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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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brought a taste of the Middle Ages' sewerage facilities to towns around Scotland, the lowest common denominator mining DHSS Gold at an amazing rate. fuckwits cheating, theft and criminality theft from the crown (!) cheat "'cause we arra peepil". Halfwits with no self-esteem, sorry lives. sectarian songs sectarian views? rotten to the core, bigotry

Your hate is, obviously, a classier, less vindictive hate than that which you feverishly complain of. Isn't it?

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It would irritate the f**k out of me as well, if I was trying to paint a rosy picture of just going to ibrox for the football, "ah don't even know which songs ye mean", "me and ma mates pure disown that minority and their unacceptable views", and then that minority CONTINUALLY sang their way through the songbook, CONTINUALLY had the club up before UEFA, CONTINUALLY re-arranged city centres around Europe, CONTINUALLY brought a taste of the Middle Ages' sewerage facilities to towns around Scotland, and then when there was a seismic event in the club's history, a chance to start afresh, guess what?

That's right the OWNER of the company which now owns your club's tribute act is leading the charge with accusations of bigotry, applauding offensive singing to get "onside" with the lowest common denominator of the former club's support. Luckily for him, benefits are one of the few areas where incomes haven't fallen in the current climate, so he's mining DHSS Gold at an amazing rate. And Sevco have a higher proportion of fuckwits clamouring to follow them than rangers ever did. (never thought it could be possible). The reason being that the recent revelations of cheating, theft and criminality have led some former fans to the stage where they can no longer justify being associated with such a discredited "institution". Let's say this has been a Damascene experience for them.

So what's left? People who believe that theft from the crown (!) is acceptable "cos we're rangers", people who think it is acceptable to "win" trophies and cash by acting outwith the rules of a competition - i.e. cheat, people who believe they should be allowed to go where they like, do what they like and sing what they like "'cause we arra peepil". Halfwits with no self-esteem, in other words, who have relied on vicarious successes to bring some reflected value to their own sorry lives.

Are/were rangers responsible? Well, when the club handed out flags to the fans to wave in solidarity, they weren't rangers flags, were they? How many of the club's representatives have publicly sung sectarian songs or expressed sectarian views? Sorry to be blunt, but the entire organisation was/is rotten to the core, and anyone who associates themselves with bigotry and criminality must remember what happens "when you lie down with dogs...."

10 words or less Norman.

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Are/were rangers responsible? Well, when the club handed out flags to the fans to wave in solidarity, they weren't rangers flags, were they? How many of the club's representatives have publicly sung sectarian songs or expressed sectarian views? Sorry to be blunt, but the entire organisation was/is rotten to the core, and anyone who associates themselves with bigotry and criminality must remember what happens "when you lie down with dogs...."

Like when No.8 posts about shaking hands with Loyalist Terrorists and also bubbles about Emails placing him in a state of fear.

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Why is it when someone paints an accurate version of the truth ... you label it hate ?

Not long .... until the strippers arrive ... :lol:

Because Stevie Wonder could see this hate for what it is. You agree with it? Telling.

And as I've said before - if Liewell and his poodles do succeed in having titles removed then so be it. We'll just have to win them back.

And we will. The Rangers will not be stopped. smile.gif

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Because Stevie Wonder could see this hate for what it is. You agree with it? Telling.

And as I've said before - if Liewell and his poodles do succeed in having titles removed then so be it. We'll just have to win them back.

And we will. The Rangers will not be stopped. smile.gif

Already have sunshine. :D

suck it up & move on....you'll feel happier inside, i promise. :rolleyes:

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Guest Kincardine

So rather than blaming those responsible your supporters blamed those interested/enjoying the decline.

There is only one thing wrong with that comment: It is wrong.

Every Rangers fan knows that, "Those interested/enjoying the decline" are not to blame so it's rather silly to post that.

We all know that the blame lies with ourselves.

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This type of point scoring irratates the f**k out of me

Are Celtic or Celtic Fans (collectively) to blame for Willie Collum Death Threats? indirectly

Are Hearts or Hearts Fans (collectively) to blame for Templetons GF`s Rape Threats? No

Are Rangers or Rangers Fans (collectively) to blame for NL being sent bullets? indirectly

No these people are just sick cnuts end of story, it has nothing to do with Football or supporting a certain team

Both institutions have made paranoia a phenomenon to cover up inadequacies within clubs. Profiteering from sectarianism, its not us is them. It is both and any argument about who is/was the worst is immaterial, the point is both are guilty.

The point I was making and again you have took a snippet to deflect the issue that the supporters of the zombies are focusing on retribution on the SPL and individual clubs when the only guilty club and people are your own.

If that animosity was directed at all those who failed in their duty to prevent this from happening they would be very worried and that would be relevant to Charles Green and is sketchy master plan, investors ??? standing charge ???

The problem with all Sevco apologists is they have been institutionalised by the WATP it is basic to any organisation make your membership feel special that they are above anyone else. Your a collective brainwashed mass, Green has already identified this and has now manipulated his way into your mindset for the purpose of making some fast money.

