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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Those votes made no difference did they? It was the big sets that carried this, not the fans groups.

The Fans Group are one of the largest shareholders but more importantly is the fact Rangers supporters now control well over 50% of the shares and that shareholding is going to grow.

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I'm seriously starting to worry about the Visigoths' mental health. They seem to be living in a fantasy world where Rangers fans now own the club rather than a brood of glib and shameless liars.

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Just when you think rangers fans have dealt with things in a rational and jovial way along comes rob to remind us what a clusterfuck most of their fans are.

No answer from you or Dense then, just the usual pish! Fail Fail
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Seething 'coz' we are laughing at them and ignoring his deflective dross ... if you have anything to ask about Celtic there's plenty of threads for you wee man.

Anything relevant to the discussion on your 'clusterfuck' of a new club and the new fraudster .. fire away. We even managed to educate one of your fellow Neanderthals on the meaning of "nominate' and it's relationship with appoint ...

He stopped engaging when the definition was posted and he looked foolish.

Seething? I don't think so, just genuinely perplexed and bemused by your continued obsession that involves anything and everything that involves Rangers. As a Celt*c 'supporter' you know more about Rangers than I could ever aspire to learn, even after 35 years following my team.
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"As a Scottish football club, they are a permanent embarrassment and an occasional disgrace. This country would be a better place if Rangers did not exist."

Sorry Dave, you're stuck with us, all of us! Follow Follow

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The Fans Group are one of the largest shareholders but more importantly is the fact Rangers supporters now control well over 50% of the shares and that shareholding is going to grow.

I await the formal takeover offer if this is the case. Edited by strichener
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The Fans Group are one of the largest shareholders but more importantly is the fact Rangers supporters now control well over 50% of the shares and that shareholding is going to grow.

Where do you get your "well over 50%"?

King, Taylor, Park, Letham and the RST account for about 40.4%. A few other odds & sods (e.g. McCoist) don't seem to add up to another 10%.

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"As a Scottish football club, they are a permanent embarrassment and an occasional disgrace. This country would be a better place if Rangers did not exist."

Thankfully they don't.

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I'm worried for our sevco supporting pals....Stockholm Syndrome anyone..?

  1. Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.
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The Fans Group are one of the largest shareholders but more importantly is the fact Rangers supporters now control well over 50% of the shares and that shareholding is going to grow.

That, or what invariably happens at football clubs after upheaval. The fantasy that 'we've got people who care on the board' prevails and the people who really matter, the paying punters, well, they and their interests are kicked to the kerb.

Fans and minor shareholders will sit on their arses, waiting for the nirvana they believe they've been promised and deserve to arrive. Shareholder activists will be sidelined, one eye on them in case they get uppitty.

Meanwhile, the businessmen get on with their business. You and I are not invited. Just buy the tickets, the shirts (well, maybe not the shirts) and keep on living the dream.

Always the way, but, hey, they're 'our' guys now.

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Bennett, with nothing to say, but needs somewhere to post his brain farts.

pity because (against his normal deliberately irritating persona) he actually put up a few sensible posts round the EGM issue

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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