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Guest Kincardine

Yeah kincardine, i live in burnbank. What job did you do on whistleberry road? My maw was born in the early sixties on the south side of glasgow. Ha. My 'da' however, is from burnbank so grew up here.

I used to live in Motherwell but worked for Ireland Alloys in Burnbank from 1977-1981 and did day-release at what was then Bell College.

After that I went to Uni in London and at all went down hill.......

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I used to live in Motherwell but worked for Ireland Alloys in Burnbank from 1977-1981 and did day-release at what was then Bell College.

After that I went to Uni in London and at all went down hill.......

And by your posts you are still on day release ;) , along with the rest of the Cukoo's Nest boys on here.............

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I used to live in Motherwell but worked for Ireland Alloys in Burnbank from 1977-1981 and did day-release at what was then Bell College.

After that I went to Uni in London and at all went down hill.......

Don't believe a word of it. Kincardine and his fellow followers online are more likely to be posting from Carstairs State Hospital for the criminally insane than they are to be upstanding citizens. wink.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Pot Calling The Kettle Green laugh.giflaugh.gif

Some humour now, newco Rangers Chief Exec Charles Green has decided to open up the debate about a new super league, presumably oblivious to his own club's position...oh and by insulting Premiership clubs.

Seems a novel way of trying to get support for Scottish clubs to enter a joint league so they can share the money. I might try that next time myself when I go shopping, see if I can get somebody to give me a discount if I call them 'useless' and then talk total rollocks about the original price, showing I clearly don't understand what I'm talking about anyway.

'There will be a European league because big teams can't keep subsidising small team like Southampton for the next 10 years (still bitter about losing Steven Davis maybe?) because they will go stale. Arsenal don't want to play Southampton or Swansea, but ask them if they want to play Celtic or Rangers, it's what the fans want to see.'

With the movement of players between Southampton and Arsenal, I thought their recent match took on quite an interesting dimension myself. But then again in all my years of talking nonsense I've come across very few fans who want a European Super League.

I also very much doubt Arsenal want to play a third division Scottish team twice a year, or maybe they would, maybe they'd find it Sterling?

Oh he continues to blubber: 'Fans across the world want to see Manchester United play Barcelona, not just once every few years but every season. If there are two divisions of 18 clubs, how could Rangers not be part of that?'

Quite easily, I don't think Tamworth (and no disrespect to Tamworth) would be invited either. Interesting to see that worldwide fans take on more importance than a clubs own fans as well.

'I'm convinced it will happen because otherwise where will the revenues for the top come from? These days Arsenal are struggling to sell out their game against West Ham. How can Manchester United's revenues be £320million and Aston Villa, who are completely useless, get £250million?'

I'll ignore every football related revenue stream that ticket figures eclipse because all we know it's about sponsorship, corporate and TV money thesedays now but amazingly he clearly knows nothing of our revenues by spiff balling £250million. Blimey if they were that high, I doubt O'Neill would've walked!

Maybe, just maybe, he should concentrate on getting Rangers back to where their fans believe they belong before chatting utter tripe about other clubs.

Difficult to argue that we have been useless for the last few years, but at least we didn't almost not get a licence to exist and have to accept being dropped to the third division.

But then again, look what happened in a three team league at best, how would Rangers cope with a more balanced league?

And what's the consensus: 'Rangers? That Highland League Team?' - Nimmo 'Remind me which division Rangers are in and how well they are playing, and how well they managed their money, and when they last won something outside of Scotland, and...' - Rev 'I think that Rangers should be put in a league with all the 'big hitters'

We could all have a laugh when they get hammered week in and week out.

Only then would that plank Green realise that Rangers, even of old, were only ever good because they had only 3-4 proper games a year.' - hanboroughvilla

And you know what, very little support for a super league unless it means we have a more balanced and competitive domestic game. Interesting, these fans are not the fans you are looking for Green.

