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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers won't be in any league this season, so stop talking p1sh. All this fuss about something that wont happen.

I think it can ONLY happen if the Newco are accepted into the SPL (and subsequently demoted as punishment). Every indication is that this just aint gonna happen. So we might be left with League reconstruction, and NO NEWCO. A veritable win-win.

Of course they might put the league reconstruction on the back burner if the Newco aren't admitted - but not sure why they would do that as it's not dependant on Newcos is it...... ;-)

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What's happening with the SFA's punishment to Rangers.

Last we heard was the the courts rules the transfer embargo was not allowed and put it back to the appeals panel - why has this appeals panel not sat yet ?

I know there is the issue with the oldco / newco. But as far as I understand the oldco are still in existence and still officially only in administration - so surely the SFA should be looking at what punishment is being handed out here - cos as it seems at the moment with Rangers taking the them to court the SFA seem to have backed down!

Also would any punshment handed out be transfer between oldco to newco? Is it the SFA membership that gets punished or the company?

Basically, everything is being put on hold until they can manufacture a solution that is beneficial to SEVCO, sad but true.

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A little bit 'light' for me I'm afraid, so in memory of Gerry Bron, founder of Bronze Records, who passed away this week, and was resposible for acts such as Uriah Heep and ..........................Motorhead 8)

Was going to give you a greeny for the Motorhead connection but found out the video is banned in France where I live. Still, the thought was there. Greeny it is. :)

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http: //leggoland2. blogspot. fr/

Leggo's gone loco today.

Who the hell does he think David, Paul, Murray, Malcolm Murray is? He's the chairman,so what? Doesn't Leggy realise that Murray is Sooty to Green's Harry Corbett who has his hand firmly stuck up Sooty's ârse? There's as much chance of Murray sacking Green as Soo giving Sweep a blow job.

PS. Shouldn't the fraud squad be doing some research into The? There are far too many Murrays hanging around for this to be kosher. :unsure:

Check out this EXCLUSIVE footage of Leggo. Taken from LIVE from his webcam AS HE 'writes' his blog. Clicky to view......


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He seems to accept that it is not 'Rangers' that the SPL are voting on it's 'Sevco 5088', but he can't fathom that the fact the SPL are even voting on a 'team' that have no players, history , accounts etc. etc. etc. to be admitted to their league is in itself favouritism !!

As I've read elsewhere (and I guess has been quoted on here) it's like me buying a set of golf clubs that once belonged to Jack Nicklaus, changing my name to The Jack Nicklaus and then claiming Jack Nicklaus' place on the PGA Tour !!

I heard a similar analogy that I liked - just of it being that it's a wee bit like Tiger Woods missing the cut but the organisers telling him to rock up on the Saturday morning with his clubs because the TV and sponsors are only interested in him.

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Was going to give you a greeny for the Motorhead connection but found out the video is banned in France where I live. Still, the thought was there. Greeny it is. :)

Ffs, must be because of the Hitler speeches. :angry: Bloody French......

Sorry Hector.

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My link

Alex Thomson's take on Rangers.

Sorry if has been posted

He's definitely on Ra peeples enemies list.

his 10 points has 1 flaw. thats 9 more points than your average sevco fans' IQ

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Check out this EXCLUSIVE footage of Leggo. Taken from LIVE from his webcam AS HE 'writes' his blog. Clicky to view......


Fake I'm afraid:

1. Room is too light.

2. No empty whisky bottles lying around.

3. No sign of Leggo's inflatable girlfriend in the background (unless of course she has a puncture)

4. Leggo isn't typing through clenched teeth.

5. Leggo is too clean.

6. Leggo isn't wearing pish stained clothing.

7. Even through the screen the place smells too clean......Leggo's place is howling !

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is it not closer to 100%?

Sorry Jim, what I meant was 5 National divisions, with the top 4 being fully professional and the 5th (Conference), being approximately 50% professional. The conference is a mixture of Full and Part time teams.

In effect that means there are over 100 full time professional football clubs in England, ranging from Man Utd with their 70,000 gates to Gateshead with 800 gates and there are 116 clubs competing in a fully national division.

Edited by Roker Rover
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Sorry Jim, what I meant was 5 National divisions, with the top 4 being fully professional and the 5th (Conference), being approximately 50% professional. The conference is a mixture of Full and Part time teams.

In effect that means there are over 100 full time professional football clubs in England, ranging from Man Utd with their 70,000 gates to Gateshead with 800 gates and there are 116 clubs competing in a fully national division.

Point I was making is that the Conference is mainly full-time. The numbers of course vary from year to year but a few years back it was 20/24 that were full time. Unless there's been a severe shift, it's not been 50/50 since the early 1990s.

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Just a thought re TUPE etc etc.

If the young fla's walk ie the ones that oldcorpse developed, would there be any 'compensation' from the clubs that take up their registration? And if so, as its oldcorpse that developed them , not newcorpse, it would be classed as money creditors could get their hands on? Maybe?

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Rangers won't be in any league this season, so stop talking p1sh. All this fuss about something that wont happen.

Apologies. Rangers "would" walk the first division then.

The amount of fans they could bring in and the calibre of player they could bring in would give them a massive advantage.

Look at dunfermline's shit team 2 years ago. Are we seriously suggesting Rangers with their turnover and status couldn't lure better players than that?

"Sign for us and be challenging for trophies in two years time"

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