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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Perhaps I have made an error in my initial evaluation of your bitterness and hate. It's becoming clearer I hadn't even touched the sides of it given the grand scale you are so keen to reveal now.

It seems you think a personal justification for hate makes it somehow better than those who do not seek or offer a similar validation.

The result looks much the same to me - a hypocrisy of yours that attempted justification has not corrected.

oh dear, dear, me - you're really not very good at this, are you?

One of the things which I've been accusing fans of rangers, then Sevco, of doing since the beginning of this thread is choosing which bits of information to believe and which to dismiss as it may not suit their worldview. "Cherry-picking" if you will.

Example: "EBTs are legal" - quite a lot of debate over this, the consensus being that, properly administered, they can be an effective tax-management device. But:

"The way rangers ran EBTs was not legal" - a simplistic statement, I'll agree, but the gist of it is that rangers abused the system. This is the opinion of HMRC, and their opinion mattered enough to have rangers liquidated.

Despite the events of the summer, rangers fans STILL cling to the idea that "EBTs are legal" - even once their club has died and the corpse has been looted by an asset-stripping shyster.

See what I mean?

Now, "cherry-picking" - I'll apologise if you're struggling with the complexities of the technology here, but every time you quote me, you don't quote my entire post. You've displayed a degree of low cunning in trying to mould my words to your agenda, but don't you think it's a bit insulting to other users to think that they won't have read the whole of the original post, and that having done so, they won't think you're a cock?


Everyone who has been reading this thread from day one up until now know that he is a cockend. He and his alter-ego Bennet has been a cockend since he made his very first post on this thread. I have seen no change in his behaviour since that first post to change my mind and i seriously doubt that anyone reading the thread (apart from deluded fans of The Rangers Tribute Act) would disagree.


Edited by Junhinho Polyester
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I often am. There's only one club I support. I'm going to quote a Rangers fan I heard on a radio show a while back 'I don't support the newco just as I didn't support the oldco, I support The Rangers.'

Stafford Rangers? :huh:

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I often am. There's only one club I support. I'm going to quote a Rangers fan I heard on a radio show a while back 'I don't support the newco just as I didn't support the oldco, I support The Rangers.'

And whilst your interest in our company structure is a wonderment, the bottom line is we're going nowhere.

The best, collective efforts of the diddy clubs and plastics tried to kill us and, well, failed. smile.gif

'Roon ye.

That's not how i remember it....I thought it was david murray, craig whyte & HMRC that tried to kill you, and, well. succeeded.

'Roon ye.


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Wrong again .. it was a well written article and highly entertaining and completely on the money ... you stick to reading the hack posts from the remainder of the Three Stooges ... ;)


It's been a feature of this whole saga that reasoned debate from all sides of the game has resulted in most of us finding some common ground, and a degree of mutual respect - strangely enough, there are even some rangers fans who I have developed a healthy regard for, however blinded they may be by the propaganda they've been fed. At least, in this way, some good has come from their cheating, stealing and all round criminality.

(Still doesn't mean I like your mob, mindwink.gif)

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Stafford Rangers? :huh:

Isn't there some mob in South America that they tried to manufacture "links" with? Talk of sending strips and such? Todos Somos rangers, or some pish like that?

You know, South America, the predominantly Roman Catholic continent that hangs down from the USA?

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Aberdeen merged and remained as Aberdeen which is their right to do so, (your club was sent to the electric chair for execution)

Hibs openly talk about this period on their official website in their history section.. as they have nothing to hide.

Can you post a link to the relevant period on Sevco's/Newco/Wanna stiil be Rangers website .. or did it not happen ?? ... ssshhhhh :lol::lol::lol:

Not worth the effort really. In my 50 years as a Dons fan I've never heard anyone give a flying phuck about what date we were founded/merged/named or whatever. All that stuff 100 years ago... ? Even the stuff (fitba stuff that is) in my lifetime is getting irrelevant.

I been reading this for months and felt that the oldco fans were backed in to a corner so fair do's, we could expect a bit of denial. However, I 'm starting to believe that they really don't know why everyone is pointing and laughing about their old clubs demise. That makes it even funnier of course.

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:blink: They are seething over on RM


Giving out his name, address, phone number etc....

tut tut

I'm from Renfrew originally both of them know people I know 15 mutual freinds with the first guy mentioned who took photo 5 with the guy on the statue

To be honest if this is him and its around Renfrew he wont be walking for long (good proddy toon)


There hasn't been a protestant Lord Provest of Glasgow in 50 years. A significant number of glasgow labour politicians have been board members of celtic. If you argue that the labour party in scotland isnt a catholic institution your a liar and probably a *****.

