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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do you sit at home writing up these little rambles and just pick the 1st Rangers supporter and direct it at them

When do I do or write any of the stuff in that post?

You are a very strange guy

Doesn't have to be a "rangers" supporter. Any ill-informed, abusive, bigot-defending half-wit will do, as I'm sure a few followers of the other arse-cheek will attest. Funnily enough, though, most of the really hard of thinking on here list the same name as their team of choice. Even stranger is that their team of choice no longer exists.

Go figurelaugh.gif

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You obviously dont know anything about HMRC and they way they operate, they sent out a demand not "you are guilty note"

As far as you can see....that would lead you to believe....thank f**k you dont work for Harpers....hmmm seconds thoughts would be good if you did :lol:

Jesus, again with the basic misunderstanding of the situation, sending out the demand is exactly HMRC saying "this tax set up you have is ridiculous and unlawful and here's the feckin bill, thanks very much". Rangers then appealed against the decision, hence the tax case. This has been explained on this thread at least a thousand times, try to keep up.

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Did you actually read what the OP said?

He dished out petty insults, said he was "above me" so yeah if I wanted to show the cnut up for what he is then he has left himself open for it

I dont see you having a go at him for his petty insults directed at me

So go f**k yourself with your selected forum policing

He only meant on the evolutionary scale

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Did you actually read what the OP said?

He dished out petty insults, said he was "above me" so yeah if I wanted to show the cnut up for what he is then he has left himself open for it

I dont see you having a go at him for his petty insults directed at me

So go f**k yourself with your selected forum policing

What exactly is he then? I happen to agree with him, you lot are beneath me too. Beneath most of us here.

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Keep up?

Again you dont even try to read the OP comment

He said the HMRC found you guilty :lol: its about the daftest comment I ever saw

Read the post before blethering shite

Yes I did read the OP comment and as I tried to explain above, maybe I have to be a bit more obvious, he is correct. HMRC decided the scheme DeadClub were using was illegal, decided you were guilty of avoidance/evasion (I prefer the Kent Brockman version "avoision" myself) and forwarded you an initial bill, with more to come pending further investigation. I.e. HMRC finding you guilty of using illegal methods to not pay tax is exactly the correct way to describe it. DeadClub then exercised their right to appeal against this effective guilty of avoidance decision from HMRC and so we had the big tax case. Clear?

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You obviously dont know anything about HMRC and they way they operate, they sent out a demand not "you are guilty note"

As far as you can see....that would lead you to believe....thank f**k you dont work for Harpers....hmmm seconds thoughts would be good if you did :lol:

Yep, I'm naively expecting them to have a working knowledge of the UK tax system, seeing as it is, in effect, their system. Baxendale-Walker advised rangers there was a loophole, rangers took his advice, HMRC disagreed with the implementation and issued a demand. That HAS to be simple enough, even for you. As I said before, though, this is moot, as the debt died with your club. All that remains is for those involved in the scheme to answer for their actions. If they're seen as representing the club in doing so....

Can - opened

Worms - Fucking everywhere.laugh.gif

On the footballing side, several former players have admitted being paid this way - not as a bonus, but as part of their remuneration for their specific job, i.e. playing football. This is what the SPL is concerned with, as multiple contracts is against the rules of the football authorities, not (unlike tax-dodging) necessarily against the law. HM, agenda or no, are going in simply to discover evidence which they will then present to an independent body - evidence which rangers/sevco/whatever Charlie is calling the "company" this week will have ample opportunity to refute.

On the dual contract issue, rangers are legally, in the finest of British traditions, innocent until proven guilty.

Morally, the whole crew going back at least to (S)DM are lower than a snake's belly.

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Tedi your recent posts have been outstanding, I can think of no-one better informed to help me.

Those stars on the old Rangers badge, what are they all about?

Edited by stonedsailor
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Again another cnut that just dishes out petty insults, were you bullied at school or something?, come out into the big bold internet and insult people when they have just said something you disagree with?

We are all capable of comming out with random shitty insults, does not make you seem smart or clever it just makes you look a bit pathetic really :rolleyes:

Aw jesus here we go. Listen, I don't *disagree with you* as many of the things we're discussing are not matters of opinion, you are clearly wrong on several points, and (excuse the insult here but it's demonstrably true) idiotic on the "I've made my feelings pretty clear on the H&M front - they'll fabricate evidence against us because they're pure heavy duty tarriers". I engaged with you earlier, and tried to have a reasonable discussion, but you are so wildly wrong on so many things and totally unwilling to listen to reason that it's difficult not for that to get a bit pissy.

Look, I apologise if I have overstepped the mark and have upset you, I don't want to kill the debate. Often I was using "you" in the collective sense, so not all of the insults were directed at you (singular), more at you (orcs), but talking to a brick wall can be pretty feckin frustrating.

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Jesus, again with the basic misunderstanding of the situation, sending out the demand is exactly HMRC saying "this tax set up you have is ridiculous and unlawful and here's the feckin bill, thanks very much". Rangers then appealed against the decision, hence the tax case. This has been explained on this thread at least a thousand times, try to keep up.

You forget, Tedi only crawled out from under his rock once Sevco got conditional permission to leapfrog honest teams with history into the Senior game. Oh, and if a post is more than two lines, or contains big words, he won't read it.

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Yep, I'm naively expecting them to have a working knowledge of the UK tax system, seeing as it is, in effect, their system. Baxendale-Walker advised rangers there was a loophole, rangers took his advice, HMRC disagreed with the implementation and issued a demand. That HAS to be simple enough, even for you. As I said before, though, this is moot, as the debt died with your club. All that remains is for those involved in the scheme to answer for their actions. If they're seen as representing the club in doing so....

