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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Guest Kincardine

Your stalking of WhiteRoseKillie and other forum members is getting wackier by the day.

Whit? Please show me where I have stalked anyone.

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Checked my profiles on all the other sites I use? Checked all my other IDs on those sites?

You have been here for a long time, Kincardine, and I've not always (or even often) agreed with you. But you (and N08, and KB, and a few others) have been around this thread for a long time, and have fought your corner, for the most part, with dignity and reason. The "new breed" who have surfaced since the start of the season are doing nothing to promote debate, and everything to drag this thread into playground squabbling. I enjoy playing with them, I won't deny it, and I post a lot in this area of P&B because it was, and hopefully will be again, a cracking read and something I've enjoyed being a part of. But please don't think for a minute that this is the only site (or indeed that football is the only subject) that occupies my online time. There's a whole big Net out there, and I've been playing in it since my first Compuserve account back in the '90s.

I don't have anything to apologise for here. You mention my profile. The opinion of ALL posters who have bothered to allocate reputation would appear to side with me against both yourself and Bennett. Not the most reliable measure, I know - I've always found your posts well measured (with a few recent lapses!) and you defend your position well. Bennett and Tedi on the other hand, not so much. May be because I don't frequent the celtic v rangers forumsbiggrin.gif

Hey ho, here's hoping something happens worth discussing in the next few days. I miss the deadlines and quantums. I haven't heard "tarrier" for ages, and I'm beginning to fear cockwombles may be extinct! wink.gif

No of course not. Why on earth should I? I am hardly a stalker. I simply said that more than 75% of your posts on P&B have been about Rangers. This should worry you.

You are confusing being popular with being interesting. Let's face it, it is not at all hard to get green yins on a Rangers thread and if that's your measure of worth then I pity you.

I said the other day to Bennet that a forum needs people with unpopular views to survive. Sad to see that you're a greeny chaser.

I wouldn't have had you down for playing Tedi's game of selective quoting, Kincardine. Rather than cherry-pick, why didn't you quote my entire post, as shown above? I've bolded a couple of bits which I think you'll agree tell a different story to the image you're trying to portray.

75% of my posts are my contribution to the biggest debate/story in Scottish football in my lifetime. Mainly concerning rangers (especially recently) but you, at least, know that this thread has covered many subtopics in its long and varied course. I alluded to at least one side-road we had fun with in the "cockwomble" reference. However, that is 75% of my posts on P&B. If I were to tell you that 75% of the fruit I eat are oranges, would that make me some kind of citrus-obsessive? No, that'd mean I eat 9 or 10 oranges a week. I like oranges, so sue me.

If we want to talk about obsession, how about the actual number of posts? I post around 6 times a day on average. Bennett posts more than twice as often, and his acolyte Tedi more than three times as often. Subject matter aside, that's a lot of real-world interaction these lads are missing out on. *

As for reputation, again you neglected to point out my opinion that this is a poor measure of any type of worth. You also neglected to mention what I feel could have hit the reputation of OF(RIP) posters - that's not an area I normally frequent, and to be fair I don't know who does or doesn't. Wish I'd never mentioned it, tbh - I don't need validation of my worth on here. That's what Mrs WRK, the kids, and mates are for.biggrin.gif

*Mind you, Magee was riding on 40+ posts a day at one point - that boy was fucked in the head - and not in a good way....

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Whit? Please show me where I have stalked anyone.

You've been stalking members of this forum for several weeks now Kincardine along with your friends who you often mention by name in your posts. You haven't been debating and neither have your friends. Troll Troll Troll every time you log on. Over the last few months you have all been asked very many questions but rarely do any of you give a straight answer. Most of your time is spent defending each others zombie scum smackheaded posts.

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Guest Kincardine

You've been stalking members of this forum for several weeks now Kincardine along with your friends who you often mention by name in your posts. You haven't been debating and neither have your friends. Troll Troll Troll every time you log on. Over the last few months you have all been asked very many questions but rarely do any of you give a straight answer. Most of your time is spent defending each others zombie scum smackheaded posts.

Sorry but you are right out of order. I post every day or two and have certainly never stalked anyone. I have disagreed with people - it is a forum after all - but never once encroached on another poster. Also people have disagreed with me. That is their right and they are welcome to do so. I have had a few disagreements with folks but everything I have ever posted comes under the category of, "fair comment".

