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Why are Celtic fans so angry over the living wage?

I mean, they've been arguing its merits for a few years now...

Got to scratch your head & laugh at peasants such as Njord etc. (who think they are sports writers :lol: ). They post a false fact and then suddenly think they've won the argument .. then when you prove them wrong they say you are deluded or something like that and then leave, thinking they've won even though they didn't. It just looks like they did win but because there are so many people who just resort to doing that against me lol.

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For the avoidance of doubt despite Benny's posts , the Rangers International will be paying it (immediate administration aside).

They will not however be endorsing it.

Same as Celtic.

Do you think you are STV news or something? You must think you are like Chris Graham or something in your bubble world lol :lol:

We all know the results from the AGM mate, stop trying to post them about trying to act smart as if you are a journalist or Mr Know It All like Mad Phil etc. cause you're not mate.

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Was there official confirmation this week that BDO are to challenge that CoS ruling in the Supreme Court?

I remember that announcement from the previous week that a challenge was very likely. I just wondered if it had been confirmed yet and I've missed it.

It needs to be decided by Wednesday IIRC.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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You were blindly speculating, this is hardly a valid point worth discussing.

My position on the Ashley loan has never changed...it is not due and paying it achieves nothing, it will not stop him from lashing out like a child with fresh court cases every day.

The board which includes Park and Gilligan have stated that funds are not an issue, loans will be needed before the end of the season and those who have already made loans are ready and willing to do so again, hopefully none of it goes anywhere near fat mike.

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Mike Ashley brought this action, it would not exist if it were not for him, complete nonsense to suggest otherwise, although this does not surprise me given your obvious stereotypical, small minded point of view.

Mr Ashley brought the action, but only because Mr King was in breach of contract.

If King had maintained confidentiality, as the contract obliged him to, then Ashley would not have needed to go to court.

If there's anything stereotypical here it is the convicted criminal's continuing disregard for the rule of law.

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Mr Ashley brought the action, but only because Mr King was in breach of contract.

If King had maintained confidentiality, as the contract obliged him to, then Ashley would not have needed to go to court.

If there's anything stereotypical here it is the convicted criminal's continuing disregard for the rule of law.


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Oh all the old comfort blankets are coming oot. We kicked him(Ashley)out..he is history, I was never happy about the loans, far better options were on the table so away and stop talking shite, obviously his own men were only going to go with his onerous loans but those men are now out suspended...finito.


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Strange that a fanbase full social crusaders who have been campaigning for amongst other things 'the living wage' would see Ashley as some sort of hero.

Strange that a club on it's last legs financially puts its future in the hands of a convicted criminal with no ready cash and actively spurns a billionaire .

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RANGERS have laid bare Mike Ashley’s iron grip on the club in their court defence against the Sports Direct boss.

The Ibrox side have asked the High Court in London to overturn a gagging order obtained by the Newcastle United owner almost six months ago.

Ashley has accused Rangers chairman Dave King of breaching the order, which forbids the club revealing details of controversial contracts signed by the former board and his sports empire.

Ashley is seeking damages over an interview with Sky Sports presenter Jim White in July. If found guilty of contempt of court, King could face prison.

The case is expected to be heard on December 9 and Rangers are also expected to seek to strip Ashley of his gagging powers.

Papers lodged by Rangers secretary James Blair state the arguments for overturning the confidentiality agreement drawn up with Sports Direct, former Light Blues chairman David Somers and influential shareholder Sandy Easdale. The Record has accessed the papers, which reveal the club’s anger as King hosted yesterday’s AGM at the Clyde Auditorium.

Rangers claim:

● Records relating to the original confidentiality agreement signed by Somers and Easdale don’t exist

● Somers sought no legal advice from the club, no meetings were in his Rangers diary and he had no authority to sign a confidentiality agreement

● Easdale was acting as leader of a shareholding bloc and not a company representative when he agreed to the deal.

Central to the case is a Record article in May in which we revealed there is a seven-year notice period in retail contracts between Rangers and Sports Direct.

Rangers categorically deny leaking any such info and we would never reveal our sources.


But the Ibrox defence papers reveal that not only does the seven-year notice period exist, but it can only be activated once Rangers pay off a £5million loan from Ashley’s company MASH Limited.

The loan was drawn down by the old board shortly before they lost control of the club earlier this year – to the disgust of fans who claimed there were other options.

