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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Curious - I don't remember anything of this nature from you before when, for example, dhensebhore was pouring out his homophobia. I didn't mind it - he was just having a dig after all.

But you? Sensitive are we? Humour bypass? Gum-bumping as an excuse for having nothing of import to say?

Diddy clubbers and the plastics - wtf are they like smile.gif

I stand corrected - he's too thick to be let out on his own laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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It was for Bendarroch .. nothing a quick name change didn't sort .. sorry petal .. disappointed?

The original (n.b. Tedi only get sidekick billing)

You should take something for that Walter Mitty syndrome .. cyanide perhaps ?

Yeah ok then, i'm just going to walk away in the opposite direction now.

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What say you, County fans?

Have the last 18 years been all a big fucking waste just because the famous Glesga Rainjurs aren't in the SPL any more? :lol: :lol:

Never has the '<<<Seething' seemed more appropriate than right now.

For a man who harps on about history, his lack of knowledge and understanding of anything outside that small bubble of his is shocking and insulting.

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We won't hold our breath, Bennett. You're not known for keeping your promises, are you now?

You hold your breath as long as you want to Norman, i'll even keep count.

There's something just not right about Dhenseboy, the boys got problems.

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You hold your breath as long as you want to Norman, i'll even keep count.

There's something just not right about Dhenseboy, the boys got problems.

Ah yes, everybody's got problems except you, the other Two Stooges, and the rest of ra peepul. A sensitive bunch who take offence on behalf of every minority they can, as long as the perceived slight comes from outside their own narrow (anti)social circle.

Thing is, Bennett, a mirror would come in handy for you right about now. You're a liar. You're a bigot. You're gratuitously offensive, not even bothering to leaven your insults with humour. Tedi and Bendarroch appear to respect you, and treat you as some kind of validator for their own deranged worldview. Are these really the kind of people whose respect you value?

Tedi appears to have taken Sevco's latest debacle hard, but I'm sure he'll be back with his poorly spelled gibberish and whataboutery when you squeak past Montrose at the weekend. Bendarroch appears to have slipped a couple of cogs, and surely can't even be making sense to himself.

And you, Bennett. Why are you still posting? I realise that all who disagree with you should commit self-harm. I realise the mission you have to explain to us all that Jeff Winter is a rapier wit. I realise it's an infringement of your rights not to be able to sing the songs you did in the good old days. I also now understand that referring to a world religious leader as a transvestite, paedophile nazi is just banter while a careless slip in an otherwise reasoned post is offensive to gay men everywhere.*

But why, Bennett? Why are you still here? Surely you have principles, being a proud member of ra peepul? Surely your tear-stained rant of a resignation speech must have meant something? You weren't lying when you posted that, were you? #

* For Tedi and other HOT**: You are a disgusting bigot.

# Actually, yes, you were. A liar and a bigot. YOUR mother must be so proud. In the event she is no longer with us, she would be so proud.

** Hard Of Thinking.

Oh Yes - wink.gif (makes it all better, apparently)

ETA: Now off you go, you're even getting me to defend a celtic fan here. That ain't right...

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Ah yes, everybody's got problems except you, the other Two Stooges, and the rest of ra peepul. A sensitive bunch who take offence on behalf of every minority they can, as long as the perceived slight comes from outside their own narrow (anti)social circle.

Thing is, Bennett, a mirror would come in handy for you right about now. You're a liar. You're a bigot. You're gratuitously offensive, not even bothering to leaven your insults with humour. Tedi and Bendarroch appear to respect you, and treat you as some kind of validator for their own deranged worldview. Are these really the kind of people whose respect you value?

Tedi appears to have taken Sevco's latest debacle hard, but I'm sure he'll be back with his poorly spelled gibberish and whataboutery when you squeak past Montrose at the weekend. Bendarroch appears to have slipped a couple of cogs, and surely can't even be making sense to himself.