What you have said is objectionable. Either retract your comment or justify it.

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Sorry but you are right out of order. I post every day or two and have certainly never stalked anyone. I have disagreed with people - it is a forum after all - but never once encroached on another poster. Also people have disagreed with me. That is their right and they are welcome to do so. I have had a few disagreements with folks but everything I have ever posted comes under the category of, "fair comment".

What you have said is objectionable. Either retract your comment or justify it.

"Objectionable". Hmmm.... Mind if I use that one now and again? Just... Go easy on the idea of people's rights to have different views and that. Sounds dangerously close to democracy to me. There's some on here don't like that kind of fancy talk....

ETA: I apologise if I've ever suggested, or given the impression that I believe, that Bennett, Bendarroch or Tedi are your friends.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Guest Kincardine

I wouldn't have had you down for playing Tedi's game of selective quoting, Kincardine. Rather than cherry-pick, why didn't you quote my entire post, as shown above? I've bolded a couple of bits which I think you'll agree tell a different story to the image you're trying to portray.

I'm not playing anyone's game.

You are obviously a very intelligent and 'aware' poster with a great degree of literacy.

My point is simple: were I a Killie fan living in Yorkshire would 75% of my posts be about Rangers? I think not.

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Guest Kincardine

ETA: I apologise if I've ever suggested, or given the impression that I believe, that Bennett, Bendarroch or Tedi are your friends.

I am very happy for Bennett, Bendarroch and Tedi be my friends.

Sure, we may have different posting styles but we all support the same team.

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I'm not playing anyone's game.

You are obviously a very intelligent and 'aware' poster with a great degree of literacy.

My point is simple: were I a Killie fan living in Yorkshire would 75% of my posts be about Rangers? I think not.

But the assumption in your point is that I am a Killie fan, living in Yorkshire, who ONLY POSTS on P&B. That's not the case. There's a load of other football sites out there, and a load of WRK AKA's (wink.gif) - I'm even on FF, ffs, because they won't let you on without joining. I'm sure you won't be surprised that I've got a different name on there..... And only a couple of hundred posts, although to be fair, all my posts THERE are about rangers. I used to be on KDS (login probably still works), and I regularly post on MOT (Leeds) and Red & Blue (York City).

Then there's the non-footie stuff, like the Warrior forum (half a dozen IDs on there - they're a bit ban-happy), IMDB, booktalk, bookgrouponline.....

Anyhoo, maybe you could answer the question Bennett's been dodging - are you holding out any hope for Charlie's share issue? I just think it all sounds impressive, but people tend to want more than rhetoric before they part with their cash....

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Guest Kincardine

But the assumption in your point is that I am a Killie fan, living in Yorkshire, who ONLY POSTS on P&B. That's not the case. There's a load of other football sites out there, and a load of WRK AKA's

Like I said, I have no idea where you post aside from here. I'm hardly going to stalk you. My comment was that your P&B posts were unhealthy focussed on Rangers. Can you gainsay me?

I've got a different name on FF..... And only a couple of hundred posts, although to be fair, all my posts THERE are about rangers.

I have a profile on FF too. Same name: Kincardine. I make very few posts on FF. I prefer multi-team forums like P&B rather. Why do you post there more than I do?

Anyhoo, maybe you could answer the question Bennett's been dodging - are you holding out any hope for Charlie's share issue? I just think it all sounds impressive, but people tend to want more than rhetoric before they part with their cash....

Every Bear is suspicious of Charlie. We have been shafted by Dave, by Craig and, above all, by our own vaunting ambition.

I am prepared to chuck in £500 for a share issue - but not just yet. I am happy to wait and see what the plan is.

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As far as i'm aware i've dodged no questions Norman, now if you were to ask a question without trying to be a smartarse ....

You are far from being aware. First up with their £500 quid think we should have a vote on which deluded Sevconian will be the first to give it big licks when they donate to Chuckie's where there's muck there's brass fund.

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You are far from being aware. First up with their £500 quid think we should have a vote on which deluded Sevconian will be the first to give it big licks when they donate to Chuckie's where there's muck there's brass fund.

That would be up to you but until Charlie releases the full details/ins and outs of the issue anything i said would be mere speculation on my part. Now i understand why Norm would struggle with that concept but certain others have disapointed me.

I wouldn't be surprised if an obsessive non Rangers fan from here bought a share

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