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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I see this thread's gone downhill in the last 24 hours :( ..we've sneaked into sellic/sevco religious pish again.

Fuck off to the rangers-celtic forum with this childish, never-ending, tedious, only-a-fucking-idiot would argue about shite.


Like I said. :)

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FTP or FTQ, i don't give two f**ks about either if i'm being honest, they wont upset me in the slightest. I've more things in life to worry about than some PC claptrap. I've rechecked the link and he doesn't even mention FTP so get your facts right.

The altar boys thing was crass and embarrassing for Jeffrey but hardly merits the police zooming down to England to sort him out. Do you get outraged when comedians make similar jokes or is it only when it's a Rangers fan doing it?

Do you get your facts from FF?

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Firstly, I know there's a multitude of threads running - many of which now only exist for our amusement, posting of 'pleasing' gifs, and general 'let's all laugh and point at Rangers' merriment....

The more I'm hearing though, the more I'm looking towards the actual end game here, and would like to gauge reaction as to where we will be a year, two years, however many years down the line. For as long as i remember I have personally felt disgusted by the way football clubs play fast and loose in a manner no 'normal' business can ever hope to get away with. I see this going the same way as so many clubs before them. They'll dodge the big one by playing the administration card. They won't be the first, they won't be the last. So, what's your prediction for the actual end to this?

To my eyes it's all set up with Whyte knowing all along that he would decide when to play the administration joker card to position himself as main creditor. I genuinely believe some sort of deal will grudgingly be accepted by HMRC. There will be pain for Rangers - but they will indeed dodge the big hammer blow. Short term pain, longer term, they'll weasel a way to rise phoenix-like from administration, as I say, like so many morally bankrupt cheating football clubs before them.

Thoughts? Hopefully not just of a 'LOL' nature! Really looking to see what you guys seriously see the end of this actually being when the dust settles.

The topic turned onto this subject here (a Sevco fan)

The topic turned onto this subject here (a thistle fan)

Nothing to do with Rangers fans disagreeing (or as you put it wrongly deflection)

Nothing to do with religion.

O2B a Jaggy.

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Is FTP sectarian? I would say it crosses the line. I have little sympathy for a man who after an Old firm game asks if the abuse of alter boys would have been worse had Celtic lost to Rangers. He is filth pure and simple.

That you think he is filth is entirely academic. He has a right to express his opinion.

The likes of FTP, FTQ and more might offend some So what. Let them be offended. I'd rather take the nip at some remark than have the right to express an idea or thought crushed.

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He wasn't making a joke .. not even remotely close which shows you up for the c**t you really are.

Warranted by the police, hard to say (possibly not) but there's no smoke without fire .. so examining his pc is no bad thing. Maybe the police have other evidence that's not disclosed yet .. Quite possible that someone with that mindset is involved in other things, who knows .. but shock, horror at you defending the sicko ..

Whether the police are right or wrong is irrelevant, it's the consequences of being a gormless Orc p***k ..

Doesn't matter if he was making a joke or not, it still does not merit police intervention. It's a blog aimed at fans of a certain team, if fans of other teams wish to go on it just to be mock offended then that says a lot about them.

I have to laugh at the irony of your post too, claiming outrage over Jeffreys comments yet calling him an orc (we know what it stands for ;) )

It's guys like you who created this PC culture that now ruins our game.

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Personally, I believe that they will find a way around it. However, I can't see how HMRC would feasibly accept any deal when there are still assets which can be sold off to at least partly repay them.

However, I feel they'll be stripped clean and start again, though this has undoubtedly tarnished them irreversibly and they will always carry the burden of being cheats and tax dodgers around their necks.

Anyone who believes that Rangers will come out the other side of this and be stronger is seriously deluded.

Back on topic with post No.2 of the thread.

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That's the thing that sickens me the most. In any other business, a company or individual who deliberately avoided tax would have the book thrown at them, and I would doubt there would be too many complaints from Joe Public.

It seems to be an acceptable practice - not just with Rangers but right through British football - that clubs are somehow able to flaunt these basic obligations because they somehow see themselves as 'institutions'. The amount of financial skulduggery that must go on behind the scenes sickens me.

It'll take one of the bigger clubs to go (or rather, for HMRC to grow a pair and go after them in the same way they would for anyone else) before anybody in the game realises that the practices apparently bankrolling the whole show are killing it.

