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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Kilmarnock fans don't need to apologise for anything, it's hardly their fault that MJ chose the abstention route. I don't think i've seen one Killie fan on here who doesn't think along the same lines as the rest of us non OF fans re all this sevco stuff.

Yes. Fans aren't responsible for the actions of their directors or chairmen or owners.

Wait a minute, I've heard that before....................:rolleyes:

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I don't know if people realise, but you can record the wireless on Sky Plus. I always record the World Football Phone In. Will be saving Radio Scotland tonight for a point-and-laughathon later.

and for those that dont have sky+ and podcasts don't give the whole prog, downloadradio is excellent to get the whole shebang....

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With the SFL board meeting tomorrow ahead of next Thursday's vote, and given Green's statement - do we think there's any chance of them showing some leadership by declaring the vote to be about D3 entry only and ruling out D1 consideration entirely? I'm sure they must have had some feedback from the SFL clubs at yesterday's meeting already, and might be keen to make easier the decision for its member clubs.

Alternatively, they kick the application out tomorrow because there's currently no vacancy...

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Gordon Smith on SSN on the verge of tears.

Would be good if there were some actual tears... so we could replace that oft-used Dawson Leary one on here.

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First of all this is only part one of a possible trilogy, although a definite 2 parter anyway. The SFL vote is still to go through and although the vote is likely to be a now, if they only need a 16/30 majority vote then that's a bit too tight to be calling a definite stick on, although I would imagine the legend that is Turnbull Hutton would lead the no vote to ensure at least 15 sides say no.

The next one is potentially more destructive. SPL 2 is hanging in the wings ready and although may not happen this season....could they be looking to get it in for next season? Cockwomble will still be looking to get Rangers into the top leagues asap and even though it doesn't fulfil the get them to the top league by 2013/2014 season, he may be working on deals to get something ready for the 2014/2015 season. Previously I would have rubbished that idea but I now put nothing past him/them at the SPL.

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The League Cup hasnt been drawn yet. Why would the Ramsden cup need redrawn? Simply replace whoever goes up with whoever replaces them. Or, give the other team a bye and dont admit the replacement club to this years competition

Only enjoying the fun, and think Ramsdens draw has a north-east & south-west split.

Please lets just enjoy the removal of this mornings despair as it looked like a sell-out was on the cards, but they took the vote, fired the bullet and we got some movement towards next season.

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We don't have an official twitter. The only club in the SPL without one. Yet another example of our chairman being a fucking idiot.

I'm not sure he realises the shitstorm he has started today though. He was at the meeting last Thursday where 100% of the people in attendance said they wanted a "No" vote.

Ah I see. Just had seen this a few pages back and took it at face value.

Kilmarnock F.C.@killiefanpageOfficial - out club voted NO to newco

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To be honest Kilmarnock probably have more reason to say "NO" then Celtic do, as your allegedly the least stable club financially. Not that I'll believe you'll actually go out of business without this new SevCo I just think it crossed your chairman's mind. I also think it might have been a round the table hands up type of affair and Johnston had been early on in the vote, I can certainly understand why he done it if that's the case

You have a point. Kilmarnock have always been against a change in voting rights, a fairer distribution of television and other revenues , a more democratic structure and wanted to push through a ten team league...................... oh wait a minute, that wasn't us.

If as you suggest we're the least financially stable club; what benefit was there in us playing the long game and abstaining so as to not upset sevco? He knew how the vote was going to go. He would know we'd face a bhoycott/boycott as well as the loss in league revenues plus the oodles of cash sevco were going to bring into the game. He knows that Kilmarnock fans have been holding off on buying season tickets. IMO if he's abstained given all those factors he needs sectioned for his own safety.

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