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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Nope because I know that football seasons don't start and stop with league competitions. A wee bit of Mother's Ruin won't improve your brain but may keep you away from the keyboard for a wee while. Have a large one, chap.

Either you cannot read or you are purposely trying to change the context to suit your faux pas. The original post (now clarified by the poster) was about league season, not football season. The league season does have a start and finish date, but I am sure that you already know this. :rolleyes: It has been used previously by clubs to strategically time their administration etc.

Edited by strichener
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Oh FFS you two. An outbreak of harmony and concord on The Big Thread? That's me off for a large gin and a wee lie down!

Sorry Kinky just noticed this. I say it as I see it. I am well aware that many many members of this forum think my posts are purely wind up material but I just relay my views. Sometimes they will be in agreement with yours, sometimes in conflict but they are my views and I am entitled to them.

I can see a lot of hypocrites around who do just think that they should take a stance on issues because of the clubs involved but that is not my way.

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You mean like making the 'new club' pay the 'old clubs' footballing debt while withholding the money owed to the 'old club'?

"Old club", "New club", didn't you parrot the same club shite ?

You mean like when the SFA went against a UEFA directive and closed a transfer window early ensuring Rangers didn't have 24hours to sign players?

Your having a fucking laugh here aren't you ?, they delayed the signing embargo in season 2012/2013 so you could sign players instead of implementing it immediately and then 12 months later they closed their transfer deadline by a day early so your trialists could be registered by UEFA as full time players when their transfer window closed a day later than ours.

Like the way they withheld Rangers licence until 24 hours before their first game against Brechin so they couldn't play warm up games?

Again another rewriting of the truth to suit your deluded agenda, the licence was transferred over to Chuckies new club after finally agreed to the 5 way agreement or you wouldn't be boasting n bragging the same club shite and would have had to have had a brand new shiny licence.

You mean the help they gave Rangers by forcing a registration embargo on them so they couldn't register players.

How many fucking players did your club register ?, before the embargo was delayed and by allowing trialists to sign to the club when there was an embargo still in place in 2013 ?. IIRC your club signed in total around a dozen players or more when they shouldn't have been able to sign or register any fucking player until January 2014 if the embargo was implemented immediately as a punishment like what happened to Livi.

Aye we should be forever thankful to the footballing authorities. They made sure we did it all on our own and owe them absolutely nothing.

You still shout the same club apparently after liquidation, Gretna or Airdrie don't. Be fucking thankful it is to you the same club you ungrateful cnut.


Tin hat time No8, it's a conspiracy I tells ya. :1eye

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You are either at it or are not quite up with why the SFA went against the UEFA directive to shut the window on the Monday and not the Saturday. Leaving the window open would have allowed Rangers 24 hours to register players.

Rangers never volunteered anything ffs. They were forced to accept these conditions...conditions with the sole purpose of hampering their progress.

I was going to post put the bottle down No8 but I'm sure you are sober and really believe the shite n pish you post is the gospel.

Firstly there was a registration embargo in place during the whole year of 2013, did you forget that ?

Secondly how did your club manage to circumvent registering said players you are bitching about in the Summer of 2013 when there was a registration embargo in place until January 2014 ?, first they allowed them to sign their contracts and play as trialists and then the SFA shut our Summer transfer window down a day earlier so your club could then use the 24 hours left in the UEFA window so your club could then register said trialists with UEFA as full time players even though there was a registration embargo in place until January 2014.

Not quite the scenario you remember it to be is it ?, and forgetting there was a registration embargo in place shows the mindset you have when remembering the actual truth as it actually happened.

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Ok...I know your hatred of all things clouds your judgement.... I am feeling generous today. I ll ask you...Do you think these 'punishments' were put in place to help or hinder Rangers? You believe Rangers are a new club so if Rangers are a new club why were they being punished for the crimes of s completely different entity?

Some punishment eh ?, not allowed to register players for 18 months but still managed to circumvent around two of the windows.

Didn't you get the memo ?, it's the associations who believe you are the same club and treated your club as such.

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I was going to post put the bottle down No8 but I'm sure you are sober and really believe the shite n pish you post is the gospel.

Firstly there was a registration embargo in place during the whole year of 2013, did you forget that ?

Secondly how did your club manage to circumvent registering said players you are bitching about in the Summer of 2013 when there was a registration embargo in place until January 2014 ?, first they allowed them to sign their contracts and play as trialists and then the SFA shut our Summer transfer window down a day earlier so your club could then use the 24 hours left in the UEFA window so your club could then register said trialists with UEFA as full time players even though there was a registration embargo in place until January 2014.

