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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Earlier today I thought I'd have a look at some fixtures of all the divisions and I see that the SPL still have 'Club 12' fixtures listed on their site, with the SFL having Dundee, Airdrie and Stranraer in the First, Second and Third respectively. I take it this just through laziness, or is there something they are waiting on? It can't be the Rangers SFA membership as those clubs will be moving up regardless. It gave me a little panic for a moment that they still hoped to wrangle something dodgy, but it's far far too late in the summer for that.

I was under the impression Scotland wasn't getting a summer this year.

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Sitting in the pub last night, minding my own business. When in comes this very attractive girl, wearing not only a Sevco top but a scarf also. She then proceeds to give me the glad eye for half an hour, before bringing me a pint of lager and chatting me up for another half hour........Finally she said to me 'fancy taking me home?'..... I said 'sorry hen, but you're not in my league'

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Speaking as a director of a limited company myself, kindly stick your staggeringly arrogant condescension up your hole.

That presumably explains the fact that you clearly have a little knowledge (which is a dangerous amount). My partnership isn't incorporated. Does that make me more or less of an expert than you.

I don't get it because it isn't the case. They bought some assets and used them in a new business. Charles Green paid £2.75m for the contracts of some players, most of whom have since fucked off because it turns out he didn't own their contracts at all.

Most of whom fucked off because they exercised their right to f**k off rather than transfer under TUPE. I'd hope that you'd understand the concept of TUPE (kit requires an understanding of a business undertaking) but I don't really care. You've digressed enough.

They WILL be. Not yet they're not. What have they "marketed" other than a spurious line on a website? You can't even buy a season ticket yet, six days from the start of the season. Why not? Because they don't have a business yet, since their only function is to play football and they don't yet have a licence to do so.

I can't prove a negative. You constantly assert that Sevco is trading as Rangers right now, yet are unable to provide a shred of evidence in support of that assertion, because there isn't one. There probably will be soon, but as we speak there isn't. You can bluster around that fact all you like, but it won't change.

Okay, so your argument is that sevco are not a business. You've mentioned numerous problems but haven't been able to specify a single one other than the frankly bizarre assertion that a company which employs dozens of staff, who transferred over from their previous eployer because the law explicitly recognises the associated business undertaking is not a business.

Incidentally, I haven't asked you to prove anything, I merely asked you to explain your argument with sources, since you stated earlier that you had cited sources. You've explained your argument, it's nonsense, and you have no sources. I've wasted enough time.

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Ok I'm trying to get my head around this. So if I set up a company called 'Woolworths' using the same logo etc selling the same stuff that makes it a phoenix company if I was a director of the previous Woolworths. But if I was never a director of Woolworths it would not be a phoenix company.

If that is the case the law sucks major style and it's given me an ideawink.gif

If you are a former director of Woolworths and you have unpaid tax liabilities that you have no intention of paying your company would be a Phoenix company acting illegally.

If you are not a former director of Woolworths but have bought the assets and the intellectual property, you are still a Phoenix company, but your not doing anything wrong, even if the former entity known as Woolworths owes millions in unpaid taxes.

You'd probably have to change the name for clarity between the two companies but you could do it perfectly legally.

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I admit to not fully understanding the legalities of Charlie Green's Sevco being able to pop out the other side of this affair as 'Rangers' - but here's my take on it as a reasonably intelligent guy, just not one who can get his head around the legal mumbo-jumbo and inter-forumster bickering to actually make sense of it all....

Rangers got into a lot of debt, for reasons we are all well aware of. It caught up with them, and like so many other football clubs before them, they entered administration. However, unlike so many of those clubs before them, they couldn't get a CVA agreed, and were liquidated. Charlie Green racked up and paid money to own the exact same entity that Whyte, and before him, Murray had owned.

He faces a lot of problems which we also are all well aware of - getting an SFA licence, meeting the running costs of what is a huge stadium and training complex, meeting staff wages, he has a youthful inexperienced squad, he has to start at the bottom of our league system, and on top of that, his manager is a buffoon.

Anyhow.... if he can get over all of these obstacles, including his manager's ineptitude, I see no reason why he cannot carry on as 'Rangers'... just as we knew them before, but probably minus 5 league titles and 4 Scottish Cups, oh, and minus 40,000 fans at every home game... but it'll still be Rangers.

