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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Now Football@Now__FootballEverton are set to sign Steven Naismith on a four year deal, announcement made early next week

Fun if true - the Orcs will go ballistic!

Why would anyone sign a guy with two ACL tears in recent years to a four-year contract?

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From what i can make out with the BoS stuff if true then not just Rangers but Scottish football is in danger of being finished off.

How can a financial institution be such a heavy creditor to one company that they have to coerce/ "put the squeeze" on others to ensure the debter "wins" enough money to repay them. This surely cant be true. :o

Oh but it can.

For an example of a company putting others out of business for their own ends then look no further than WalMart. aka ASDA but Wally World is the baddie.

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Chic says Celtic want Rangers in the SPL :lol:

They absolutely do. That's unquestionable. They will vote yes to a newco if it even gets that far.

I hate this thread. It's a bit like the girl who sent XBL off on a drunken rant. Rangers cocktease us with rumours of their imminent demise, then all of a sudden they somehow find a way to be just fine and dandy.

I've felt from the beginning Rangers will be in the SPL with a team of 18 year olds and Lee McCulloch next season. I still think this will happen.

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Why would anyone sign a guy with two ACL tears in recent years to a four-year contract?

Everton and Rangers have a history of trying this :D

Daniel Prodan, remember him?, when Wally was manager at Everton he looked to sign Prodan after his release from Rangers after zero games and 4 knee ops in 2 1/2 years.

Everton boss Walter Smith told onefootball.com: "I know that Prodan is free now and I spoke with my former chairman David Murray who told met that Prodan is completely fit.

He started 29 games in the next 5 years :o , almost a 'well played' Minty...

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I've felt from the beginning Rangers will be in the SPL with a team of 18 year olds and Lee McCulloch next season. I still think this will happen.

If this comes to pass, then a relegation season it will be for them.

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Even before that i cannot see how they are going to get back into the spl as a new co as i believe, based on released official statements that there are 4 clubs against any form of newco. My analysis is here of all the statements http://bit.ly/K2niyu

Sorry, but I'm confused as to why you've even included Dunfermline in that piece. You acknowlege yourself that they are out of the picture as their SPL share/voting rights has already passed to Ross County.

Even if people accept your analysis, you have included Dunfermline as one of your 4 "no to newco"!

Turning to that analysis, it seems to me that the noises coming out of Tannadice puts them in the newco with sanctions camp at best.

Of course, all previous bets on the matter might be off following the wreckless decision by Ranjurs to seek to overturn the Transfer Embargo by going to the Court of Session. It was said on BBC Sportsound yesterday that the SPL Chairmen were extremely peed-off by the action and potential ramifications.

Edited by Claymores
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The same can be said for every club in this country, why do you think the SPL was even set up in the first place? Nothing to do with the good of scottish football or because they give a fleck about lower league teams, it was all about greed. And that includes Kilmarnock, so please get off that undeserving high horse.

When was the last thing Kilmarnock put any other club in the country before themselves?

If the SPL could get away with it they'd scrap relegation in a heartbeat, not for the good of Scottish football, but for the good of each and everyone of them.

Our clubs are no different in that respect

We stood firm under old firm pressure to block a ten team SPL and gave celtic three stands to celebrate their tainted title just this season. :)

If you havent read this post on rtc then do so. Barcaboy the writer had written back in 2006 that rangers were breaking rules with their ebt programme, so he's clearly reliable and rtc has already supported his statement. Cant wait to find out what else they have done that makes a non extridition country a good idea! http://bit.ly/JC00g8

Even before that i cannot see how they are going to get back into the spl as a new co as i believe, based on released official statements that there are 4 clubs against any form of newco. My analysis is here of all the statements http://bit.ly/K2niyu

Your analysis is shit. Just saying like.

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News from RM.

It appears that Gunslinger has gone down the plughole. Does anyone know what sin he committed?

Failing to heed multiple warnings/comparing the Orc's devastation of Manchester with the IRA bombing attack/mentioning the Clydebank blitz (I'm a sad git that knows as much aboot the workings of bigot-central as I do here!!!).

Pity as he was amusing and riled the knuckle-draggers without a P&Ber even having to troll-attack :D

Edited by Claymores
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Leggo really was on form today as he also included this part:

The way the muppets who run the Daily Record news department buried the tales about Green going to beg Lawwell and Duff and Phelps being investigated, must be a source of frustration to the many good, honest, fair, hard working and unbiased journalists employed there.

