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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Like I said, I have no idea where you post aside from here. I'm hardly going to stalk you. My comment was that your P&B posts were unhealthy focussed on Rangers. Can you gainsay me?

I have a profile on FF too. Same name: Kincardine. I make very few posts on FF. I prefer multi-team forums like P&B rather. Why do you post there more than I do?

Every Bear is suspicious of Charlie. We have been shafted by Dave, by Craig and, above all, by our own vaunting ambition.

I am prepared to chuck in £500 for a share issue - but not just yet. I am happy to wait and see what the plan is.

1. I don't feel it's an unhealthy ratio at all, taken in the context of my total online activity. You obviously do, but hey, we don't have to agree.

2. You make relatively few posts on P&B, also. I had posted pretty seldom on FF until the Summer of Sevco warmed up, when it became too much fun to resist. Opened my eyes a bit as to some of the less stable of rangers' support....

3. Thanks for answering my question re: share issue - your suspicion that "ambition" may be your biggest handicap is, I feel, probably accurate.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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As far as i'm aware i've dodged no questions Norman, now if you were to ask a question without trying to be a smartarse ....

That's the problem, Bennett - just not being aware. Where I come from, a basic grasp of English isn't "being a smartarse" - it's using a communication tool to its best effect. But hey, still deflecting, with an implied insult.....

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Back on topic, then, liar. How good d'you reckon yesterday's result will be for Chuckie's share issue and subsequent retirement?

Not being rude, Bennett, Being factual. You, however, continue to show no basic respect.

Back on the topic of the thread, which you and your amigos claim is dying, how do you think the Tribute Act's failure to bulldoze the Third Division on their way to a glorious Quadruple is going to affect Charlie's retirement plans?

I have asked you this one, but committed Sevconian that you are, it appears you would rather discuss red and green dots before your new club's survival prospects.

Alright, then, how do you think rangers' current form will influence people to invest in Charlie's retirement fund? Simple enough, or will you deflect again?

It's now been eight and a half hours since I asked Bennet a simple question. Eight and a half hours and he has absolutely NO opinion on the future (if any) of the club he follows.

Playground insults, lies and disrespect - Bennett's your man. All over here like a rash.

Ask a reasonable question, trying to promote debate - no sign. Still, mustn't stereotype.biggrin.gif

As far as i'm aware i've dodged no questions Norman, now if you were to ask a question without trying to be a smartarse ....

No further questions, M'Lord.

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I'm not playing anyone's game.

You are obviously a very intelligent and 'aware' poster with a great degree of literacy.

My point is simple: were I a Killie fan living in Yorkshire would 75% of my posts be about Rangers? I think not.

To be fair to WRK he is a Killie fan after all and this is probably the most fun he has had since winning the League Cup last year. Or indeed the only fun!

I make only a few posts here but I am always keeping an eye on the latest goings on. Some of the tripe which passes for banter on here does irritate, but is always tempered by the knowledge that just round the corner is another beauty from Chuckie, HMRC or anyone of a plethora of peopleor organisations.

I personally am glad that you can acknowledge people without resorting to silly name calling. I also await the latest revelations regarding your team, because franky, my own mob are so poor that you would probably beat us at Somerset Park!

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Anyone else notice the distinct lack of XXXL Rangers tops today ? all my Rangers neighbours who proudly wear their tax dodging tops aren't wearing them today ! I wonder why that is :lol:

Also it's been too quiet at Mordhor recently ! nothing shambolic has come out there for a while ! HURRY UP FFS !

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Was there not supposed to be something from Lord Nimmo regarding the Dual Contracts stuff he was looking into? Last week I think, did I miss it or has no new information been given out?

Nice to see another deadline pass away.

Insert Sevco joke here!!

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That would be up to you but until Charlie releases the full details/ins and outs of the issue anything i said would be mere speculation on my part. Now i understand why Norm would struggle with that concept but certain others have disapointed me.