And you, Bennett. Why are you still posting? I realise that all who disagree with you should commit self-harm. I realise the mission you have to explain to us all that Jeff Winter is a rapier wit. I realise it's an infringement of your rights not to be able to sing the songs you did in the good old days. I also now understand that referring to a world religious leader as a transvestite, paedophile nazi is just banter while a careless slip in an otherwise reasoned post is offensive to gay men everywhere.*

But why, Bennett? Why are you still here? Surely you have principles, being a proud member of ra peepul? Surely your tear-stained rant of a resignation speech must have meant something? You weren't lying when you posted that, were you? #

* For Tedi and other HOT**: You are a disgusting bigot.

# Actually, yes, you were. A liar and a bigot. YOUR mother must be so proud. In the event she is no longer with us, she would be so proud.

** Hard Of Thinking.

Oh Yes - wink.gif (makes it all better, apparently)

ETA: Now off you go, you're even getting me to defend a celtic fan here. That ain't right...

10 words or less norman.

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10 words or less norman.

I'm not too bothered about your vocabulary, liar.wink.gif

ETA: Took you nearly ten minutes to come back with THAT?laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Retort Disclaimer: Not too proud of that one, but if the halfwit serves you a slow one, you've got to knock it out the park.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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That's the best post of tragic proportion I've read on this thread.

A singular display of dick-headedness that Bairnforever could be proud of. If he had even the slightest clue about what he posts of course.

Bloody hell, Bendarroch, you're right for once! Given that your misrepresentation of my post was written, not verbal, the correct term is "libellous". Not over-concerned with your opinions of my pointing out your cherry-picking a few words in order to make it fit your agenda (from a Sevconian! Whooda thunk it?), but I don't want Tedi roaring back on here in full super-pedant mode.

Oh, and as your history on this thread goes all the way back to the days when the Travelling Circus was playing its debut gigs, I can only suggest that you try reading some of the denial your buddies got up to during the summer. 'Twould bring a tear to a glass eye, some of that stuff. If you go back far enough, you might even get a look at Bennett's resignation speech. You and your fellow newcomer Tedi just aren't in the same class. Same species, maybe....

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Bloody hell, Bendarroch, you're right for once! Given that your misrepresentation of my post was written, not verbal, the correct term is "libellous". Not over-concerned with your opinions of my pointing out your cherry-picking a few words in order to make it fit your agenda (from a Sevconian! Whooda thunk it?), but I don't want Tedi roaring back on here in full super-pedant mode.

Oh, and as your history on this thread goes all the way back to the days when the Travelling Circus was playing its debut gigs, I can only suggest that you try reading some of the denial your buddies got up to during the summer. 'Twould bring a tear to a glass eye, some of that stuff. If you go back far enough, you might even get a look at Bennett's resignation speech. You and your fellow newcomer Tedi just aren't in the same class. Same species, maybe....

There's a bitterness present in your mutterings that verges on tragedy. I could feel pity for you. If you weren't so patently deserving of ridicule.

Diddy clubbers, ah, bless...smile.gif

In fairness, you're not the rampant dullard that dhensebhore is, and certainly not the empty void that Bairnforever echoes within.

Slander and libel on a pish-rip of a fitba thread? That's precious.

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There's a bitterness present in your mutterings that verges on tragedy. I could feel pity for you. If you weren't so patently deserving of ridicule.

Diddy clubbers, ah, bless...smile.gif

In fairness, you're not the rampant dullard that dhensebhore is, and certainly not the empty void that Bairnforever echoes within.

Slander and libel on a pish-rip of a fitba thread? That's precious.

Remind me again, where are Charlie's Travelling Players plying their trade?

Oh dear, I'm bitter. You could add grumpy, cynical and world-weary to the list. Don't really think it makes me a bad person. Oh, and realistic. Your club is about to be put out of its misery. Any money you and the rest of the berrz chuck at ibrox between now and Charlie's exit point is going straight to a bank in Halifax. And deep down you all know it. This only makes it funnier for followers of decent clubs.