The only way I can see him not managing to carry on as 'Rangers' is if the whole set of obstacles is simply too much, and it implodes in a big puff of smoke that rises up into the Govan sky and spells out the words 'Third Lanark' before wafting off on the breeze. Even then, Brian fcuking Kennedy and his smurfs will emerge to pick up the shattered pieces, and they'll attempt to carry on as 'Rangers'....

In short, I see no way that there simply won't be a continuation of Rangers at some level. If Charlie boy crashes and burns on the launch pad and fails to lift-off, it still won't spell the end.

Have I got any of this even half right? :rolleyes:

Edited by pozbaird
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You guys are absolutely mental. BDO and HMRC do not give a single fuck about sevco trading as Rangers.

Less of the insults you sanctimonious cockhead. wink.gif

Time will tell who is right and who is wrong in regards to what BDO and HMRC give a f**k about. In your last few hundred posts on this thread you have attempted to persuade everyone that you are an expert in the affairs of everything concerning "Rangers", attempting to persuade everyone that "Rangers" are still alive.

Dundee Utd fan you may or may not be but one thing is certain ... "Rangers" were your big team before they suicided themselves.

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Companies House issue trading names now? Seriously?

Seems to me that you are very knowledgeable PMS. Instead of sarcasm and condescending remarks, why don't you inform those who want to discuss the issue and are ignorant of the real facts.

If you're not prepared to do that, I for one would understand completely and if that is the case, why bother debating with mere mortals at all ?

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Sitting in the pub last night, minding my own business. When in comes this very attractive girl, wearing not only a Sevco top but a scarf also. She then proceeds to give me the glad eye for half an hour, before bringing me a pint of lager and chatting me up for another half hour........Finally she said to me 'fancy taking me home?'..... I said 'sorry hen, but you're not in my league'

I considered giving you a red dot for that.:P

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Something we can all agree on there. If you ever come up with any evidence of Sevco trading as Rangers in any way whatsoever, do feel free to get back to us.

When the Season tickets renewals went out, weren't they collected initially by oldcorpse on behalf of Sevco? Thats not just trading, that was taking the piss.

Edited by wunfellaff
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Having spent a couple of weeks away from P&B I am amazed how this thread has degenerated. And the post above typifies it. Are we in school holidays or something? Maybe time for Rangers for Dummies to be published? There obviously is a market.

It is as if now that Rangers are moving into liquidation, and the team under whatever name is going to struggle in front of comparatively large crowds in Division 3, that many of the more significant posters from the past seemed to have given up.

Continuity has been stressed by both Green and McCoist. The name is important. If they get to go with a blue kit, Rangers FC playing at Ibrox then in terms of company law, what's to stop any football club racking up as much debt as it likes and doing a Newco.

Meanwhile the cowboys circle the business exploitation opportunity, with double glazing salesman Brain Kennedy joining the greed queue today (again).

Kennedy previously stressed he would be the last man standing, does he know something we don't?

Ticketus, Whyte, the guilty ex Rangers directors all still need to be dealt with, as they await their chance. Court cases and court threats by the bucket load still to be sorted.

They'll be dealt with out of the limelight after the season starts for Newco

We have the SFA, holding onto its Rangers supporting key members of staff with Campbell Ogilvie sitting out the storm.

A flawed and useless SPL trying to invent a role for themselves under their totally flawed business model.

Rangers may be in the wounded animal stage, but now is the time for them to be put down for good, with Green's assistance.

And we talk here about what name can be used. rolleyes.gif

So much still to do. We seem to be trying hard to become irrelevant. mad.gif

The thread has followed all the key issues as they've risen, there's more to come and we'll see it through. Been peaks and troughs before on the thread.

Right now the company name is important. As is the five way discussions to get the SFA licence transferred from oldco to Newco.

Identity and Continuity are what the Rangers support expect. If they get the name and the history, is that fair or not? :huh:

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Probably, technically, but who would have an interest in doing so? Plus, any action would be overtaken by events almost immediately.