I'm sure the police already know. But they aren't likely to do anything as West Central Scotland is politically a catholic area. If they're political masters say "no" then the police do nothing.
The "do nothing" approach (i.e. don't sink to their level) has resulted in a catholic society where every part of the establishment is in catholic control, where catholic irish groups can control the great estates of Scotland, can get taxpayers (of which catholics are a tiny minority) to pay for apartheid schooling in 2012, can have a press where irish catholic opinion is the norm, have a political system in West Central Scotland where the catholic Labour Party controls our lives.

i can't believe people still think like this! :(

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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:blink: They are seething over on RM


Giving out his name, address, phone number etc....

tut tut


i can't believe people still think like this! :(

Jesus, that is absolutely terrifying. Have to say the smilies aren't appropriate in this case, Enrico.

I've already contacted Strathclyde police including the links to that page. Disrespectful wee scumbag this one might(!) be, and indicative of why I despise both sides of the divide, but there's an organised effort here to identify, track down and harm him.

And here we have the rangers mindset. Does this site have moderators? One assumes so, given how easy it appears to be banned from it. So why are they allowing this behaviour?

Let's be clear here - a group of individuals are banding together to harm someone for the crime of disrespecting something which they hold dear. If they can identify him and report him to the police, fine. That's why we are a civilised country. This, however, is barbarism.

Is there one rangers fan on here who sees this response as appropriate? And if not, will you complain, as I have done, that the site rangersmedia is inciting hate crime based on sectarian bigotry? And if you will not complain, now you have been made aware of the situation, do you realise that you are condoning it, and are a tacit accessory?

Again, Jesus. Please, everybody on here notify police, press, and whoever you can to get this shit out from under its stone and into public view.

Edit: spilling.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Everyone who has been reading this thread from day one up until now know that he is a cockend. He and his alter-ego Bennet has been a cockend since he made his very first post on this thread. I have seen no change in his behaviour since that first post to change my mind and i seriously doubt that anyone reading the thread (apart from deluded fans of The Rangers Tribute Act) would disagree.


That is so obviously the jakey with another log in, the clowns not even trying to hide it.

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:blink: They are seething over on RM


Giving out his name, address, phone number etc....

tut tut


i can't believe people still think like this! :(

I've just read through 15 pages of guff thanks to you, there is no address or phone numbers on that thread. A lot of aimless ranting and raving, yes but no address or phone numbers.

Thats 10 minutes of my life i'll never get back.

Edited by bennett
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He told us all he was resigning from this thread, months ago. He's still here. Liar.

He believes the "traditional" song book is perfectly OK and is derogatory towards followers of the green Sisters. Bigot.

I upset him a few days ago, and he suggested I kill myself. He referred to the pope - not a well-known footballing personality, in extremely insulting terms, which could also fit into point two above. Offensive.

I think you know, Kincardine, these are not isolated incidents.

Fortunately, as you said, he supports rangers (or whatever they are now). So, for most of us he's just confirming a stereotype. For you, he's another one of the "small minority" that give your lovely "institution" such a poor reputation. If you want the tribute act to be accepted as a part of Scottish football, he's a cracking example of what you need to get rid of. Shame he's also a great example of the idiots who will continue to throw money at Charlie until he rides off back to Yorkshire.

I assume you provide an example of highlighted bits?

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Jesus, that is absolutely terrifying. Have to say the smilies aren't appropriate in this case, Enrico.

I've already contacted Strathclyde police including the links to that page. Disrespectful wee scumbag this one might(!) be, and indicative of why I despise both sides of the divide, but there's an organised effort here to identify, track down and harm him.

And here we have the rangers mindset. Does this site have moderators? One assumes so, given how easy it appears to be banned from it. So why are they allowing this behaviour?

Let's be clear here - a group of individuals are banding together to harm someone for the crime of disrespecting something which they hold dear. If they can identify him and report him to the police, fine. That's why we are a civilised country. This, however, is barbarism.

Is there one rangers fan on here who sees this response as appropriate? And if not, will you complain, as I have done, that the site rangersmedia is inciting hate crime based on sectarian bigotry? And if you will not complain, now you have been made aware of the situation, do you realise that you are condoning it, and are a tacit accessory?

