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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If anything the continued sectarian bullshit coming from OF fans over the past few pages only deepens our resolve to see the ugly sisters booted tae f**k. Be warned Celtic, once Rangers go down the pan, your next. May take a while but it will happen.

So once you dispose of the ugly sisters and peace does not reign across the land ! WHO'S NEXT ?.

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Apologies missed that .. playing poker and trying to keep up. Fair play to you .... wish I hadn't bothered posting now, hornet's nest that I stirred up :)))

Its hellish keeping up with this thread at the best of times. Anyway, ignore the diddy fans, sanctimonious hypocritical bassas at the best of times. And I include me in that. I just acknowledge it.

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Ok Back to topic please.

When the mighty Gers finally roll over and die, will someone please deliver the 2002 league cup to Somerset Park ?

Where are Haudit and Daudit? Does anyone know or are the off to Barbados with a suitcase full of Greenies?

We must be told!!

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Ok Back to topic please.

When the mighty Gers finally roll over and die, will someone please deliver the 2002 league cup to Somerset Park ?

that will be a day worthy of celebration

afterall if it wasnt for ayr united none of this would have happened , even killie(some) wouldnt grudge us that

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Guest Kincardine

Could all OF phuck off back to the "Scotland's Shame" forum please? Thangyew.

You support Dundee. This is the SPL forum.

What the phuck are you doing here?

GTF "Thangyew."

Look Kincardine, just because your club believe they can bully, harass and dictate to the rest of scottish footbal, along with your best friends acoss the city, it doesn't mean that you can do the same on this forum. There are plenty of us from the lower divisions who have a vested interest in this whole sorry mess and we're entitled to our say.

I have no issue with you having your say: I welcome it. Our 'problem' is a running sore and is of interest to all in Scottish football. For me, all comments are welcome.

However, I posted a comment on the SPL forum and in a thread related to my team. I was told, "Could all OF phuck off back to the "Scotland's Shame" forum please? "

That was what I took issue with.

Do you think it's reasonable to be told to f**k off in a thread relating to your team?

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Been away for the weekend, with no real chance to keep up. Could someone give me a catch-up of the whole weekends scandal (hilarity). Please.

Nothing much happened over the weekend. This is why the thread has descended into horrific childlike bickering between OF halfwits who insist that they're not obsessed with religion (despite mentioning religion at every opportunity) and non-OF halfwits who claim to despise the fact that the OF bring religion into everything (and then insist on bringing religion into everything themselves). Halfwit forum for that pish, please. Lets save this one for gloating, schadenfreude, and humerous gifs please.

In other news, apparently Ranger's CVA offer to their creditors will be released "any minute". So don't hold your breath.

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Do I detect a ray of common sense coming from Ra Bears?

The best times to support a club is when times are hard. These are the times when you can trust the people around you every week.

Any c**t can follow a winning team.

Would be nice if it's true.

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Can we PLEASE just get back to talking about unpaid PAYE, NIC & VAT bills, international arrest warrants, fraud, EBT's, Duff & Phelps, CVA's, illegal registrations, unaudited accounts, court actions, flaunting SFA, SPL, UEFA & FIFA rules, Sandy Jardines veiled threats, the Isle of Man connection, plundered pensions funds, dual contracts, money laundering, the Donald Findlay plan to move to Cowdenbeath, transfer embargo's, fat ally's bully boy tactics, ......and David Murray still (allegedly) having real legs

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Been away for the weekend, with no real chance to keep up. Could someone give me a catch-up of the whole weekends scandal (hilarity). Please.

Someone might send a letter tomorrow about something, they were going to send it today but missed the deadline.

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Can we PLEASE just get back to talking about unpaid PAYE, NIC & VAT bills, international arrest warrants, fraud, EBT's, Duff & Phelps, CVA's, illegal registrations, unaudited accounts, court actions, flaunting SFA, SPL, UEFA & FIFA rules, Sandy Jardines veiled threats, the Isle of Man connection, plundered pensions funds, dual contracts, money laundering, the Donald Findlay plan to move to Cowdenbeath, transfer embargo's, fat ally's bully boy tactics, ......and David Murray still (allegedly) having real legs

No, I WANT TO TALK ABOUT JOANNA LUMLEY. D'you think she's kafflik or proddy?

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