Yes, the tribute act "is the news". So is Syria. So was Enron. So was 9/11. So was the Japanese Tsunami. So was Princess Di's death. So was the Titanic. All of these dominated the public consciousness for months, years, even decades. None of them ended terribly well for the central figures, and all have been subject to conflicting opinions as to their cause - none of which arguing changed what actually happened.

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Maybe because EBT's when used by Rangers were legal.

Despite what some bitter blogging types may say.

Look, I know you're just trolling and probably nothing is going to change your mind, but EBTs are NOT legal, they are, in fact, ILLEGAL, at least in the common form of paying a tax free amount into trusts for employees to take "loans" which are never repaid .

I've explained before how they work and why they're dodgy, and, importantly where Rangers are concerned, why there WILL ALMOST DEFINITELY BE secondary contracts. I've also said that Rangers may have believed they were legal at the time, but as with all these things, all they had to do was to sit down with an inspector from HMRC and ask them, they didn't do this for the same reason as everyone else, the knew them to be dubious but thought they'd get away with it.

Now HMRC has decided they'll have all the tax due on them and, in theory at least, have the right to go back as far as they want to claw back the tax. But don't take my word for it, read HMRC's opinion on it yourself, an easy googling will show you they deem these schemes to be wrong and have gone so far as to offer people (companies and employees) a period of time in which to volunteer information on their EBTs and settle the outstanding tax due, obviously to avoid embarrassment and potentially costly litigation and see here -


There is plenty of information around on this, and this is what brought Rangers down in the first place, and the basis of the BTC. Rangers were found to be using illegal methods to avoid tax when paying their employees and were hit with a bill, they appealled but folded in the meantime due to Whyte's non payment of any dues whatsoever, despite taking the deductions from employees. (side note, this is insane, and surely he'll eventually go to prison for this. The theory is that he wanted to use it as a bargaining tool for the BTC but to take deductions and then not pay them is bad enough, he allegedly was actually using this money to run the club!! Nuts!)

Even if Rangers had won the appeal, HMRC have taken this type of thing as far as the House of Lords before and won (search for Macdonald (HMIT) v Dextra Accessories Ltd if you're interested in that) and so would eventually have faced a bill that would have killed them even had Craig Whyte been running the place honestly and well.

Just stop with the nonsense and do some reading on it.

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Guest Kincardine

Thing is, Bennett, a mirror would come in handy for you right about now. You're a liar. You're a bigot. You're gratuitously offensive,

I have to call 'foul' over this.

I haven't seen any posts by Bennet that justifies him being called 'liar' or 'bigot' or' 'offensive'.

He may well support Rangers but PLEASE try and not make ad hominem attacks.

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EBTs were legal if used properly. Rangers however didn't use them properly. Therefore illegally.

As far as I understand it, EBTs are only acceptable if used to buy and sell shares for a tightly controlled company sharesave scheme, and even under this, may still be taxable. Generally speaking, EBTs which are anything to do with employment, and which actual cash is paid into are deemed to be taxable, and so anyone using them is likely to face a hefty bill for back taxes.

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Guest Kincardine

Syria. Enron. 9/11. Japanese Tsunami. Princess Di's death. The Titanic.

And then you include a football club in Scotland going bankrupt? Do you actually know the meaning of the word, 'perspective'?

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Naw, it's like watching a car crash, or You've Been Framed or Jackass. You know you really shouldn't watch, morally, because some poor bugger is getting toasted or seriously hurt, but it is fascinating, and you know you'll come back for more because, in the end (hope that phrase doen't upset anyone with a minority sexual orientation)............it is as funny as hell. Oh, aye, and we all say "Thank f**k, that's no me."

Hi, I'm Charles Green and welcome to Jackass.

This next stunt is called "fleecing dole scroungers out of their money".

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