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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I had high hopes when Thomson started reporting on Rangers and Scottish football. The guy has serious credentials and I welcomed his reportage.

However, he has made a total baws of it - and this blog post just shows what a fanny he has turned in to. It's a simple diatribe without citation, evidence or substance.

Just ask anyone about Raith Rovers where people felt they had to guard their ground overnight.

The context to that abortion of a blog post is this:

  1. Thomson wrote a foreword to Phil The Social Worker's book which was due to be serialised in The Sun.

If you want to brand people by association, suggest you start at home.

  1. Phil The Social Worker is an anti-Scots racist (despite being Scots).

OK he plays the Donegal card (pretty pathetically in my opinion), but many others play an Irish or Ulster card.

  1. When this was pointed out to The Sun they pulled the serialisation.

What was pointed out? Pulled through the usual intimidation. Booksellers keeping it under the counter. Burning books smacks of Nazi times with the updated version being extreme Muslims. Nice bedfellows mad.gif

  1. Thommo was left looking like a total idiot.

Where does this come from? Why not just start with this statement. Doesn't relate to any of the above.

Now when things go wrong for you there are two options:

1. Accept that you were ill-advised and apologise.

2. Start blaming everyone else.

Sadly Thommo has chosen the latter option, hence this blog post that my 12 year old son could have written better.

I had high hopes of Alex Thomson. I welcomed an independent voice. To my chagrin he's nothing more than a vain blow-hard.

Maybe vain, maybe a blow hard. But not on this topic.

Maybe this guy isn't a Rangers supporter, but then again maybe he is.

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Are we still going on about Thomsons blog? Full of hearsay, innuendo and some glaring ommisions. The man is making a complete prat of himeself now with his innuendo with the failed social worker.

It read like a green tinted version of Leggo, which should say it all.

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What you actually said was, "Have you read this book if not it's you who are left looking like a total idiot."

I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.

I stand by that if you are posting about the content of a book you have not read you're an idiot, I did not claim to have read this book so I did not post about it's content. You however after reading the book still have not posted what the book got wrong after slating it.

Edited by Umbungo1874
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The Propaganda War On Rangers FC

Alex Thomson's latest blog a propaganda hatchet job on fans of Rangers FC is a reminder of how much hostility is generated toward Rangers and its supporters.

Further evidence of anti-Rangers bigotry in the news is the SFA's absolving the real establishment club of Scotland of their fans flying a hate-filled banner depicting the shooting of Rangers fans by a terrorist sniper.

I have a very simple question concerning this blatant and vicious campaign directed towards Rangers:

What is the source of all this hatred?

Who taught all these people to hate Rangers so vehemently?

Who is orchestrating what is so obviously a bitterly concerted campaign on various fronts against Scotland's biggest team?

Who is behind all the bigotry and prejudice that has people elsewhere astonished at the levels of abuse and persecution experienced by Rangers FC and its fanbase?

I recently blogged that Rangers were being targeted for more than footballing reasons. Some Rangers fans wondered what I meant exactly.

Some asked did I mean that Rangers were being attacked for political reasons.

The answer is yes, I believe that there is a political motive to much of the campaign against Rangers.

Even although Rangers is not a political party.

Others asked was I referring to a religious dimension.

The answer again is yes, I believe there may indeed be a religious element involved in the Rangers-hating activity that takes place.

Even although Rangers is not a religion nor does it promote one.

Some people say that religion and politics should be kept out of football.

That is a forlorn hope in Scotland.

The reality is that Rangers is perceived to be a club that represents Protestantism, Unionism and Loyalism.

Just as Celtic is a club aligned with Roman Catholicism and Irish Republicanism.

It really is ridiculous when fans of either team try to minimalise this even more reprehensible when the clubs themselves do.

Both teams have an ethos that is incompatible with the other and the reality we all have to face is that we live in a culture created by the frictions and tensions this incompatibility inevitably brings.

At street level, where Rangers and Celtic fans have to live alongside each other, people realise they just have to get along.

But the tensions are still there and both Rangers and Celtic are potent symbols and touchstones for the allegiances of their fans.

I didn't create this; like everyone else born in Scotland it was here when I arrived.

Rangers FC is not, in reality, a Protestant team, particularly in the secularised world of 2012.

There are probably very few Rangers fans who are Protestants in the sense that Calvin, John Knox and the Covenanters were Protestants i.e. evangelical Christians.

Rangers, sadly, have "proddie" fans who know nothing of the historic Protestant faith.

I am told by Catholic readers of my blog that their equivalent is "kafflicks" their word i.e. people who are not practising Catholics, just haters.

As I have blogged previously, much of the religious conflict around Rangers and Celtic is a phoney war for this reason. As someone once wisely said, the problem with football is not that there is too much religion it's that there isn't enough.

