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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why, for example, would Ross County spend all their life-time trying to get into the Premier League to find Rangers were not there? It's inconceivable.

What say you, County fans?

Have the last 18 years been all a big fucking waste just because the famous Glesga Rainjurs aren't in the SPL any more? :lol: :lol:

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So which of the ones had the glints in their and will not be welcomed to Ibrox with open arms and banners proclaiming 'All Is Forgiven', according to CG

or if it is up to usual standards 'Al is ForGovan'

Edited by MEADOWXI
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http://www.bbc.co.uk. ..otball/19661156

So which of the ones had the glints in their and will not be welcomed to Ibrox with open arms and banners proclaiming 'All Is Forgiven', according to CG

or if it is up to usual standards 'Al is ForGovan'

So is a 'glint' an orc word for the vestments that priests wear or something? i'm not up on my RMspeak :unsure:8)

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Chuck is really starting to become unfunny. The ramblings of a desperate wankstain…

Maybe he needs big away supports to avoid bankruptcy before Christmas?

The very low crowd at the midweek cup match with QOTS and his knowing that early League and Scottish Cup exits are now inevitable will have him panicking knowing that the £6/7 million incomings from half-price season ticket sales will be nowhere near enough to pay for the annual costs of running Ibrox and Murray Park?

Just a thought. wink.gif

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Maybe he needs big away supports to avoid bankruptcy before Christmas?

The very low crowd at the midweek cup match with QOTS and his knowing that early League and Scottish Cup exits are now inevitable will have him panicking knowing that the £6/7 million incomings from half-price season ticket sales will be nowhere near enough to pay for the annual costs of running Ibrox and Murray Park?

Just a thought. wink.gif

Then who's going to buy the land at Ibrox Aldi, lidl? laugh.giflaugh.gif

Found this article on June 14. Linky

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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So comedians are automatically racist, homophobic, ageist, bigots .. etc etc..

So if I tell joke about coloured people I'm racist despite being married to a coloured person ?

Get off your high horse .. nancy boy .. a joke or dig does not make you racist or homophobic .... intention is crucial .. the joke or dig maybe in bad taste, but that's all !!!

As for hypocrisy .. were you not the one banging on about free speech and the 'complaining ninnies' ruining the banter and craic at football games .. or was that simply so that you can carry on singing your songs ???

false indignation is the worst hypocrisy

Or have I got the wrong Orc ?? :lol:

(you all *sound the same to me)

*the tone and content of your posts (That's mainly for Tedi in case he shows up)

It wasn't a joke, you intended it as an insult in a derogatory and demeaning manner. Fair enough i'm pretty thick skinned and i've heard far worse but your hypocrisy needed highlighting.

Homophobia in your mind is justified and a bit of craic.

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Why the f**k is Alex Mcleish saying they are legal oh wait he's shitting himself, remember orcs a employee benefit trust is a pension fund is when you retire from work is paid by income tax. Not from a club or company can use EBT's so ha fucking ha!

Maybe because EBT's when used by Rangers were legal.

Despite what some bitter blogging types may say.

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Honestly I don't think they will be missed and most teams know that with only Celtic to play there's much more chance of being in with a shout at the end of the season. Definitely a whole lot more to look forward and the season should be more exciting for it ...

Quite possibly the Orc's biggest fear altogether .. that they will not be missed in the slightest. ;)

I think Scottish football in general will be much more exciting for all Scottish club supporters except Celtic supporters.

During the last 30 years there have been 60 Cup Finals (League Cup and Scottish Cup), Celtic v Rangers Finals only occurred on 10 occasions (3 Scottish Cup and 7 League Cup Finals to be precise). This means that one of them were eliminated before the final on 50 out of 60 occasions during the last 30 years.

With the cheating tax dodging Rangers now dead and its replacement The Rangers Tribute Act being utter pish and in financial dire straits with both its short & long term survival very uncertain, Scottish football clubs other than Celtic for the next few years (maybe forever) have a greater chance of winning Cups.

If Celtic Football Club want to keep their supporters happy they will need to ensure that they put a team on the pitch capable of winning the league 'every' season and qualifying for European competitions Group Stages almost if not every season. Celtic will not be expected to win every domestic match by the support but they will most certainly be expected to have the league won by the start of May every season for the foreseeable future. The month of May every season for the foreseeable future should be exhibition and celebration time for Celtic supporters if the club want to ensure no less than 50,000 of them turn up at every home match. Nothing less will do - No excuses now.

Neither Rangers nor their replacement The Rangers Tribute Act will be missed by the vast majority of football supporters in the SPL that is certain. Only bigots will miss them. wink.gif

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What say you, County fans?

Have the last 18 years been all a big fucking waste just because the famous Glesga Rainjurs aren't in the SPL any more? :lol: :lol:

I have waited 18 long years to get in the top flight. I am glad the cheating basturts aren't there, it has made for a far tighter and interesting league. I didn't wait this long just so we can play those cheating basturts.

On another note, Bendy claims they are the news. He no doubt also believes they are the people. Hell, he probably believes they are the masters of the universe. For me it is simple THEY ARE SEVCO.

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I think Scottish football in general will be much more exciting for all Scottish club supporters except Celtic supporters.

???? For my own part I disagree with this, why should it be less exciting for us?

There will be new rivalries, and not rooted in bigitory. They are dead to all the other clubs, it is the same for Celtic. I am loving the SPL this year, and hope it will be closer and closer until someone else wins it.

I grew up in the 70/80's and it was a different way of life compared to the last 2 decades, and with luck it will lead to what has really been Scottish footballs downfall over the last few years, decent coaching. I am not saying all managers as there has been a few exceptions, but even then in the main they have been defensive minded when leaving our domestic game.

Think McLeish, Levein, Wattie, even Moyes. They have done 'well' down South , but are in no way 'Great'.

A closer SPL will bring youth through quicker and hopefully their talents will shine before a top flight coach erases it all. Scotlands youth teams have generally outperfomed the Senior ones and when you think of the comparable nations it must be the coaching set up that is at fault with us.

Anyway, are they deid yet? BDO in yet? Green flown with the cash yet?

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Precisely mine and joking apart he was probably banking on the cash from the Ramsden Cup semi and final .. He needs all the returns possible that he can lay his grubby little paws on from his overpaid stars ..

As for the share issue it looks like panic stations there as well .. hence the American tour. He knows that there is not hope in hell of European investors buying shares in that circus act.

Next stop ... Brazil, Africa, India, Australia, China ??? whatever happened to him ?

He really needs someone where there is no net connection form of communication devices available ... :lol::lol::lol:

But! But! What about the cash from the proposed Glasgow Cup?;)

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Given that I've never said I was leaving, then yes, it's a complete lie from you.

What a surprise!


Ever thought of posting a whole quote? Selective, cherry-picked and, frankly, slanderous.

I said you were obviously in meltdown. I see no need to review that assessment.

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