I wouldn't be surprised if an obsessive non Rangers fan from here bought a share


Still trying to be smart arse Norman, if you look back you'll see that i have answered your question.

1) This is a reply to FinniesTON, not to me. Furthermore, you state that anything you say would be pure speculation. The last point? wtf?

2) You haven't, though, have you? On several discrete posts, I asked your opinion, what you thought the effects of rangers' form could be. I asked you to speculate, if you will. If you don't want to, then fine. Just say so. In a reasonably polite reply to me would be nice. I (and the other grown-ups on here) appreciate that kind of thing. Go figure.

Alternatively, keep up the stereotype reinforcement. At least Tedi still loves you.

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I'll take a wild stab at this given the immediate response that he didn't answer the question posed and that the response is a deflection of some sort !!

Am i right ???

What's your thoughts on the Euromillions numbers?wink.gif

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1) This is a reply to FinniesTON, not to me. Furthermore, you state that anything you say would be pure speculation. The last point? wtf?

2) You haven't, though, have you? On several discrete posts, I asked your opinion, what you thought the effects of rangers' form could be. I asked you to speculate, if you will. If you don't want to, then fine. Just say so. In a reasonably polite reply to me would be nice. I (and the other grown-ups on here) appreciate that kind of thing. Go figure.

Alternatively, keep up the stereotype reinforcement. At least Tedi still loves you.

Your wasting your time with Bennett there WRK IMO ! he knows he can wind you up and you keep battering away !

Anyhoo ! NUFF n HELPS have included the BTC in the final billing of the oldco ! WHY ? they do not list it as a possible final total BUT ! the final total as a whole.This maybe the final total as the HMRC WILL win the case against the oldco incurring penalties on the newco,the loans have NOW been classed as BONUSES and will affect the outcome of payments made to players outside the SFA mandate of players full accounted wages in clubs accounts.This totally bypasses the dual contracts issue for handing out punishments on illegally registered players on the account they have had bonuses paid to them whilst playing for the club at the same time.

There are now delays into the dual contracts and BTC outcomes ! WHY ? I feel this does not look good for the newco here and why all the delays ?.There can be only 2 conclusions ! 1, How to impose punitive measures on the newco without their fanbase going to war with the authorities again or 2, The SFA & SPL are trying to dilute the offences by using their legal department to avoid getting battered by UEFA & FIFA for failing to recognise that a member club was deliberately avoiding taxes to gain an unfair advantage on any opposition before a ball was kicked,incurring court cases from European clubs seeking recompense for lost revenue cause they feel they were cheated ?.

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Legend, cool.gifcreditors have until 12 October to vote on the report. When the administration period ends, Rangers will be placed in the hands of liquidators BDO. biggrin.gif

Yes it stated that Rangers will be liquidated, none of this newco/oldco pish.


Edited by Bairnforever1992
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Since i don't know the details of the share issue how can i possibly anewer questions on it Norman, the reply to Finnieston is more than sufficient. If you wish to amend your question to something more sensible then feel free,

and show some manners too Normy ;)

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:D :D :D

I suggest anyone interested in the Rangers Tax Case and issues surrounding the FTT and dual contracts has a look at this.


It will also end any arguments being put forward by the MSM on Image Rights.

This is an official FIFA mandate and therefore sits above national or continental rules, which in any case normally mirror this

I would urge all interested parties to read in particular sections 4 and 6.

A brief summary would be RFC are in serious breach, and Celtic have done nothing to fall foul of the regulations

In light of the news on Sudan and Zambia, Fifa are going to have to deal with a scandal greater than any they have faced before

David Murray and Rangers should be shortly facing a FIFA punishment beyond anything they have ever handed down previously


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#########Oh its getting better all the the time########

@Barcabhoy1 Does this mean that Campbell Ogilvie must have known that the contracts he signed on behalf of RFC violated FIFA guidelines?

@rangerstaxcase wow, where did that come from? The President of the SFA signed contracts in direct contravention of FIFA instructions !!

Edited by wunfellaff
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