So the religious aspect of the divide is more cultural than doctrinal.

But my question still remains.

What is the source of all this hatred directed toward Rangers FC?

In Alex Thomson's case, this man has had so many bloody noses from Rangers fans and his fellow journalists for his increasingly ridiculous comments in reference to the club and, particularly, the supporters.

As someone who has a plum job in the media, it is staggering to see him flirting with career suicide, so twisted is he with venom toward the Gers.

It would not be surprising if Thomson started to link all his whoppers together and come out with a claim that the Syrian rebels, who, according to him, tried to have him assassinated in the desert, were members of the Damascus Rangers Supporters Club.

Comedians like Thomson aside, the propaganda campaign against Rangers is heating up and we can expect to see more and more desperation creeping in.

Rangers supporters must start to demand more action from cowardly politicians who are all too aware of what is going on in Scotland.

And any "neutrals" who are sitting on the fence should consider that they might be next to be persecuted.

Remember, if history has taught us anything, it has taught us what happens to demonised ethnic groups.

The question I am asking here on this blog is therefore one that all decent-minded people should ask, regardless of faith, race or political allegiance.

Because hate as a weapon against a section of the community is the first step toward ethnic cleansing and genocide.

It couldn't happen in Scotland?

In this wee hate-filled country of ours?

If you believe that, you'll be believing Alex Thomson next…


EDIT: some of the comments are even better

Time now for Rangers fans to stand for election at Edinburgh. Time for Unionists all over Scotland to stand shoulder to shoulder, destroy the Nationalists and Republicans and make our numbers count. The Haters have no idea the resentment and anger, even the most liberal of the majority now feel towards Scotland’s burden. The genie is about to rise and the haters won’t like it, one little bit.
Protestant Scotland will rise up once again, of that I have no doubt.

God Save Our Protestant Queen

Great article, one thing about this banner and the amount of attention it has created, why has the catholic church not been out publicly condemning it , since they teach evolution didn’t happen , does this further prove the secular R.C. Support of this team as U say are kaffalicks , and no nothing. Other than how to be offended , when banners and jibes are directed towards them , ( ambulance chasers ) comes to mind ,
George Genesis · October 13, 2012 - 9:51 am · Reply

The demonisation of Rangers FC and its support has been ongoing for several decades – coinciding with the reign of the ‘turn-the-other-cheek’ owner, David E. Murray (he’s no Knight of the realm). The enemies of the club saw him as weak and the campaign began in earnest.

He’s gone now. We are no longer weak. The fightback has started.


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Maybe because Alex had this to say about the criticism

I hope I get one for Xmas ... ;)

How funny it is in the curious world of the ugly sisters ( well we can't use old firm anymore as that is grammatically incorrect) from your posted extract of Thomson's comments on the book I would have thought it would have been Celtic supporters who would have took umbrage with Thomson for wishing the spawn of Rangers well and success in the future.

Why Sevco fans cannot see the truth of their plight has come from different perspectives yet ended up with the same conclusion. Thomson's voice adds neutrality to this guy Phil's obvious one sided stance on the institution that was Rangers. Now I can see why they would take issue with that but in the history of the demise of their club given the utter delusion by almost every former 1872 Rangers that information and expose was never likely to come from them.

This again just highlights the campaign of indiscriminate blaming they have followed since the start of the whole sorry mess , its easier to blame others than to say we were mugs we got taken in by not just one but two shysters. Now they are onto their third and it is still the same it's Peter Lawell, its the Celtic lawyers, its the sheer hatred of our success, its everything bar their own gullibility.

The fact that we have multiple threads running, yet the only dispute is those of a blue persuasion that this is someone else's fault or they are being unfairly treated.

Edited by FinnesTON
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Another good article from Bill, makes some good and see's the bigger picture.

Thanks for posting Rico.

So do you think Rangers are being targeted for more than football reason?

Do share, why they are being targeted and what other non football reasons are behind it?

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Once you peer into this insidious politcising of the downfall of Minty's Blue Empire, you see why so many gullible people are drawn into the mentality we see displayed only to clearly by some in here.

Its why people buy the tabloids....they think everything in them is the truth if it happens to coincide with their version of events.

Well the "truth" is...... your club became insolvent, the means of how that happened is well known and more is to become known in due course.

Running off to hide behind the extremist politicos' skirts in the pathetic hope it backs up your misdemeanours is more a statement of your guilt than any Judge could deliver.

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So do you think Rangers are being targeted for more than football reason?

Do share, why they are being targeted and what other non football reasons are behind it?

You know the nature of the west of Scotland as well as anyone Rico so stop trying to be a smartarse. We both know whatever i say, you'll say the exact the opposite and will be backed up by sheer weight of numbers making the same point. In the WoS football, religion and politics have been banded together, the celtic fans are exremely politically aware and have made great use of the system over the years with countless MP's and MSP's getting involved in football/social issues. To say otherwise would prove that you're being a fanny and i won't waste anymore time on you.

