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Japanese tourists advised against eating square sausage and approaching folk in football tops.

The 'big hoose' guy advised against wearing his football top and told to stop eating Japanese tourists.

An honourable draw. Scotland 1 Japan 1.

Edited by pozbaird
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To be fair to Keevins, his article today is fair enough. The source is saying the same things I've heard. The SPL settlement money is key here I'm afraid.

“Each year the SFL receives £1.8million under the terms of the settlement agreement drawn up when the SPL was started up. “It’s like a divorce settlement and that money works out at roughly £60,000 per SFL club."

So that implicitly means if the money is not there that Rangers are the SPL. SPL would be in breach on contract if it stopped paying would expect unless it includes clauses which state in the event of Rangers ..............................

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I have bought a (tabloid) newspaper pretty much every day of my adult life, (that's 20 years of buying a paper each and every day) until last week when I heard the contempt shown to us by the journos, especially hearing Traynor describe us as "14 year olds sitting in our bedrooms." (*can't remember the exact quote)

So despite newspaper readership falling rapidly in recent years these journalists feel it is ok to slate part of their target market?

Well, to Traynor, Jackson, Keevins etc, you have just lost another newspaper reader, you probably won't notice me not buying my paper anymore, but keep churning out the insults and the shockingly bad stories and I'm sure you will find even more folk deciding, like me, that your dinosaur press has, like you, had its day.

I'm with you friend, after that rubbish in the Record today I'll be taking a paperback to read at tea break. Had enough of it, and the rest of the paper is rot too!

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Latest DST email:

AFC Needs You !

DST applauds the follow-up statement issued by AFC on 28th June. Our discussions with AFC representatives have confirmed that the AFC board is unanimous in its continuing position to give sporting integrity priority over important financial considerations.

DST fully endorses the Board’s position to vote against a Newco joining the SPL, and not to support the proposals, leaked last week, to parachute the Newco into Division 1, rather than applying the existing rules.

The AFC stance is in accordance with the views of AFC supporters and is consistent with DST’s previous statements. However, DST is concerned that the supporters of other clubs are potentially being misled by their respective boards in that, despite communicating that the views of their supporters, and sporting integrity, are paramount, some boards are, in fact, seeking to support proposals that are contrary to their fans’ wishes, and their publicly stated positions.

DST strongly encourages all supporters to request clarity from their board as a matter of urgency, given the various meetings taking place this week.

DST supports some of the changes proposed last week where they will benefit Scottish football as a whole. However, DST does not support these changes being introduced, and rushed through, as an expedient solution for the benefit of just one team, where the team in question does not actually exist yet and, potentially, does not meet the criteria for admission to the league concerned.

DST’s desire throughout this situation has been to see the applicable justice prevail and would remind the SPL that this was their stated position, as expressed by Neil Doncaster, earlier in this saga i.e. that the SPL would act without favour or prejudice, by applying the rules as they stand, as the only action they could take.

With regard to AFC, DST has been heartened to note the recent positivity and goodwill emanating from supporters toward the club as such feelings have been missing in recent years. Whilst we respect the opinions of all supporters, and acknowledge that some AFC fans may cease attending matches were Newco to be seen to have been unfairly parachuted into Division 1, DST’s view is that it would be subsequently unfair to punish our club, for the actions of other clubs.

Therefore, DST continues to encourage all AFC supporters, who reasonably can, to purchase season tickets, or just attend home games, and provide as much support as possible in these critical times for AFC, to capitalise on the current goodwill and togetherness.

To that end, DST will be working with AFC to do all we can to make the Ross County game on 11th August a sell-out, as this would be a great signal to send that it is a “New Don” for AFC and everyone connected to the club.

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For Traynor & co

There are for a fact ! 30 teams in Scotland who do not need the OF and whatever money they generate as they play in a completely different league than the SPL clubs ! THE SFL.The SFL generates it's own money and if these teams met with the OF in cup competitions it's a small windfall or even better they kick the OF out of the competition.SO ! if these SFL teams have kicked out the OF in cup competitions why have you never written that this is the death of cup competitions because the OF have been booted out the cup ?.

Where did you get that 20 clubs will go to the wall when it only will affect the SPL clubs only ?.This £16 million you journalists say Scottish football will lose does not affect the SFL leagues and is only an SPL problem.So why the scare mongering by just saying £16 million like it's an immediate threat for next season ?.If we remove Celtic and Ross County ! I include Ross County here as they have probably already budgeted relegation as a possibility at the end of next season.This leaves 10 clubs in some possible financial trouble if they cannot budget in time for when the SKY money is reduced.Their personal club sponsors are more likely to be local companies as well as some larger companies sponsoring the larger clubs and will probably still sponsor these clubs as they are a TAX BREAK for the sponsors and can claim most of the sponsor money back from the HMRC as well as being an advertisement to the sponsor.

So where is the protection to the SPL clubs who will face uncertainty from the demise of a corrupt cheating club ?.Everything has been said and done about saving the newco and positioning the phoenix club to gain entry into the SPL as soon as possible and even against the SFA rulebook and sporting integrity mandates.No-one in any ruling body has come up with a safety package to protect any of the member clubs from a crisis they did not create,it's all about getting the newco back into a league where they should never be allowed near ever again.

Why has the ruling body "THE SFA" not started proceedings to put together a safety pot of money these clubs who could face the wall can borrow from at interest free rates to be paid back at a later date.You would think that the SFA would try to protect innocent clubs from the decline of some TV revenue caused by one of it's former members.SKY will not walk away as there are too many people in Scotland with SKY sports packages,and SKY know that if they pull out all together they stand to lose more than the pity amount of money they pay to televise our SPL.