However, the fact remains, there are still plenty of people in positions of power within the Daily Record, who hate Rangers and all things Rangers, with a burning passion.

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Stu, incredible.

However, the fact remains, there are still plenty of people in positions of power within the Daily Record, who hate Rangers and all things Rangers, with a burning passion.


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Leggo really was on form today as he also included this part:

However, the fact remains, there are still plenty of people in positions of power within the Daily Record, who hate Rangers and all things Rangers, with a burning passion.

Long may they rain over Ibrox. :lol:

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Again this "administration" continues in the unbelievable manner we have seen since the start.

In every example I have seen of a company going into administration staff have been laid off to release as much money as possible to pay to the creditors. This, I thought was supposed to be the main job of the administrator = get as big a pot as possible for those owed money.

But no - not in this case.

In today's Scotsman -

"Although not willing to confirm figures, Clark sought to dampen disquiet over the possibility that Rangers could run out of money on Friday, when players who accepted 75 per cent wage reductions in March return to full salary terms. He claimed that Green had “easily in excess of double” the sum for the CVA pot to cover summer running expenses, which are believed to be in the region of £7m. "

So they will be going to the creditors to say " we could give you 10p in the pound, but that would leave us unable to pay our top earners, so how about you accept 5p in the pound and then we can go back to pay McGregor, David, Naismith et al their grossly inflated salaries".

This can't be real!

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Couple of points that the lazy MSM has not asked our thought about yet!


The SPL is looking for a new sponsor and that tw@t Ralph Topping said that this power struggle by the 'Majority 10" has been driving away sponsors, which I think is crap, as the main issue here is the integrity one. If you are the main person at a potential sponsor would you really want to put your name to a product that has shown that money is more important to them than integrity and doing the right thing?

Orc Away Fans

Assuming worst case scenario and the Orcs are in the SPL next season but with penalties and playing a team full of youngsters and we all know the vast majority of orcs are glory hunters, then if all is not going well for the poor wee things and are near the bottom (or rock bottom) of the league, do anyone of us seriously expect that orc support to fill their own stadium for home games, let alone take a big travelling support to away games?

This fabled away support could potentially be halved or more, as they wouldn't want to travel to the likes of Aberdeen, Dundee Utd etc to seem their team be rolled over and humiliated. The shortfall in project gate monies would be compounded by all of us who would walk away from the game if Rangers were admitted into the SPL, which is why the club chairmen need to show the balls and reject any newhunz application to the SPL if it comes about.

They may be surprised by the upsurge in sales from their own supporters who would buy tickets due to their club showing they did the moral & right thing

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Again this "administration" continues in the unbelievable manner we have seen since the start.

In every example I have seen of a company going into administration staff have been laid off to release as much money as possible to pay to the creditors. This, I thought was supposed to be the main job of the administrator = get as big a pot as possible for those owed money.

But no - not in this case.

In today's Scotsman -

"Although not willing to confirm figures, Clark sought to dampen disquiet over the possibility that Rangers could run out of money on Friday, when players who accepted 75 per cent wage reductions in March return to full salary terms. He claimed that Green had "easily in excess of double" the sum for the CVA pot to cover summer running expenses, which are believed to be in the region of £7m. "

So they will be going to the creditors to say " we could give you 10p in the pound, but that would leave us unable to pay our top earners, so how about you accept 5p in the pound and then we can go back to pay McGregor, David, Naismith et al their grossly inflated salaries".

This can't be real!

It's not !, don't believe a word that comes out of anyone from D&P.

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Leggo really was on form today as he also included this part:

He's spent the last two weeks singing the praises of the Daily Record! laugh.gif

His "Kennedy Kill" novel is hilarious. Every chapter starts with someone being tired and finishes with them falling asleep.

Edited by Savage Henry
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Billy Dodds in todays Sunday Herald trying to justify himself

Couple of points ya bam;

'I refuse to believe that major players evaded millions in tax' - They have already accepted the wee tax case for £4.1M for two players (Flo & de Boer) ya clown

'I was shocked to hear that 87 players and staff were involved in the EBT scheme at Ibrox - but it should be remembered that the trusts were not illegal' - Nobody has said EBTs are illegal, using them to pay regular payments/wages instead of as discrectionary payments is Halfwit

Then has a deflecting go at Yorkston

Can Billy Dodds be upgraded from halfwit c**t to Baby Cockwomble to join Doncaster in the Family Cockwomble

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