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right, lost track now.

rangers fans hate the sfa as they are biased against them.

celtic fans hate the sfa as they are biased against them.

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right, lost track now.

rangers fans hate the sfa as they are biased against them.

celtic fans hate the sfa as they are biased against them.

Everyone else hates the SFA are they are biased towards Celtic and Rangers

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How does an imbecile like Bomber Brown make it through the day without accidentally walking out in front of a train or touching a live electrical wire or something?

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Do McCoist, Durrant and the rest still get bonuses even though it may be McColl that gets them promoted?

Almost certainly yes! Given the contracts issued by Green they will probably get a double bonus for gaining promotion after being relieved of their duties. Nothing would surprise me.

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So according to the SFA, King did not tell the SA tax authorities he earned 10k when he earned millions, did not lie to them when questioned on this, and didn't lie to the court prior to his conviction on 41 tax evasion counts in 2013? He is fit and proper to uphold the "honesty and integrity" of Scottish football? Is this possibly about helping TRIFC, ignoring their own rules, and not the game in Scotland? Corrupt to the core.

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For many, many years ,I've thought the SFA comprised a bunch of gravy train sucking basturts living high on the hog on the proceeds from the Scottish football fans. No fecking better than the aristocracy.

K U N T S , every wan. f**k'em. Bring on the revolution. Hey-ey you know-oh-oh. :)

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A wee bit from the telegraph.

When he makes his first public appearance as chairman on Thursday, King is expected to respond to Ashley’s request for a general meeting to be held in early June. The Rangers directors have already sought legal advice on the competence of the Newcastle United owner’s requisition, which includes a motion demanding the immediate repayment of a £5 million loan advanced to the club earlier this year.

The timing of Ashley’s move puts pressure on the club prior to the annual renewal of season tickets, which cannot begin until Rangers know whether they will play in the Scottish Championship or Premiership next season. King is unlikely to reveal the detail of his projected financial input until Rangers’ fortunes in the playoffs have been determined.

Meanwhile, in another twist in the byways of this saga, Telegraph Sport understands that Ashley will succeed in his appeal against the outcome of the SFA’s case against him for breaking their rules on dual ownership.

He was found guilty and fined £7,500 in early March. However, it has emerged that the lawyers working for Ashley – whose net worth has been estimated at £3billion – have specifically disputed the fine as being disproportionate, although the maximum penalty is £10,000.

The rules, of course, take no account of a culprit’s means and the SFA is understood to have accepted his plea, although how much the Sports Direct owner will save from the lengthy process has yet to be revealed.

More immediately, Rangers have asked the police for permission to admit fans at the Ibrox turnstiles for the Hibs game

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