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RG did try to get cockwomble onside before trying to go for the jugular, needs to be a bit more forceful though, its just a pile of vomitous management speak coming out of cockwombles mouth.

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Can this farce actually get any worse????

For the sake of every other club in Scotland, i just want this whole escapade to be done and dusted so we can get back to f**king football sad.gif

Try k**king it, you'll get on better :)

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Doncaster's only point-of-reference regarding the fan's being against SPL or SFL1, is only framed in the context of them "staying away and hurting gates".

He's clearly no conception that there might be something other than money which would influence the decision-making process.

He's clearly no conception that sporting integrity... not just calculating the cost of abandoning it... should/did play a part in deciding things.

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Someone needs to ask him that given he is responsible for promoting the SPL does he think instead of saying it would be shit without Rangers shouldnt he had been talking the league UP! FUD.

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Well...been out hillwalking all day and only heard the news in the car on the way home.

All doubts gone - no backtracking or sneaky springboarding for Newco and no talk of SPL2.

My real congratulations go to Stranraer on their promotion to the 2nd - enjoy your derbies lads. Took a lot to come out and speak their minds (very strongly) knowing it could promote them and miss out on 2 visits from the Orcs.

Anyway -

Can someone explain why there's talk of Newco facing sanctions? Whilst utterly hilarious, I feel that punishments were for Oldrangers, not Newco.

Is this a way of them holding onto the history or something?

They want Oldco's SFA membership,so now being told they weren't being punished being placed into SFL3 as this is what happens to all newco's.Yes,they tried and failed to place them in further up,but that was for marketing purposes,and tv monies.

The newco wanting the Oldco's membership means they must also take with it the punishment handed out to it,ie,fines and transfer embargo...or else start as a complete newco,which they can't as they don't meet the criteria to be eligible for a league place.

So now the punishments begin.

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Is there a listen again of sportsound later, i canny get the b*****d BBC website to work.

Should be available to download as a podcast later on tonight.

How much of a fanny is Doncaster. Total cockwomble!

Edited by BigMartyn86
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