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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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But as you know, the visits themselves don't constitute my "issue".

The people he met there, the direction he was happy to take during the Q&A, and the symbolism he happily framed however, do.

Yes he met Rangers fans, he's hardly going to meet Celtic fans now is he.

He's a salesman, as i said it's what he does and i see nothing wrong with the Q&A's, something we should have had years ago. As for symbolisms, i guess your on about the strips again so lets just agree to differ as i feel like i've been typing the same stuff over and over again x 50.

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Yes he met Rangers fans, he's hardly going to meet Celtic fans now is he.

He's a salesman, as i said it's what he does and i see nothing wrong with the Q&A's, something we should have had years ago. As for symbolisms, i guess your on about the strips again so lets just agree to differ as i feel like i've been typing the same stuff over and over again x 50.

You had Q&A's with Craig Whyte last year and if I remember correctly the Vangard Bears and other fan groups seen through his spin. smile.gif

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Yes he met Rangers fans, he's hardly going to meet Celtic fans now is he.

He's a salesman, as i said it's what he does and i see nothing wrong with the Q&A's, something we should have had years ago. As for symbolisms, i guess your on about the strips again so lets just agree to differ as i feel like i've been typing the same stuff over and over again x 50.

Ok, we'll agree to differ on the shirts.

However, you're deliberately being obtuse on the other points. The issue wasn't that he met Rangers fans - he also met people with known terrorist backgrounds and Unionist political figures. Why would a Scottish football club wish to cultivate such associations?

Again, it's not the fact that a Q&A was staged that is the issue. It's the fact that he played the game of 'enemies' etc in his answers.

You seem very happy to have a "salesman" at the helm. It's a shame the soul he's attempting to sell is so rotten.

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Well obviously, you'll claim that visiting a hotbed of support like Northern Ireland is entirely to be expected as he attempts to raise support and investment. Similarly, I'd imagine that you'll claim that displaying the flag of that country is entirely appropriate and would raise no eyebrows, were he to do something similar with a Canadian or Australian flag if visiting these places. As with everything though, it's context that matters.

The red hand flag is a symbol of Protestantism when flown in association with Rangers - you and I both know this. Appealing to this aspect of what Rangers are about in this direct way, is therefore sectarian. That's before we consider some of the other people in the picture who have dubious reputations, whether they're sitting immediately beside Green or not.

If we're allowed to depart from that particular photo, we could also pick up on the enthusiastic answer he provided to a question about whether Rangers would have another orange shirt; or we could ask why he was happy to be pictured in an away kit from a decade ago.

I still don't know if Green worked it out by himself or was taken aside by an advisor. There's no doubt though that he's playing his sectarian card in order to ingratiate himself.

It's part of Rangers' on-going tragedy that such a crude, repulsive and blatant tactic, works quite so well.

Not to be overly sympathetic to them, the Red Hand is far from being a sectarian symbol, it is in the main an Ulster thing that side of the water, and yes, an Argyll thing this side (think of the McNeils of Barra). The proper 9 county version has a red hand on it too.

What is the annoying thing is that they chose a flag that lost all relevance 40 years ago when it last had any 'official' status. That is the part that appeals to the 'Sectarian' side of the money grab visit.

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Let's leave all the stupid deluded bigoted and easily manipulated fools who want to believe that the Ibrox club will come back stronger than it was before Rangers FC died believe whatever they want to believe about The Green Consortium and all that the consortium associate themselves with. The only people who are going to be seriously disappointed at the result of The Green Consortium's doings will be the stupid deluded bigoted and easily manipulated fools who give their money to it. smile.gif

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The fact that Green is visiting Northern Irish supporters clubs and enjoying the acquaintance of Red Flag hitmen at the time of the centenary of the Ulster Covenant does suggest that he is looking to court that particular side of the sectarian divide.

The bit I've highlighted has hit the nail right on the head !.

Bennett seems to think this guy is a sales man and to a degree his is absolutely correct ! but it is his sales technique and how he is employing it that sticks in peoples craw.

Green is employing everything that is nasty connected to the support ! enemies of Rangers trying to kill the club ! FFS the fans let the club die and the SFA kindly let the newco a shove up into the 3rd division only because of the money a newco Rangers would bring in and nothing else.There was already a time when the CVA failed to kill any Rangers club completely !.

Timing of going to N Ireland ? dubious to say the least and wearing an orange shirt days before going ! Green previously was never ever even linked to anything of the protestant persuasion but yet here he is selling religion to the Rangers support ? and it is religion he is advertising.If Green had actually done his homework on his target audience he'd find out that the people who will buy his shares are decent hard working fans who only support a team for football reasons only.His pandering to the plebs has probably lost a few million already as they do not have money and are at the lower parts of society ! the neds ! how many neds have a shares portfolio FFS and how much of the support are neds ? 65% plus probably.And the decent fans already are very wary of this shyster.

