Alex Rae, Numan, Amoruso, Mols, McCann, Lovenkrands is about how much of a disgrace it is what has happened to their old club. Maybe if they paid back the est £10,000,000 they allegedly owe the old club to the new club, they might be in a better place!! Nacho Novo moaning about not being allowed to train at Murray Park, after receiving £1,200,000 from the old club. You couldn't make it up ........imagine giving him one of the biggest EBTs....lol


Edited by Sting777
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Battle for Rangers steps up as Dave King jets in from South Africa ahead of much-anticipated Ibrox EGM
KING landed in Glasgow last night as he attempts to galvanise support ahead of the EGM but the former Rangers director won't be at Hampden for the League Cup semi-final against Celtic.
Lynne Cameron/PA Wire JS54701276.jpg
Dave King flew into Glasgow last night

DAVE KING jetted into Glasgow last night – but WON’T attend Rangers’ League Cup clash with Celtic at Hampden today.

The former Ibrox director flew in from South Africa and will spend a week in the UK to galvanise support ahead of the much-anticipated Ibrox EGM.

King will attempt to convince the club’s shareholders in Scotland as well as its investors in London to back his bid to remove the current Ibrox regime.

The Rangers board have until Friday to announce a date for the EGM.

King believes he can gain 51 per cent of votes to eject chairman David Somers, chief executive Derek Llambias, finance director Barry Leach and James Easdale from the top of the marble staircase.

King’s wants himself, ex-director Paul Murray and former brewery boss John Gilligan to take over. And he’s hoping his latest visit will ensure his group – along with the Three Bears consortium headed by motor mogul Douglas Park and the Ibrox fans – have the required support.

MailSport understands that King will decline the chance to be at Hampden for this afternoon’s Old Firm derby.

One man who definitely is not enjoying the journey. Flies all the way from South Africa and the lifelong Rangers fan, looking to take over the club; can't be bothered to turn up for the biggest match in their short history. No doubt afraid that watching the spanking they are going to take will weaken his resolve..

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Amazing how in the last week all we have heard from De Boer, Novo, Konterman, Ferguson, Alex Rae, Numan, Amoruso, Mols, McCann, Lovenkrands is about how much of a disgrace it is what has happened to their old club. Maybe if they paid back the est £10,000,000 they allegedly owe the old club to the new club, they might be in a better place!! Nacho Novo moaning about not being allowed to train at Murray Park, after receiving £2,500,000 from the old club. You couldn't make it up ........imagine giving him one of the biggest EBTs....lol


Also, all we hear from are gobshites like Walter 'walking away' Smith and Murdo McLeod about the fixture being the jewel in Scottish football's crown, how the rest of the world drops everything to tune in, how IS stop beheading Japanese hostages for a couple of hours in order to debate Darren McGregor's best position - full back or centre back....

Fcuk off.

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Also, all we hear from are gobshites like Walter 'walking away' Smith and Murdo McLeod about the fixture being the jewel in Scottish football's crown, how the rest of the world drops everything to tune in, how IS stop beheading Japanese hostages for a couple of hours in order to debate Darren McGregor's best position - full back or centre back....Fcuk off.

Be fair, Poz - they don't print t-shirts for any old game, you know..

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He is on the wind up...you are wound up...job done...I will make sure and quote him more often.

Meanwhile closer to home, another tweet, yet more seethe from the green and grays.....yet none from Rangers fans even though the point is aimed at both, they really are so touchy on this subject, why cant they just take a joke?

CgOecLnt_normal.jpeg Matthew Lindsay @MattLindsayHT · 21h 21 hours ago

Celtic v Rangers? Or Pacific Shelf 585 Ltd v Sevco Scotland Ltd? Read my League Cup semi-final preview in @TheEveningTimes today.

Mathew (no surrender) Lindsay.

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