Not quite the scenario you remember it to be is it ?, and forgetting there was a registration embargo in place shows the mindset you have when remembering the actual truth as it actually happened.

So you admit that the SFA assisted Rangers in signing too many players on too much money?

They clearly are part of a conspiracy to destroy Rangers and No8 is right

Oh hang on

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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So you admit that the SFA assisted Rangers in signing too many players on too much money?

They clearly are part of a conspiracy to destroy Rangers and No8 is right

Oh hang on

Maybe assisted them to help them get up the leagues perhaps, everything else is the fans own doings with their reluctance to be shafted by any shyster who promised them success and stopping Celtic getting ten in a row and beating their tainted world record top trophy haul.

It's the Rangers fans who have allowed this to happen. They sat there and done fcuk all again !, until it is too late and then it's every other cnuts fault for allowing this to happen and the enemies of Rangers are doing everything to kill the club even though the SFA could just clone it back together again.

Every con man on the planet know this set of fans can be financially raped at will as long as you sing the right song, stop Celtic's ten in a row and getting 55 titles. It's what they fear worst. :lol:

They are so obsessed with their alleged continuous history that it will become their own undoing in the end. They could theoretically starve and kill the club and then clone it back together and have it fan owned so no one can shaft them again but they can't unify under one banner to do so they are so fractured as a support.

They will kill off their club eventually with their unrealistic goal of being the top dog in Scottish footy at all costs. :)

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Everything i posted was factually accurate....hth


Yes we do know the orc mentality No8, rewrite history and pass it off as factually correct no matter how much other posters tell you how much shite you have posted.

We also know when ra bears just ignore posts telling them where their own history telling is total bullshit it must be the truth.

Remember when you claimed that over 62% of Scotland voted NO to independence when the actual number who did vote NO out of a population of nearly 6 million was just over 2 million meaning the total number was 33% out of 6 million who actually voted NO. :1eye

Facts and figures are in the Rangers forte which is why your club is fucked financially. :)

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Yes we do know the orc mentality No8, rewrite history and pass it off as factually correct no matter how much other posters tell you how much shite you have posted.

We also know when ra bears just ignore posts telling them where their own history telling is total bullshit it must be the truth.

Remember when you claimed that over 62% of Scotland voted NO to independence when the actual number who did vote NO out of a population of nearly 6 million was just over 2 million meaning the total number was 33% out of 6 million who actually voted NO. :1eye

Facts and figures are in the Rangers forte which is why your club is fucked financially. :)

Maybe you should quote the true figures, seeing as you put so much faith in them, that being out of the electorate that voted in the referendum 55% voted YES, and that's what counts. Tell me this, while it's true we are struggling financially at present, when is the club going into admin again, after all i've been reading on here that it was happening January, February, March, April, May right up to December 2014, we are 3/4 into 2015 and we're still reading this from the likes of yourself and others. What month is your forecast for this year? And please no big idiotic speel from you, just a forecast.

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Remember when you claimed that over 62% of Scotland voted NO to independence when the actual number who did vote NO out of a population of nearly 6 million was just over 2 million meaning the total number was 33% out of 6 million who actually voted NO. :1eye

. :)

You can apologise now or quote when I said 62% of Scotland voted no you fucking simpleton....this will be good.

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You can apologise now or quote when I said 62% of Scotland voted no you fucking simpleton....this will be good.


But in three short years you have become so enlightened lol.

You still don't see it do you? You are the one showing yourself up to be the bigot. You are the one letting your twisted political views sway how you live your life.

There are at least two Rangers posters on here who voted for the Natzis. I don't hold it against them at all. They are entitled to their own personal political views no matter how much I disagree with them. I am sure they don't hold my political views against me. We don't let it get in the way we lead our life's or sway what football club we support.

You do realise that nearly 2/3rds of the country did not vote for independence ? Glasgow was one of only 4 constituencies that actually did vote Yes. No matter who you choose to support the chances are you will be surrounded by unionists.


Now who looks like a fucking simpleton ? :1eye

Sorry meant to add this as well you stupid cnut after you changed from the country voting to just the electorate after I pointed out your failure.

Oh dear. Only 38% of the electorate voted for independence. That means 62% of the electorate didn't. Imo 62% is nearly 2/3rds of the electorate. HTH

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