It just seems strange that Sevco would lay itself open to a challenge over the name rights when by biding their time they would most likely be granted them. One thing they need to do is to keep their nose as clean as possible

Edited by The Old Northerner
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Charlie Green racked up and paid money to own the exact same entity that Whyte, and before him, Murray had owned

Nope, they owned 'The Rangers Football Club plc', which is the club which won a few titles, rioted in Manchester, Barcelona etc. If they wanted to own that same club, they would have had to have bought the shares from Craig Whyte.

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Seems to me that you are very knowledgeable PMS. Instead of sarcasm and condescending remarks, why don't you inform those who want to discuss the issue and are ignorant of the real facts.

If you're not prepared to do that, I for one would understand completely and if that is the case, why bother debating with mere mortals at all ?

Sorry, bud. I have tried but these things tend to degenerate into nonsense. That post above was made in the midst of dealing with a particularly unsatisfactory digression.

My apologies to all who I have offended. I do have a very unattractive tendency to condescension and sarcasm when I'm irritated. It's a fair cop.

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Nope, they owned 'The Rangers Football Club plc', which is the club which won a few titles, rioted in Manchester, Barcelona etc. If they wanted to own that same club, they would have had to have bought the shares from Craig Whyte.

So, you are saying that IF Charlie Green overcomes the obstacles in his way, and manages to get a team out at Brechin - it can't be called Rangers, it can't use the same crest, and the match results won't be published in all media outlets as Brechin City 5 Rangers 0?

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I admit to not fully understanding the legalities of Charlie Green's Sevco being able to pop out the other side of this affair as 'Rangers'

- but here's my take on it as a reasonably intelligent guy, just not one who can get his head around the legal mumbo-jumbo and inter-forumster bickering to actually make sense of it all....

Rangers got into a lot of debt, for reasons we are all well aware of. It caught up with them, and like so many other football clubs before them, they entered administration. However, unlike so many of those clubs before them, they couldn't get a CVA agreed, and were liquidated. Charlie Green racked up and paid money to own the exact same entity that Whyte, and before him, Murray had owned.

He faces a lot of problems which we also are all well aware of - getting an SFA licence, meeting the running costs of what is a huge stadium and training complex, meeting staff wages, he has a youthful inexperienced squad, he has to start at the bottom of our league system, and on top of that, his manager is a buffoon.

Anyhow.... if he can get over all of these obstacles, including his manager's ineptitude, I see no reason why he cannot carry on as 'Rangers'... just as we knew them before, but probably minus 5 league titles and 4 Scottish Cups, oh, and minus 40,000 fans at every home game... but it'll still be Rangers.

The only way I can see him not managing to carry on as 'Rangers' is if the whole set of obstacles is simply too much, and it implodes in a big puff of smoke that rises up into the Govan sky and spells out the words 'Third Lanark' before wafting off on the breeze. Even then, Brian fcuking Kennedy and his smurfs will emerge to pick up the shattered pieces, and they'll attempt to carry on as 'Rangers'....

In short, I see no way that there simply won't be a continuation of Rangers at some level. If Charlie boy crashes and burns on the launch pad and fails to lift-off, it still won't spell the end.

Have I got any of this even half right? :rolleyes:


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Rangers'got into a lot of debt, for reasons we are all well aware of. It caught up with them, and like so many other football clubs before them, they entered administration. However, unlike so many of those clubs before them, they couldn't get a CVA agreed, and were liquidated. Charlie Green racked up and paid money to own the exact same entity that Whyte, and before him, Murray had owned.

No. Whyte and Murray owned The Rangers Football Club PLC. That entity is NOT owned by Charles Green - Wikipedia lists its owner as Craig Whyte, who as far as I'm aware still owns the bulk of its now-worthless shares, and it's in the process of being liquidated by BDO. Charles Green TRIED to own it, by proposing to take it over via a CVA, but it was not accepted. Instead he bought the assets of the old company and is using some of them in a new company under a different name, although he proposes to change its name to one very similar (but not identical) to that of The Rangers Football Club PLC.

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History is not an asset which is transferable. It's not even an asset of any kind.

Ok. Ever bought anything from Celtic that had 1888 on it?

History and the past of a club are a big marketing pull.

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