Again, Jesus. Please, everybody on here notify police, press, and whoever you can to get this shit out from under its stone and into public view.

Edit: spilling.

In a week when the football 'family' in the UK is remembering those who tragically died at Hillsborough we have this wee monkey fuckwit disrespecting a memorial to the 66 Rangers supporters who died in the Ibrox disaster. He has put the picture of himself on a public forum and from what i read on his facebook page is laughing about it and revelling in the notoriety. I have to hand it to you. It is quite amazing how you can take the actions of that wee b*****d and turn it into an attack on Rangers Football Club.

As for Rangers Media. I have said before that posting Addresses and Phone Numbers on the internet is disgusting and should be frowned upon by all. At the same time it was this clown that proudly put himself on a public forum and has shown absolutely no remorse whatsoever. You are honestly expecting Rangers supporters to feel sorry for this piece of shit? Not a fucking chance.

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He was lying and protesting with false indignation when he accused me of being homophobic the second time around since I took the care to explain the situation to him with as much politeness as I could muster - or are you stating he is just too thick to read and understand the replies to his posts?

He is also lying when he states Rangers EBT's were legal .. unless you are stating again his defence is he is too stupid to understand HMRC's role and judgment. The tribunal is simple an appeal process to a decision already reached - the club need to prove they are legal.

(I am sure that he knows this)


Now I know you are having laugh with this one since Bennett goes out of his way to be offensive to as many supporters as he can. Whilst it is possibly just the craic (in his head), a joke or whatever it is certainly offensive.

What condemns him is he jumped upon my wee reference to the 'VanGuardPoofs' deeming it offensive and 'homophobic'.

Certainly it was in poor taste maybe (mibbes not); however Bennett has set the bar on how he should be judged by publishing his own high standards on the matter.

So yes ... most of posts are definitely offensive if he believes in what he writes as it matters not a jot who his victim group is - If they feel it is offensive then it is .. that seems to be his philosophy.


I will refrain from commenting on the issue of Bennett being a bigot apart from: I will say that WKR is not someone IMO that would post such a statement with their being a grain of truth to it.

So in respect of the first two; is it your defence that he is just plain thick and a hypocrite with double standards ?

You used the word "poof" then changed it to "c**t", you clearly intended it as a derogatory insult and it sums up your attitude towards gays.

You sir are a hypocrite and a homophobe.

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I've just read through 15 pages of guff thanks to you, there is no address or phone numbers on that thread. A lot of aimless ranting and raving, yes but no address or phone numbers.

Thats 10 minutes of my life i'll never get back.

There is Bennett. I read them..i wont repeat their addresses but they live next to each other in Renfrew

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I've just read through 15 pages of guff thanks to you, there is no address or phone numbers on that thread. A lot of aimless ranting and raving, yes but no address or phone numbers.

Thats 10 minutes of my life i'll never get back.

Firstly Bennett, you haven't read it properly. There is at least on mobile number posted in the first few pages.

Now, I'm glad you've bitten. No chance to say you haven't seen it. So, what will you, the moral arbiter and high ground inhabitant, defender of the oppressed, do about it? Surely you are duty bound by your own standards to take action? Or is this just "banter"?

Do you think it is acceptable to incite physical harm against an individual based purely on his perceived religious affiliation? Or would you think it is a matter for the police?

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There is Bennett. I read them..i wont repeat their addresses but they live next to each other in Renfrew

Must have missed it in amongst the shite, that board is a right mess now. Used to be a desent board too up till a few years ago then ti went downhill fast.

Apologies to the guy i had go at (Rico?) Sorry mate.

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Firstly Bennett, you haven't read it properly. There is at least on mobile number posted in the first few pages.

Now, I'm glad you've bitten. No chance to say you haven't seen it. So, what will you, the moral arbiter and high ground inhabitant, defender of the oppressed, do about it? Surely you are duty bound by your own standards to take action? Or is this just "banter"?

Do you think it is acceptable to incite physical harm against an individual based purely on his perceived religious affiliation? Or would you think it is a matter for the police?

Have you found anything to back up those accusuations yet Norman?

Hurry up now ;)

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Why would I have to? Are you denying any of it? (now you know which posts to go back and editlaugh.gif)

Sorry, Bennett the liar, but some of us have been around here longer than your two wee buddies.

Please provide proof of your wild accusations please Norman, i'm not going to let this drop.

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