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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The green n grey yins are angry, they can't really explain why but they are angry.

You'd think that negative news for Rangers would please them but they just keep getting angrier.

Next thing you know they'll be so angry that they'll send crude IEDs to opposition managers, march on Hampden to demand justice... wait...this is ringing a bell.

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Dave King attempting to lecture others on 'fiduciary responsibilities'. I fear the rising of sea levels due to Shull's trousers being wrung out may be responsible for the end of my adopted home city rather than global warming. f**k.

Edited by carpetmonster
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Demanding justice for what? Apart from the odd bit of point scoring/banter I'm not that interested in them and to actively campaign against another club is something which would never enter my mind.

The humility buzzword gets thrown around a lot, usually when people can't think of any sane reason to give.

Alot of fans believe that the titles won by Rangers during the period where they were over spending and signing players (including the use of EBTs) are tainted (I don't like that word but you get the meaning) as they were playing players they couldn't afford to gain an on field advantage.

Now I understand that alot of clubs have done this in the past but it was done to such a degree that Rangers eventually were liquidated. The fans then want to claim that club and company are separate and want to claim all the previous titles as well as starting out new with zero debt (other than that accrued since the Sevco formation).

I don't really understand the legalities but surely morally you can see why people may have issue with this?

It's basically wanting to take the titles, have the club accept no responsibility, and just carry on. If that were Celtic most of the Rangers fans defending this would be the first to jump the other way. The concept is utterly ludicrous.

The Club gained advantage due to the money spent but want none of the responsibility of that overspending. The EBT is just another thing that the fans of other clubs being unhappy to give credence to their argument (rightly or wrongly).

You can't seriously believe that these fans have no reason to be pissed about it? As I've said, if it wasn't your club going through it I'm pretty sure you'd be the same as them. I don't blame you for sticking up for your club (or whatever bracket you want to give it) but surely you can see why other fans might be more than a but pissed off?

Dont get me wrong, some may let this consume them but any Scottish football fan, regardless of their team should take an interest in this case.

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The green n grey yins are angry, they can't really explain why but they are angry.

You'd think that negative news for Rangers would please them but they just keep getting angrier.

Deflect deflect deflect!


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Dave King statement. Arrogant p***k.....

"It is disappointing that a debate has re-emerged around the subject of Rangers history in Scottish football. It must be especially frustrating for the Clubs supporters who again find individuals within the structures of Scottish football unfairly targeting the Club.

As the one individual who was a major shareholder and director throughout the period that gave rise to the HMRC dispute, and again find myself in a similar capacity, I believe that I am uniquely positioned to make three important observations.

First, irrespective of the final outcome of the tax appeal (which might take several more years) the football team had no advantage from any tax savings from the scheme put in place by the Murray Group. Throughout the period in question the shareholders were committed to providing funding to the Club. The tax scheme may have reduced the need for shareholders to provide higher levels of funding so, as I have tried to make clear in the past, any advantage gained would have been to the company and its shareholders, not the team. *Certain players may not have signed for the Club without the perceived benefit of personal tax savings but there was no general advantage for the player squad, or the performance on the pitch.* We would still have signed players of equal abilities if one or two had decided they didnt want to sign under different financial circumstances.

Secondly, Lord Nimmo Smith has fully and finally dealt with the legitimacy of the continuity of the Clubs history. There is no more to be debated on that issue.

Finally, it is extraordinary that representatives of other Scottish clubs who admit the damage done to Scottish football by Rangers removal from the Premier League should even wish to re-engage with this issue. It is time those individuals, who represent other clubs, recognise their legal and fiduciary responsibilities to their own clubs and shareholders rather than submit to the uninformed ramblings of a few outspoken fans to whom attacking Rangers is more important than the wellbeing of their own clubs.

This is a misguided attempt (that will ultimately fail) to rewrite history and defeat Rangers off the park when their teams could not do so on the park at the time. The history of many other clubs would have to be rewritten if this illogical argument was to be consistently applied.

Having reviewed documentation that has become available to me I believe that Rangers was harshly and, in some instances, unfairly treated in the period leading up to demotion from the Premier League. However, that is now history and I have publicly stated, with the full support of the recently installed board, that we wish to put the past behind us and move on in partnership with all clubs throughout Scotland to improve and restore the image and quality of Scottish football as a whole. This will be to the benefit of all clubs.

For the avoidance of doubt, however, I wish to make one point clear. If the history of our Club comes under attack we will deal with it in the strongest manner possible and will hold to account those persons who have acted against their fiduciary responsibilities to their own clubs and to Scottish football."

WTF? Do this club (company) go out their way to employ the biggest scummiest cnuts on the planet, that is one fcuked up statement, if we let him away with those threats then we may as chuck it.

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Alot of fans believe that the titles won by Rangers during the period where they were over spending and signing players (including the use of EBTs) are tainted (I don't like that word but you get the meaning) as they were playing players they couldn't afford to gain an on field advantage.

Now I understand that alot of clubs have done this in the past but it was done to such a degree that Rangers eventually were liquidated. The fans then want to claim that club and company are separate and want to claim all the previous titles as well as starting out new with zero debt (other than that accrued since the Sevco formation).

I don't really understand the legalities but surely morally you can see why people may have issue with this?

It's basically wanting to take the titles, have the club accept no responsibility, and just carry on. If that were Celtic most of the Rangers fans defending this would be the first to jump the other way. The concept is utterly ludicrous.

The Club gained advantage due to the money spent but want none of the responsibility of that overspending. The EBT is just another thing that the fans of other clubs being unhappy to give credence to their argument (rightly or wrongly).

You can't seriously believe that these fans have no reason to be pissed about it? As I've said, if it wasn't your club going through it I'm pretty sure you'd be the same as them. I don't blame you for sticking up for your club (or whatever bracket you want to give it) but surely you can see why other fans might be more than a but pissed off?

Dont get me wrong, some may let this consume them but any Scottish football fan, regardless of their team should take an interest in this case.

Good post Matt. Agree with it all. Be interesting to read what the response is from the Rangers fans on here.
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Surely the one person who knows for certain what happened in the transfer of assets from Oldco to Newco is Charles Green?

Which means that, in light of what his lawyer said today, we have conclusive proof once and for all that the club currently resident at Ibrox is not the same club that was resident there until 2012?

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Kings Statement :lol:

This part of the statement might come back to haunt them:

"Certain players may not have signed for the Club without the perceived benefit of personal tax savings."

I think the lawyers will find this extremely interesting.

Stupid ***s are stupid

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Tedis hero has had his say.. :lol:


I do hope that the 3-4 SPFL chairman and their low level paper gatherer pay attention to that statement. They'd be unwise not to.

Plenty of threats coming form the hoards tonight...Must of been a bad day, What happened?

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WTF? Do this club (company) go out their way to employ the biggest scummiest cnuts on the planet, that is one fcuked up statement, if we let him away with those threats then we may as chuck it.

How to win friends and influence people the rangers way Step 1: Barely concealed contempt coupled with vague threats...

Dignity, you wouldn't understand...

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