At first his strategy was to repair all the ill will and paranoia and so called hidden agendas against the club with all the relevant authorities and associated companies and media ! so what has gone wrong there ? nothing I'd say.He has deliberately cultivated a situation that a large part of the support agree with and it is not a tactic that contains anything that remotely says "I am taking this club forward and continually speaking and meeting all the right authorities to help repair any ill will or malice associated with The Rangers Football Club and these establishments".NAW is he fcuk he has managed to make situations worse than before and the fans are siding with this shit he is spewing.I've never seen a Rangers support with this level of hatred ! and only because of their former clubs demise recently and has feck all to do with anybody they are apparently wanting revenge on.

Green will keep this charade up until his shares issue and will make matters even worse for the club,this is his only motivation for his recent tactical approach to pandering to the support.Green does not give two hoots what he is doing because he knows he can make a fortune and leave the club in dire straits later ! and he will if it means full stadiums every other week.Green is not a loyal protestant and is neither a real Rangers supporter at all but his recent shite recently would make him appear to be ? apparently.

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Here we go, just released from D+P, time for a bit of reading.

BDO soon methinks. :)

Ticketus still involved at Ibrox, with a floating charge in MP of £26.5M, laugh.giflaugh.gif liquidation here we come. biggrin.gif

BDO to liquidate Rangers in 12th of October. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Yaaaasss!!!! laugh.gif

Also the company and the club are the same thing so tata Sevco! laugh.giflaugh.gif

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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Ticketus still involved at Ibrox, with a floating charge in MP of £26.5M, laugh.giflaugh.gif liquidation here we come. :D

That's 'unsecured' :unsure: , and they aren't the ones with the floating charge, thats Whyte whose company who has the floating charge applied for Liquidation last week. He totally owns the company who has a floating charge over that company 8)

12/10 for replies, so BDO will have to sharpen the knives for a while longer. By feck they will be razor sharp by the time they are unleashed :D

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That's 'unsecured' :unsure: , and they aren't the ones with the floating charge, thats Whyte whose company who has the floating charge applied for Liquidation last week. He totally owns the company who has a floating charge over that company 8)

12/10 for replies, so BDO will have to sharpen the knives for a while longer. By feck they will be razor sharp by the time they are unleashed :D

laugh.giflaugh.gif Christmas has come early for me so they will be bust and shut down by Christmas. biggrin.gif

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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The Joint Administrators have continued to review the claims made by HMRC in the administration. The claims are largely made up of determinations issued by HMRC in accordance with Regulation 80, penalties and outstanding PAYE/NIC. The Joint Administrators have adjudicated on these claims and confirmed to HMRC that for voting purposes, their claim will be admitted for voting purposes at £94,426,217.22.

^^^^^^^ to put this in can only mean they have had the nod the BTC is for HMRC :D :D :D :D

Any trial re: Liberty Capital (Whyte and Withey) delayed past scheduled October date due to Withey becoming involved.

^^^ which is why Liberty applied for Liquidation last week, so their floating charge cannot be touched and Whyte will bbe in the clear with the new floating charge :D :D :D :D

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Well obviously, you'll claim that visiting a hotbed of support like Northern Ireland is entirely to be expected as he attempts to raise support and investment. Similarly, I'd imagine that you'll claim that displaying the flag of that country is entirely appropriate and would raise no eyebrows, were he to do something similar with a Canadian or Australian flag if visiting these places. As with everything though, it's context that matters.

The red hand flag is a symbol of Protestantism when flown in association with Rangers - you and I both know this. Appealing to this aspect of what Rangers are about in this direct way, is therefore sectarian. That's before we consider some of the other people in the picture who have dubious reputations, whether they're sitting immediately beside Green or not.

If we're allowed to depart from that particular photo, we could also pick up on the enthusiastic answer he provided to a question about whether Rangers would have another orange shirt; or we could ask why he was happy to be pictured in an away kit from a decade ago.

I still don't know if Green worked it out by himself or was taken aside by an advisor. There's no doubt though that he's playing his sectarian card in order to ingratiate himself.

It's part of Rangers' on-going tragedy that such a crude, repulsive and blatant tactic, works quite so well.

All absolutely fair and reasoned, therefore bound to attract the usual abuse and deflection from the Three Amigos and their ilk. The bit in bold encapsulates exactly why the rest of us find supporters of the tribute act so distasteful. Although I would say it's more of a tragedy for Scotland that such behaviour is tolerated in our football. They should be kicked out, sine died, horsed, ejected, erased. No conditions, no agreements behind closed doors, no "financial considerations" - get rid. Sectarian scum, from the owner to the terraces.

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Let's leave all the stupid deluded bigoted and easily manipulated fools who want to believe that the Ibrox club will come back stronger than it was before Rangers FC died believe whatever they want to believe about The Green Consortium and all that the consortium associate themselves with. The only people who are going to be seriously disappointed at the result of The Green Consortium's doings will be the stupid deluded bigoted and easily manipulated fools who give their money to it. smile.gif

This clowns still using multiple accounts i see.

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That'll keep the usual suspects busy for a while then, Dhenseboy will wanking himself into a frenzy as i type this.

And why not? Means the BTC has gone against the oldco, BDO be installed in a couple of weeks, Whyte has control over Murray Park and newco is going to be as dead as the oldco very very soon :)

Well worth a w ank or two.

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