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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The funniest thing the last week or two was how the more annoying, offensive orcs the ulster goon were all over the board after they pumped East Stirling and beat Falkirk, then disappearred for a few days after the Berwick game, only to be back with a feckin vengeance after pumping Falkirk.

You know it's amazing, the orc infestation level of this thread is a more accurate method of keeping up with Sevco's fortunes than the Beeb or SSN laugh.gif

Except when it comes to crowd figures!wink.gif

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Now that Sevco Rangers are in the AIM stock market exchange could that mean they can go back to their old company Rangers PLC? Cause back in January old Rangers have been removed by the AIM Stock market. So why did CG put it back in? To me it's more money to him than Sevco Rangers.

One thing strikes me is that the club has refuse to comment about the deal bringing them back in the AIM.

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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Sorry I go to watch Football end of story

Saying I defend bigotry is just simply wrong, when you put this in context of Rangers it can only mean you think that I defend religious bigotry, and by default making me a religious bigot

Nothing could be further from the truth I dont give a f**k about religion and with the idiots who still cling to that stuff would dissapear and leave the club alone, thankfully the number is declining

Please put any sevco / liquadation and other crap my way but dont call me a bigot

Must be that time of the month again - every so often one of you lot pulls out the "football end of story" shit. the entrenchment of sectarian and racist attitudes among the rangers support, and the repeated instances of that club's representatives (Goram (at least one of him), Roberts, Gascoigne, Findlay, just off the top of my head) encouraging that bigotry, would lead any decent person to run a mile from such an organisation.

As stated before, were KFC to pursue an active policy (or to have done so in the past) of not signing black players, had fans who sang about being "up to their knees in nigger blood" or advised black citizens of this country to "go home", I would not be found anywhere near RP.

By supporting rangers, or whatever tribute act is masquerading as rangers, you are condoning the culture surrounding them. Hence you are defending bigotry.

All the while we hear about the "new friends" sevco are making, every away game has seen (heard?) the full songbook get an airing, and every game has seen arrests for singing banned songs.

Brand new club, same antediluvian attitude, same scum.

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We are all aware of the fraudulent actions of Whyte but we're speaking of what charges the club was found guilty of on charges put to the club by the SFA. Rangers were neither charged with nor found guilty of cheating by the SFA, if you can find such a charge at that time please show it or indeed where it states that was what the guilty verdict was. The club was found guilty of the charges detailed,nothing more.

Bringing the game into disrepute, acting in an improper manner, cheating Dundee Utd and the SFA out of cash owed for a cup game, maximum penalty short of expulsion given for every offence. They didn't find you guilty of the dual contracts (yet) but you were found guilty on 5 of 6 breaches and it was described as one step short of match fixing.

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Here we go (note i dont feel the need for adding Jesus before it)

Bigotry? honestly the only bigot here is you, you throw the word into conversation because you think again it will add some weight

My reasoning is nothing to do with that, you obviously have not read what I said, it was the "outburst" and the word in that outburst "stole" that makes me think they are capable of "playing" with the evidence

No you are good for pointing out speeelling mistakes, that is about your level

Haha, the outburst. As I asked you several pages back, do you imagine this law firm only has one lawyer there? Or do you imagine this seemingly made up outburst (where's the evidence for it?) means this guy will force a group of professional lawyers to break every rule in the book, risking their careers to do so, just because he's a Celtic man and therefore hates the berzz?

Right so, you're not a bigot then, you're just a fantasist.

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Must be that time of the month again - every so often one of you lot pulls out the "football end of story" shit. the entrenchment of sectarian and racist attitudes among the rangers support, and the repeated instances of that club's representatives (Goram (at least one of him), Roberts, Gascoigne, Findlay, just off the top of my head) encouraging that bigotry, would lead any decent person to run a mile from such an organisation.

As stated before, were KFC to pursue an active policy (or to have done so in the past) of not signing black players, had fans who sang about being "up to their knees in nigger blood" or advised black citizens of this country to "go home", I would not be found anywhere near RP.

By supporting rangers, or whatever tribute act is masquerading as rangers, you are condoning the culture surrounding them. Hence you are defending bigotry.

All the while we hear about the "new friends" sevco are making, every away game has seen (heard?) the full songbook get an airing, and every game has seen arrests for singing banned songs.

Brand new club, same antediluvian attitude, same scum.

Ran ootay greenies but that deserves one!

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Ok congratulations on being a Bigot Rose

And the last time i was at KFC a black man gave me BBQ Rancher Box Meal, so yes i can confirm KFC are not bigots, so keep going :lol:

Hate myself for this, but EVERYONE who thinks the "hey, guess who's got the same initials as Killie" is remotely original deserves a "Friends" boxset for Christmas. For now, a reddie will have to do.

And I'm a bigot (no capital necessary) why, exactly?

(Genuinely can't wait for this answer)

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Yep, I'm naively expecting them to have a working knowledge of the UK tax system, seeing as it is, in effect, their system. Baxendale-Walker advised rangers there was a loophole, rangers took his advice, HMRC disagreed with the implementation and issued a demand. That HAS to be simple enough, even for you. As I said before, though, this is moot, as the debt died with your club. All that remains is for those involved in the scheme to answer for their actions. If they're seen as representing the club in doing so....

Can - opened

Worms - Fucking everywhere.laugh.gif

On the footballing side, several former players have admitted being paid this way - not as a bonus, but as part of their remuneration for their specific job, i.e. playing football. This is what the SPL is concerned with, as multiple contracts is against the rules of the football authorities, not (unlike tax-dodging) necessarily against the law. HM, agenda or no, are going in simply to discover evidence which they will then present to an independent body - evidence which rangers/sevco/whatever Charlie is calling the "company" this week will have ample opportunity to refute.

