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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That doesn't worry me. I'm here to say my piece and if people disagree then it's fine. We thrive on differing opinions.

This is a new one one me. Do share! Who is the scapegoat?

Going by whats on the RTC twitter page it's clear that this will get lumped at Campbell Ogilvies door. The other Celtic sites are obviously running with similar.

---and ofcourse of Rangers, so it should have been scapegoats.

Edited by bennett
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Guest Kincardine

Going by whats on the RTC twitter page it's clear that this will get lumped at Campbell Ogilvies door. The other Celtic sites are obviously running with similar.

---and ofcourse of Rangers, so it should have been scapegoats.

I am sure that they will find a way to implicate Ernie Walker, Jim Farry and Gordon Smith!

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I did a wee search and it was around the 10th of September - so only weeks.

If our players are proven not be to properly registered then it has implications domestically and internationally. I do not see how you can challenge the logic of this.

Fair enough, but I'm sure this was also discussed a bit longer ago as well. I'm sure there are implications, but the national associations would pin the blame on the club straight away. Would FIFA rather upset numerous member countries, or side with them against one team in a small country? I believe FIFA would go with the money - rangers are a small team in a small member nation. In FIFA terms, they would struggle to rustle up a finger buffet, let alone the kind of junket FIFA delegates are used to - witness Qatar getting the WC...

I reckon this particular can will keep its worms inside, but I still think FIFA may well be looking at those who have been employed at the higher levels within both rangers and the SFA.

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Sorry. it must have been one of the few pages on here I missed :D , but with my follow up post, players have played even at WC Finals without being registered at all - Bonner in '94 for example (he only resigned for Celtic after the Finals).

I think it is a non starter.

The 1994 World Cup was pre-Bosman ruling so in that respect Celtic would still have held Bonnars' registration which may be relevant on him playing for Ireland at the time. Bosman ruling came into effect in Decmeber 1995.

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At most major championships (Euros and WC) there have been players taking part who are not registered with a club. Euro 2012's Republic of Ireland squad included unattached Paul Green, who has since signed for Leeds United, as an example.

Whether Fifa/Uefa would view it differently if a player attached to a club wasn't properly registered, I doubt.

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I've had 2 shites today. That's TWO! Both large. Both satisfying. ;)

Each to their own, but I had a bowl of tomato soup and a baked potato with cheesy beans. Having given things careful consideration, I prefer my choices.

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Fair enough, but I'm sure this was also discussed a bit longer ago as well. I'm sure there are implications, but the national associations would pin the blame on the club straight away. Would FIFA rather upset numerous member countries, or side with them against one team in a small country? I believe FIFA would go with the money - rangers are a small team in a small member nation. In FIFA terms, they would struggle to rustle up a finger buffet, let alone the kind of junket FIFA delegates are used to - witness Qatar getting the WC...

I reckon this particular can will keep its worms inside, but I still think FIFA may well be looking at those who have been employed at the higher levels within both rangers and the SFA.

The SFA may well look to focus blame on the club but at the end of the day they are the governing body so it would be their responsibility to ensure every registration of Scotland players were in order.

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Guest Kincardine

Would FIFA rather upset numerous member countries, or side with them against one team in a small country?

That is clearly the pragmatic view and the one most likely to prevail.

However, the most used phrase on this thread has been, "sporting integrity". This should apply to both domestic and international football.

Should Ranges be found guilty of fielding improperly registered players then 'sporting integrity' demands that all games involving improperly-registestered Rangers players should be unwound - whether domestic or international.

If that doesn't happen then you can stick your, "sporting integrity" up your arse.

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That is clearly the pragmatic view and the one most likely to prevail.

However, the most used phrase on this thread has been, "sporting integrity". This should apply to both domestic and international football.

Should Ranges be found guilty of fielding improperly registered players then 'sporting integrity' demands that all games involving improperly-registestered Rangers players should be unwound - whether domestic or international.

If that doesn't happen then you can stick your, "sporting integrity" up your arse.

Naw this is justice for all clubs in Scotland and Europe for being a cheating corrupt of a club, when the cludgie shuts down boy i'm going to have a party and laugh all day. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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Guest Kincardine

Naw this is justice for all clubs in Scotland and Europe for being a cheating corrupt of a club, when the cudgie shuts down boy i'm going to have a party and laugh all day. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Thanks for your reply. Very useful and informative. Hopefully the next poster will have a grasp of basic English.

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That is clearly the pragmatic view and the one most likely to prevail.

However, the most used phrase on this thread has been, "sporting integrity". This should apply to both domestic and international football.

Should Ranges be found guilty of fielding improperly registered players then 'sporting integrity' demands that all games involving improperly-registestered Rangers players should be unwound - whether domestic or international.

If that doesn't happen then you can stick your, "sporting integrity" up your arse.

I cannot believe your trying to claim the moral high ground laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif you have no shame.

While these players were registered incorrectly and it would cause carnage not just Scotland would be implicated, the SFA and other associations would claim deception by the players club. But you know this , its another excuse to make excuses for you cadaver clubs actions.

One thing I would like to see is an inquiry at the SFA to see how much Smith and Ogilvie knew as well as the actions of Regan throughout the whole affair.

I personally think it is a failing by the supporters not to keep the pressure on Regan and others who were clearly setting an agenda of their own making.

Sporting integrity does not apply to the SFA , UEFA and certainly not FIFA, it came from the supporters who felt that what was being attempted by the authorities.

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Guest Kincardine

I cannot believe your trying to claim the moral high ground

While these players were registered incorrectly and it would cause carnage not just Scotland would be implicated, the SFA and other associations would claim deception by the players club. But you know this , its another excuse to make excuses for you cadaver clubs actions.

I am claiming no moral high ground at all. Please quote where I have done that. Also, I am not making excuses. Again, please quote where I have done that.

My point is a really simple one. If we are found to have had improperly registered players then all games, domestic and international, should be investigated and unwound.

Why is this a hard concept? Why does me making such a simple point invite opprobrium?

OK so it may involve 'carnage' but that's fine surely? We have, "sporting integrity" to uphold.

What I have said is, surely, uncontentious.

Edited 'cos I couldnt spell 'opprobrium'.

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I am claiming no moral high ground at all. Please quote where I have done that. Also, I am not making excuses. Again, please quote where I have done that.

My point is a really simple one. If we are found to have had improperly registered players then all games, domestic and international, should be investigated and unwound.

Why is this a hard concept? Why does me making such a simple point invite opprobrium?

OK so it may involve 'carnage' but that's fine surely? We have, "sporting integrity" to uphold.

What I have said is, surely, uncontentious.

Edited 'cos I couldnt spell 'opprobrium'.

Your holding sporting integrity which was about the fans pressuring their respective chairmen. It had/has nothing to do with the football authority.

You know they won't take in the international status of the players because of the side contracts.

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Guest Kincardine

Your logic is scaremongering ... nothing else.

I have already been told that I am claiming a, "moral high ground". I am not.

I was also told that I am making excuses. I am not.

You now tell me that I am, "scaremongering". Oh hardly.

It's a simple truth: If we had players who were improperly registered then all games involving such players should be investigated. It does not matter if those games were within Scotland or beyond.

Please find a flaw with that logic.

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