Allegations of failings by the old board will come as no surprise to Rangers supporters – and nor will Ashley’s attempts to keep his dealings with the club under wraps. Blair said: “The former board owed duties to Rangers including a duty to keep proper records of their business dealings.

“Notwithstanding that duty, records of certain dealings relied upon by Sports Direct International do not exist and matters that might otherwise be admitted or denied are the subject of non-admissions.”

Blair said Rangers were unaware of a signed confidentiality agreement with Sports Direct until they were presented with it by Ashley’s solicitors on June 2 this year – 10 days before the club’s general meeting and nine months after it was drawn up. Blair added: “Rangers are unable to locate any document explaining why Mr Somers signed it and what was said on behalf of SDI to induce him to do so.

“If it was signed at any meeting on September 5, 2014, Rangers do not believe the attendees attended as company representatives.

“It was a meeting of key shareholders arranged to discuss issues impacting on them as shareholders and to review how, as shareholders, they would proceed.

“There is no record of the meeting at Rangers and there was no reporting back from it to Rangers. Rangers’ chief executive and finance director were not present.

“The meeting is not in Mr Somers’s diary.

“Mr Easdale clearly attended in his capacity as leader of a shareholding bloc and signed the undertaking personally.

“As far as Rangers are aware, Mr Somers did not take advice from in-house counsel or any lawyer retained by Rangers about whether it should be signed.

“Nor do Rangers believe Mr Somers asked for or was given authority to sign the undertaking on behalf of Rangers.”

Ashley applied for gagging orders against the current Rangers board ahead of the club’s general meeting on June 12. He feared directors would lift the lid off controversial contracts agreed with Sports Direct by the former board.

In their defence, Rangers insist the applications were unnecessary as King would only have discussed issues in the public domain such as annual accounts – including “how little revenue came to the club from Rangers Retail Limited”.

Ashley also acted to gag the board in light of the Record story revealing the existence of the seven-year notice period to terminate his retail contracts.

But the Rangers defence papers add: “While this was true until about January 2015, once Rangers had drawn down under the Facility Agreement they were unable to give notice at all without repaying the sums borrowed. Rangers consider that provision to be onerous and one that should not have been entered into.

“Had they wanted to stoke up hostility for Mr Ashley, they could have provided this information to the Daily Record.

“The fact this information is not in the article is evidence that Rangers were not responsible for any disclosure made.”

Rangers also insist the confidentiality clause has already been breached several times by sources close to Ashley – including Easdale – rendering it invalid.

They list seven occasions when newspaper outlets and bloggers have quoted details of dealings and meetings between Sports Direct and Rangers which the club say couldn’t have come from them.

King is refusing to back down in his war with billionaire Ashley, who is also embroiled in action with the SFA after they granted King “fit and proper status” to lead Rangers.

● At the Rangers AGM yesterday, King announced that the club planned to pay back the £5million loan made by Ashley’s holding company MASH Limited

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Aye, the good old 7 years rolling contract :)

And the rats continue to turn on themselves

Sons of Struth

46 mins ·

What I'm about to disclose had been previously agreed to remain private. Sandy Easdale and I had a gentleman's agreement that it wouldn't be made public but on the condition that once he left the board he wouldn't have any more news associated with Rangers.

I believe today's announcement that he and Somers agreed to the Sports Direct gagging order makes him fair game.

I visited Sandy at his premises in Inchinan several times before the EGM in March of this year. We discussed several things including buying his shares for a third party, getting him to vote for the new board and other things that will remain confidential.

Sandy always played the "why does no one like me" card and I often reminded him he lied to the Rangers fans.

One this occasion I used his lie of not taking anything in return for his £500k (or "half a bar" as he described it) loan.

When I challenged him to come clean and tell me he was lying he refused the offer.

I then told him I knew he'd received a further 2 tickets for life in our directors box at Ibrox he defended himself with "aye but I only took what I'd been already promised by Charles Green"

He took a further two life tickets on the back of of the loan as he felt the two he received from Charles Green when he initially invested weren't enough. He wanted four.

Fortunately our board were informed of this agreement and hastily notified Mr Easdale that he was no longer welcome at Ibrox.

I've not heard from him, his suspended lawyer or his rat of a PR man for a while. I think that may change soon but I care not.


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