On the dual contract issue, rangers are legally, in the finest of British traditions, innocent until proven guilty.

Morally, the whole crew going back at least to (S)DM are lower than a snake's belly.

According to Paul Baxendale Walker yes he approached them with the scheme but SDM never got back to him and they failed to implement the scheme as per his instructions , as this was not PDW's error as he has instrumented the EBT scheme for other companies. The fault lays with Minty and/or his advisors.

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Your team is listed as rangers. A vile institution which has had, before its death, for decades based its business model on the fostering and implicit promotion of religious and racial bigotry. Your business partners are no better, neither are those in Italy which promote fascist and racist agendas, or those in Eastern Europe who wish to perpetuate ancient ethnic conflicts. Don't think you're special, I hate all of that shit - it has no place in sport.

I was momentarily perplexed by the depth of hate in this post. Then I realised it was a spewing of thought from the diddy clubber mind-set.

Implicit promotion of racial bigotry?


Edited by Bendarroch
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By supporting rangers, or whatever tribute act is masquerading as rangers, you are condoning the culture surrounding them. Hence you are defending bigotry.

same scum.

I can't quite see how (or why) your hate-speak is substantially different from the hate you vehemently claim to find so objectionable.

Almost certainly because there is no substantial difference. Fly your double standards high.

Edited by Bendarroch
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Yeah and if the outburst never took place and the word "steal" was not used then I will retract my "idiotic" :lol: :lol: :lol: suggestions

Proof Please !!

Right out the evangelical handbook there - "Prove god doesn't exist!" firstly it's very difficult to prove a negative, secondly the onus is probably not on me here to prove this didn't happen, more the other way round. I'm not saying it didn't, I'm saying it's so unlikely that it's either made up or a totally distorted verions of events, and for you to use it as some sort of justification for your idiotic suggestions and then ask me to prove it didn't happen is silly.

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Ok congratulations on being a Bigot Rose

And the last time i was at KFC a black man gave me BBQ Rancher Box Meal, so yes i can confirm KFC are not bigots, so keep going :lol:

There's no talking to Rosey i'm afraid, i actually feel sory for him as having that much hatred and bile eating away inside of him isn't good. Actually i feel more pity for his family having to live with the ray of sunshine, must be a living hell for them.

He should do the decent thing and find a sharp knife and run a hot bath.

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I was momentarily perplexed by the depth of hate in this post. Then I realised it was a spewing of thought from the the diddy clubber mind-set.

Implicit promotion of racial bigotry?


And your favourite term "plastics"? Should have made that explicit, mibbes.

Has big brother Tedi's carer let you have a go on the magic word box, then? You are the only poster on here with the gift of making that lad look coherent.

Ah feck, I'm guilty of discrimination towards thick people.

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Yeah and if the outburst never took place and the word "steal" was not used then I will retract my "idiotic" :lol: :lol: :lol: suggestions

Proof Please !!

So rather than your proving that this "outburst" happened, you demand that someone prove that it didn't? You should perhaps edit your post, replacing ""idiotic" suggestions" with "paranoid fantasies". (Just - careful with the punctuation marks, there, fellawink.gif)

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There's no talking to Rosey i'm afraid, i actually feel sory for him as having that much hatred and bile eating away inside of him isn't good. Actually i feel more pity for his family having to live with the ray of sunshine, must be a living hell for them.

He should do the decent thing and find a sharp knife and run a hot bath.

A fine way to end an evening that is, lifted that one right off the old OrcMedia Berrz Dunny forum did you? Fecks sake, get a grip.

Anyhoo, now this clown is exhorting people to kill themselves for not agreeing that he has a (protestant) god given right to be a feckin bigot and cheer the very symbol of said bigotry to the rafters, I think it's time for bed.

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NP i will repay the favour ;)

And yes I think you are a bigot for no other reason than you think I am one, both of our reasons make about the same amount of sense ;)

So you have no problem in financially supporting an organisation which has historically discriminated against a sizeable minority of Scots because of their ancestry and/or beliefs?

Seriously, no problem at all? Ethically, morally, you think rangers were/sevco are* an admirable organisation to donate your money to?

*Delete according to level of delusion.....

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Sorry I dont believe in God, so lets not debate this

and yep Im just a stereotypical "orc" from follow follow I believe what another stereotypical "orc" tells me and they told me that "outburst" 100% happend

Proof Please !!

Feckit, one last reply.

I'm not saying you believe in god, I'm using that as an example of a ridiculous and pointless starting ooint for an argument. Sorry to con-de-scend again here, but maybe the subtlety was lost on you there eh?

So your proof is that this rumour is doing the rounds on orc forums so it must be true? As someone far smarter than me pointed out earlier, you're already guilty of internal Chinese Whispers yourself, getting confused over what exactly was or wasn't said, and yet you think that some postings on teh internets regarding this are verbatim quotes? I've said it before and I'll say it again - Come on, are you feckin serious?

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A fine way to end an evening that is, lifted that one right off the old OrcMedia Berrz Dunny forum did you? Fecks sake, get a grip.

Anyhoo, now this clown is exhorting people to kill themselves for not agreeing that he has a (protestant) god given right to be a feckin bigot and cheer the very symbol of said bigotry to the rafters, I think it's time for bed.

You just make it up as you go along. :lol:

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He is actually quite funny Bennet, this is why I have not put him on ignore like the usual loons, quality entertainment :lol:

Just remember that while you and others are laughing at him, at best he'll be taking his rage out on his computer or at worst ........... best not go there :(

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