Can - opened

Worms - Fucking everywhere.laugh.gif

On the footballing side, several former players have admitted being paid this way - not as a bonus, but as part of their remuneration for their specific job, i.e. playing football. This is what the SPL is concerned with, as multiple contracts is against the rules of the football authorities, not (unlike tax-dodging) necessarily against the law. HM, agenda or no, are going in simply to discover evidence which they will then present to an independent body - evidence which rangers/sevco/whatever Charlie is calling the "company" this week will have ample opportunity to refute.

On the dual contract issue, rangers are legally, in the finest of British traditions, innocent until proven guilty.

Morally, the whole crew going back at least to (S)DM are lower than a snake's belly.

While the part in bold is true of the dual contracts in reference to fielding inelligible players, it's not technically true of the tax case. HMRC decide their schee was illegal and Rangers can appeal it, so in that sense they are guilty until proven innocent, but as you correctly point out, this died with DeadClub anyway.

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I defend bigots ?

Show me where I defend bigotry please

Your team is listed as rangers. A vile institution which has had, before its death, for decades based its business model on the fostering and implicit promotion of religious and racial bigotry. Your business partners are no better, neither are those in Italy which promote fascist and racist agendas, or those in Eastern Europe who wish to perpetuate ancient ethnic conflicts. Don't think you're special, I hate all of that shit - it has no place in sport.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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You forget, Tedi only crawled out from under his rock once Sevco got conditional permission to leapfrog honest teams with history into the Senior game. Oh, and if a post is more than two lines, or contains big words, he won't read it.

The funniest thing the last week or two was how the more annoying, offensive orcs the ulster goon were all over the board after they pumped East Stirling and beat Falkirk, then disappearred for a few days after the Berwick game, only to be back with a feckin vengeance after pumping Falkirk.

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Keep up?

Again you dont even try to read the OP comment

He said the HMRC found you guilty :lol: its about the daftest comment I ever saw

Read the post before blethering shite

If you're referring to my post, I said that HMRC assessed rangers as being guilty of avoiding millions of pounds of tax. The club, as was their right, appealed against this assessment.

In the CVA proposal, H&D listed HMRC as being owed (iirc) 93Million+. As they were the body responsible for the running of rangers at the time, this could reasonably be taken as an admittance that the assessment by HMRC originally was, in fact, correct. In short, they said "we owe 93M+ in tax". Funnily enough, the inclusion of this amount meant that HMRC could (as everyone and his dog knew they would) block the CVA, meaning liquidation was inevitable. Wonder who benefited from that then?

A clue - he picked up your club's assets for buttons and is currently fleecing gullible orcs for every penny of their benefits he can get his hands on. (£1.50 per text laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif - talk about knowing your demographic, he's deeper into your lot's pockets than an Aberdonian's dinner money)

Oh and by the way - read a bit more of this thread (and the many blogs/sites/news reports linked from it since early February) before blethering shite.

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Aw jesus here we go. Listen, I don't *disagree with you* as many of the things we're discussing are not matters of opinion, you are clearly wrong on several points, and (excuse the insult here but it's demonstrably true) idiotic on the "I've made my feelings pretty clear on the H&M front - they'll fabricate evidence against us because they're pure heavy duty tarriers". I engaged with you earlier, and tried to have a reasonable discussion, but you are so wildly wrong on so many things and totally unwilling to listen to reason that it's difficult not for that to get a bit pissy.

Look, I apologise if I have overstepped the mark and have upset you, I don't want to kill the debate. Often I was using "you" in the collective sense, so not all of the insults were directed at you (singular), more at you (orcs), but talking to a brick wall can be pretty feckin frustrating.

I shouldn't take it personally, the poor lad's grasp of context is about as shaky as his spelling, and as you state, he has an inability to separate fact from opinion. Why did rangers attract so many like him?

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Ah Jesus here we go (can i start the same way you do?)

You dont agree with what I said about H&M? fine I am not going to explain again my perfectly valid reasoning, I really dont care if you agree or not

But then to apologise to me for overstepping the mark by again being a condasending "pissy" p***k, it makes debate almost a non starter, because if we continue it just becomes a slagging match, sorry not my thing


Your "perfectly valid reasoning" is based around your own bigotry, that's the sad thing. You project your own morals onto those of others, i.e. you hate the 'tic and given the chance would f**k them over by faking evidence in the same position, so you assume that because this law firm has an association with Celtic that they must be fans, are also bigoted and biased and will do everything in their power to f**k Sevco. It's ridiculous, and really quite sad.

Is that me on the naughty list then? Am I being ignored?

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Call me old-fashioned, but I would say the non-payment of taxes and NIC for a full year in order to keep a non-viable club operational is cheating on a monumental, if not strictly speaking football sense. They have been found guilty of several charges by the footballing authorities (Craig Whyte as a "director" represents the club in the eyes of the law when he acts as such), and have admitted the non-payment of monies due to HMRC.

Guilty enough? Or have we recently discovered that Hector is, in fact, a leprechaun?


We are all aware of the fraudulent actions of Whyte but we're speaking of what charges the club was found guilty of on charges put to the club by the SFA. Rangers were neither charged with nor found guilty of cheating by the SFA, if you can find such a charge at that time please show it or indeed where it states that was what the guilty verdict was. The club was found guilty of the charges detailed,nothing more.

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