And another.

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That you think he is filth is entirely academic. He has a right to express his opinion.

The likes of FTP, FTQ and more might offend some So what. Let them be offended. I'd rather take the nip at some remark than have the right to express an idea or thought crushed.

:offtopic :offtopic :offtopic :offtopic :offtopic

Doesn't matter if he was making a joke or not, it still does not merit police intervention. It's a blog aimed at fans of a certain team, if fans of other teams wish to go on it just to be mock offended then that says a lot about them.

I have to laugh at the irony of your post too, claiming outrage over Jeffreys comments yet calling him an orc (we know what it stands for ;) )

It's guys like you who created this PC culture that now ruins our game.

:offtopic :offtopic :offtopic :offtopic :offtopic :offtopic

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Well, Templeton lasted 9 minutes on the plastic pitch afore getting the pull :D

Green must love watching his profits (he wont think of them as players) put at risk........

Edit for............hate to wish bad on any player but as the ambition free nyaff was stretchered away in agony - GOOD.

Edited by wunfellaff
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Can't we all just get along....

What does orc stand for btw? I use it in the 'mindless followers of evil in lord of the rings' sense. It's so apt

Orange Rancid Coont? (as a proddie I can legally call them that ;))

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Whether I argue/debate about something doesn't mean I'd do it .. simply illustrates another viewpoint .. something you're incapable of . I don't smoke ,, yet I am against the smoking ban.

His comments were a whole lot more offensive than the announcer at Falkirk .. you remember the guy your muppets tried to get sacked ... but we always know your argument is always one sided and complete BS . Whether or not I believe he should have been detained is neither here nor there .. If you read my post correctly I stated it was probably not warranted ... and merely stated there could be more to it .. FACT.

However we know you don't read and comprehend as it's self evident in all the shit you regurgitate and post on here ,..

Back to the main topic ...

Your club's dying and you have a new one ... :lol::lol::lol: .. get over it !!

Most Rangers fans felt that the Falkirk announcers comments were banter (check the thread ;) ) . Still wont stop you lying though.

It's guys like you going on to a blog looking to be offended over nothing that are ruining out game, i can just picture you phoning the police in full mock outrage mode.

One of the things i always liked about the game was the dry humour associated with the old firm and Scottish football, thing of the past now thanks to you and your ilk.

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Doesn't matter if he was making a joke or not, it still does not merit police intervention. It's a blog aimed at fans of a certain team, if fans of other teams wish to go on it just to be mock offended then that says a lot about them.

I have to laugh at the irony of your post too, claiming outrage over Jeffreys comments yet calling him an orc (we know what it stands for ;) )

It's guys like you who created this PC culture that now ruins our game.

Then I am sorry but that does make it significant in relation to sectarianism. Your failure to accept that and by bringing in references from wider society are completely red herrings. Tim Minchin made a song about the pope or whatever but the same guy would have written a song about the queen or King Billy or Rangers, the orange lodge if he wished to raise an issue of that organisation.

Now you either want to stamp this crap out or you don't , if it takes this sort of intervention to halt/ reduce/ eradicate this stigma from our society then action has to be taken. You will commend the football clubs for their efforts but if you want to stamp it out then it has to be persued and not allowed to fester either at football matches or online. This was flagged up and action taken, maybe it will deter others from posting similar.

I don't think you can honestly say that you are impartial in your stance and that Orc is a reference to Mordor with reference to the facia at Ibrox it has not got a religious connotation as far as i am aware if so please enlighten us.

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Then I am sorry but that does make it significant in relation to sectarianism. Your failure to accept that and by bringing in references from wider society are completely red herrings. Tim Minchin made a song about the pope or whatever but the same guy would have written a song about the queen or King Billy or Rangers, the orange lodge if he wished to raise an issue of that organisation.

Now you either want to stamp this crap out or you don't , if it takes this sort of intervention to halt/ reduce/ eradicate this stigma from our society then action has to be taken. You will commend the football clubs for their efforts but if you want to stamp it out then it has to be persued and not allowed to fester either at football matches or online. This was flagged up and action taken, maybe it will deter others from posting similar.

I don't think you can honestly say that you are impartial in your stance and that Orc is a reference to Mordor with reference to the facia at Ibrox it has not got a religious connotation as far as i am aware if so please enlighten us.

A good thing it wasn't sectarian then and thats as far i read.

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