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Every support has an element of bad eggs, Sorry but your own club are no different and have equally as bad at intimidation, I know the referee`s in this country can be pretty pish at times

What Alex does is single out Rangers fans and suggests that this type of intimidation is a Rangers thing, I hear he reported this to strathclyde police and they dismissed his allegations, so even though th police said there was no evidence and no case he decided to publish his ubstantiated rubbish anyway

Sorry I am not denying that Scottish Football has a dark element attached to it, it surfaces all too often but I take exception to somebody wrongfully singling one teams supporters for this and then calling it journalism

Thomson still hurting over the Suns criticism and refusal to publish extracts from MacMadeupnames book, you'll notice that he craftily never gave the reasons as to why the Sun took it's decision. The rest of his article is full of hearsay and his own opinion which is ever so slightly tainted.

When asked to back up his claims, he strangely clams up and refuses too. Any criticism he recieves is instantly reported as threats, that Limmy guy sums him up pretty well too.

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Every support has an element of bad eggs, Sorry but your own club are no different and have equally as bad tales of intimidation

What Alex does is single out Rangers fans and suggests that this type of intimidation is a Rangers thing, I hear he reported this to strathclyde police and they dismissed his allegations, so even though th police said there was no evidence and no case he decided to publish his ubstantiated rubbish anyway

Sorry I am not denying that Scottish Football has a dark element attached to it, it surfaces all too often but I take exception to somebody wrongfully singling one teams supporters for this and then calling it journalism

Rangers pander to their bad eggs.

Funny how most of these dark elements in Scottish football seem to surround 2 certain Glasgow based teams.

This thread would be much more fun without the endless pages of pointless whataboutery between the two cheeks.

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Thomson still hurting over the Suns criticism and refusal to publish extracts from MacMadeupnames book, you'll notice that he craftily never gave the reasons as to why the Sun took it's decision. The rest of his article is full of hearsay and his own opinion which is ever so slightly tainted.

When asked to back up his claims, he strangely clams up and refuses too. Any criticism he recieves is instantly reported as threats, that Limmy guy sums him up pretty well too.

Why do you think Thomson has it in for Rangers?

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Rangers pander to their bad eggs.

Funny how most of these dark elements in Scottish football seem to surround 2 certain Glasgow based teams.

This thread would be much more fun without the endless pages of pointless whataboutery between the two cheeks.

How ironic considering you seem to thrive on these threads Marvin.

Why do you think Thomson has it in for Rangers?

Thats a strange one Marv, he does seem to be digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole with very passing blog and tweet. To start with i reckon he was convinced by certain celticminded types that this was the story of the century which would propel him to the next level of journalism, only for him to end looking like a prat everytime.

Stubbornness would be my guess and a failure to admit he was wrong or duped.

Edited by bennett
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Thats a strange one Marv, he does seem to be digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole with very passing blog and tweet. To start with i reckon he was convinced by certain celticminded types that this was the story of the century which would propel him to the next level of journalism, only for him to end looking like a prat everytime.

Stubbornness would be my guess and a failure to admit he was wrong or duped.

Interesting, of course you're correct, there is clearly no story here at all.


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You know the nature of the west of Scotland as well as anyone Rico so stop trying to be a smartarse. We both know whatever i say, you'll say the exact the opposite and will be backed up by sheer weight of numbers making the same point. In the WoS football, religion and politics have been banded together, the celtic fans are exremely politically aware and have made great use of the system over the years with countless MP's and MSP's getting involved in football/social issues. To say otherwise would prove that you're being a fanny and i won't waste anymore time on you.


Anyways my question was

So do you think Rangers are being targeted for more than football reason?

Do share, why they are being targeted and what other non football reasons are behind it?

I'd like an answer, not just deflection

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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What Alex does is single out Rangers fans and suggests that this type of intimidation is a Rangers thing

Maybe it's got something to do him writing about Rangers dying.

Why would he mention any other fans? Let alone why would any other fans be making threats to burn down Starks Park?

Having a go at him for not mentioning any other fans is nothing short than whataboutery, something Rangers fans have been exceeding in lately

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Thats a strange one Marv, he does seem to be digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole with very passing blog and tweet. To start with i reckon he was convinced by certain celticminded types that this was the story of the century which would propel him to the next level of journalism, only for him to end looking like a prat everytime.


Rangers died owning the taxpayers a lot of money not to mention all the other creditors

The List

Rangers fans seem to forgot about this list of people who got screwed by your club, much easier to blame, mock or throw mud at everyone else than take any sort of responsibility.

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