My fault is trying to have a debate about the issues of your old/and reanimated club your all beyond reasoned thought , no wonder so many are taking delight at the demise.

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Because Stevie Wonder could see this hate for what it is. You agree with it? Telling.

And as I've said before - if Liewell and his poodles do succeed in having titles removed then so be it. We'll just have to win them back.

And we will. The Rangers will not be stopped. smile.gif


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There is only one thing wrong with that comment: It is wrong.

Every Rangers fan knows that, "Those interested/enjoying the decline" are not to blame so it's rather silly to post that.

We all know that the blame lies with ourselves.

I think you need to remove that quote attributed to myself as that is not what I posted.

You have a right to reply but not to attempt to fit words into my posts

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So rose since you gave me a reddie

Let me ask you directly;

Do you think that a Rangers fan sending NL bullets has something to do with Rangers or the fans collectively?

Brace yourself, Tedi, this may go on for more than two lines....

Ask yourself the question, "Why send bullets to a football manager? Why send a bomb to the same football manager?" Lennon is, in my opinion, a contemptible human being, but he's hardly Gaddafi or Saddam, now, is he?

Both of the Glasgow "giants" have pandered to their side of the divide for years. When you encourage sectarianism and bigotry, you will attract people who hold these views. Do you honestly think the culprits' support of rangers was a coincidence? By holding the club as a beacon for those with loyalist sectarian views, rangers set themselves up as responsible for these people getting together and the hive mentality becoming apparent. As stated many times before, playing and non-playing representatives of the club have been seen and heard promoting the very ideals the club claims to disown. So yes, rangers do have a responsibility. To say they are not responsible for the actions of a few extremists is disingenuous in the extreme. Again, the question - why Lennon? Kenny Shiels is just as much of a gobshite....

As to the fans - this one really does have you lot confused, doesn't it? You all support rangers. That means you are the financial basis on which the club can continue to operate (yeh, I know, but that's not the point right now). NOBODY in Scotland can reasonably claim ignorance of the sectarian and bigoted nature of the so-called "old firm". By contributing money to an institution which promotes these ideals, then YES you are culpable.

Anyone can hold whatever views they wish - it's not Nineteen Eighty Four. When those views are used as a rallying point for those who wish to discriminate, vilify and visit violence upon others for what amounts to a difference of opinion, there is a problem. It has been a problem in Glasgow for many years, so why carry it on? Why continue to feed either of these clubs with your money, when, as every rangers and celtic fan on here claims, "ah'm no a bigot"?

And Tedi, if you skipped all that, then.....

Of course it fucking does! Are you really that stupid?

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Guest Kincardine

My fault is trying to have a debate about the issues of your old/and reanimated club your all beyond reasoned thought , no wonder so many are taking delight at the demise.

You have used such phrases as:

"Both institutions have made paranoia a phenomenon to cover up inadequacies within clubs"

"Profiteering (sic) from sectarianism"

"supporters of the zombies"

"sketchy master plan"

"all Sevco apologists"

"institutionalised by the WATP"

These are not phrases that back up your statement that you're trying to, "Have a debate about the issues."

The essence of a debate is that two parties meet on equal terms and discuss an issue. The debate is concluded based on the evidence produced by both parties during their discourse.

What you're doing is hurling petty abuse and then using the term 'debate' as a sop.

If you want a genuine debate then I will be very happy to have one with you.

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There is only one thing wrong with that comment: It is wrong.

Every Rangers fan knows that, "Those interested/enjoying the decline" are not to blame so it's rather silly to post that.

We all know that the blame lies with ourselves.

Why are so many of you delusional junkies on this particular thread constantly and consistently posting pish if you "all know" that the blame for the death of the club that you supported lies with yourselves? wink.gif

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Do you think the a Hearts fan sending a tweet to David Templeton`s GF saying she was going to get raped, has something to do with the Hearts or the Hearts Fans collectively?

The culprit/offender was her ex-boyfriend, the fact that he was a Hearts fan is irrelevant you delusional junkie cnut.

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Yes I skipped the whole thing, your writing style is very dull, last part was the only answer I was looking for ok next question;

Do you think the a Hearts fan sending a tweet to David Templeton`s GF saying she was going to get raped, has something to do with the Hearts or the Hearts Fans collectively?

1 hearts fan ?.....Is that the best counter argument you've got ? :huh:

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You have used such phrases as:

"Both institutions have made paranoia a phenomenon to cover up inadequacies within clubs"

"Profiteering (sic) from sectarianism"

"supporters of the zombies"

"sketchy master plan"

"all Sevco apologists"

"institutionalised by the WATP"

These are not phrases that back up your statement that you're trying to, "Have a debate about the issues."

The essence of a debate is that two parties meet on equal terms and discuss an issue. The debate is concluded based on the evidence produced by both parties during their discourse.

What you're doing is hurling petty abuse and then using the term 'debate' as a sop.

If you want a genuine debate then I will be very happy to have one with you.

You altered my post and then made comment on something you made up, change it .

That is the jingoism belonging to your clubs, so your excuse in altering my words are because of the phrases used in everyday terminology on this site and many of your own. What it is you don't like the answers and are now trying to change the questions.

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