So TRAYNOR & CO why not actually do something useful and start a campaign to protect the other clubs from possible financial hurdles instead of broadcasting the death of Scottish football.

You could actually start a ferocious campaign towards SKY to stump up a proportional amount of revenue by the amount of money we Scots put into SKY sports ( we have a tenth of the population of the UK in Scotland ! so why do we not have near a tenth of what SKY pays to the EPL ?) .You could argue publicly towards SKY that they are killing our game and it's not that some cheating club going under that has made us come to this point.You could argue our SPL is being robbed by SKY and that we are subsidizing the EPL to the tune of tens of millions that we Scots would rather be put back into our league promoting our game.You could argue that we could keep our best and rising talent here in Scotland if SKY actually paid us what we as a nation are actually due.You could also argue that if they pay us what we are due then the SPL would be a better product for the sport in general and they would also sell more packages as a result of a better well financed SPL.Why not DO something fucking useful for a change and try to do something other sell doom and gloom you roasters.



Edited by hellbhoy
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New Japanese tourist guide has the right idea...

Japanese tourist guide warning over Scots football and sausage

_61305849_lorne_sausage.jpgThe book warns Japanese tourists to avoid eating Lorne sausageA new guide book for Japanese tourists visiting Scotland has warned them to avoid people wearing football shirts, and not to eat flat sausages.

The first official Japanese tour guide to Scotland also suggests visitors avoid council estates and never call kilts "skirts".

It also advised against reading The Daily Record and to ignore anything said or written by the journalist known as Traynor.

Written in Japanese, The Insider's Guide to Scotland is published by Edinburgh-based Luath Press.

VisitScotland said the comments should be taken with a "pinch of salt".

In the book, potential visitors are told never to approach men wearing green or blue football tops, but to make sure they go on a pub crawl and get "merrily drunk" on Scottish whisky.

This is simply an outrage, lorne sausage is Scottish ambrosia


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I have to disagree but they are condemned by their actions that they enjoy their position and all the trappings that have went with that.

What they are doing now is shear self protection they are as guilty as dead Rangers supporters in their total denial of any wrong doing.

Really I would have more sympathy if they were just ignorant but it isn't this is actively creating an agenda for personal gain.

For too long these people have lived in this environment but seem unwilling to view this as a chance to change our game, it is obvious the supporters want to drive this new era and anything that threatens that will have to realise they could become a casualty if the diddy teams supporters gain a greater influence/

You're quite possibly right.

They're either morons or totally morally bankrupt. Or possibly both.

Either way anything which takes these clowns, especially Traynor off the airwaves would be incredibly welcome.

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His columns are a wee bit like the bible; you have to suspend reality and just believe it's true.

For the sake of clarity I am not suggesting Traynor is a diety.

I suppose I'm too late to make a "diety" joke.

As in he should go on one.

Got my coat.

edit yes, well late I am. That's what happens when you do the right thing and start where you left off.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Japanese tourists advised against eating square sausage and approaching folk in football tops.

The 'big hoose' guy advised against wearing his football top and told to stop eating Japanese tourists.

An honourable draw. Scotland 1 Japan 1.

Only green or blue football tops mind so I don't know who they're referring to...

Had a thought that the 'Big Hoose' Guy and John "Suicide Bomber" Brown could get together and record an album to raise money for their takeover. Both have very soulful voices. Think Robson & Jerome but with less teeth and more cirrhosis. Bound to get the RM crowd salivating and if they covered Tom Wait's numbers then Jabba could get them airplay without ever, ever, compromising his journalistic or artistic integrity.

Think they'd avoid doing "Closing Time" or "'Til the Money Runs Out" though.

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To that end, DST will be working with AFC to do all we can to make the Ross County game on 11th August a sell-out, as this would be a great signal to send that it is a "New Don" for AFC and everyone connected to the club.

Good luck with that. I'll be surprised if there are more than 400-500 County fans there at most.

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Only green or blue football tops mind so I don't know who they're referring to...

Had a thought that the 'Big Hoose' Guy and John "Suicide Bomber" Brown could get together and record an album to raise money for their takeover. Both have very soulful voices. Think Robson & Jerome but with less teeth and more cirrhosis. Bound to get the RM crowd salivating and if they covered Tom Wait's numbers then Jabba could get them airplay without ever, ever, compromising his journalistic or artistic integrity.

Think they'd avoid doing "Closing Time" or "'Til the Money Runs Out" though.

or how about they re-enact Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush's "Dont give up"

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Let's imagine for a minute that Jim Traynor is correct and as a result of SFL clubs doing the right thing Scottish football dies. Any ideas what jobs he could do for a living? I think he could end up being a taxi driver, one of those ones who has a wrong opinion about everything.

He can certainly check the fat arsehole box.biggrin.gif

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There should be no conflict of interest. As soon as old Gers get papped out the SPL, Airdrie should be an SFL1 club and the only thing they should be voting for is whether to admit Sevco Scotland into SFL3

I don't suppose abstentions count as nos?

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Let's imagine for a minute that Jim Traynor is correct and as a result of SFL clubs doing the right thing Scottish football dies. Any ideas what jobs he could do for a living? I think he could end up being a taxi driver, one of those ones who has a wrong opinion about everything.

Maybe the Sunday Mail could use a new Pub Spy.

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I suppose I'm too late to make a "diety" joke.

As in he should go on one.

Got my coat.

edit yes, well late I am. That's what happens when you do the right thing and start where you left off.

I was surprised no-one came back with 'he's no a deity but he is a deity h*n'.

I don't suppose abstentions count as nos?

I suggested earlier that even on the simple majority rule it was suggested they need 15+1, so effectively an abstention would count as a no.

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