They are not making many friends. laugh.gif

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Guest Kincardine

And by your posts you are still on day release ;) , along with the rest of the Cukoo's Nest boys on here.............

Don't believe a word of it. Kincardine and his fellow followers online are more likely to be posting from Carstairs State Hospital for the criminally insane than they are to be upstanding citizens. wink.gif

I worry for both of you.

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"@TomEnglishSport: My Scotland on Sunday column tomorrow: Charles Green and the 500m Rangers fans worldwide. That's 7% of the world's population by the way"

To be fair he said 5M 'fans' worldwide IIRC :lol: 500M was the potential viewing audience. Now, I watched Real v Man City but I'm not a fan, I wouldn't actually pay per match to watch them on TV. The 500M figure presumably refers to viewers buying a 'package', like ESPN, but it still sounds like a grossly exaggerated figure. About 700M watched the last WC Final and 250M for CL final. CL group matches won't pull anything like that, never mind early qualifiers :ph34r: Ra Gerz will be lucky to have 7% of the Scottish population as 'fans'.

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This is what Green is brilliant at. He plays on the supporters’ love for their club and their view that they have been done in to a scandalous degree by the media and the footballing authorities for too long and that now it’s time to fight back.

Green feeds off that stuff. Recently, he told a story about a meeting he had in Geneva with delegates from other European clubs. Many of the delegates, he said, were shocked and appalled at the way Rangers have been treated. He said he couldn’t name names, but revealed that one delegate had admitted his own club had bribed referees and hadn’t received as harsh a punishment as Rangers. If you were a Rangers fan listening to that it could only serve to reinforce the sense of anger you have towards the domestic game as well as convincing you even further that Green is the Messiah who will put things right.

But the Messiah needs watching.

When Green dangles the carrot of new players coming to the club, supporters shouldn’t forget what he said in the past just because they like what he says in the present. He hasn’t delivered.

There are many, many questions to ask of Green and the people behind him and where the money has come from, where it’s going and what kind of state Rangers will be in when the Green years are at an end and he’s “retired in France”.

For a support that feels persecuted it’s easy to believe in a guy who tells you everything you want to hear. Scepticism is a useful trait in football. Never more so than now.

That will be Tom English on Bendarroch's hate list now. dry.giflaugh.gif

What do you Rangers supporters posting on this forum think of what is said in the quotes above, do you agree or disagree with all that Tom English says?

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Was wanting to respond to a reasonable posting from Billy (a Rangers fan) but can't find his post, or can't be bothered wading through the 'they have it in for us' postings.

We can argue about the potential world market for Sevco Rangers, and there will be a real figure somewhat south of the one Green will pump at us. The home crowds they are getting are impressive. The column inches they still get is amazing. And there is a chance of £20mill being pumped in to pay off current shareholders, build a bar, and ....well I'm not too sure what else.

The passion and commitment of the old Rangers fans is outstanding.

However many seem to think the world is against them, or at least those who are not 'one of them'. They also state on here that there are many ok guys who support Rangers.

What gets me is why, why oh why did the fans not get together and buy Rangers through Duff & Duffer when they had a chance. We have had the sham supporter group under Paul Murray, the McColl talk of an offer that lasted all of about 2 days. But such groups are led by dodgy characters who will play the 'I am one of you' to get the supporters on side. But will always be in there to make a good financial return. The better way I refer to is a group of real supporters, set up as a cooperative or some such. After all if it works pretty well for Barcelona why not Rangers?

To get the club has cost Green is next to sod all (in net terms - I am sure someone has the figure). And with the AIM listing to come he will soon expect to move into profit.

So Rangers fans. Rather than bleat on about Alex Thomson, Craig Whyte, or the keyboard heroes like myself, please tell me why your many fans couldn't get together, pull the promise of say £10million together, get a couple of serious negotiators on board, and get the club into your own hands.

That way you could move beyond being ripped off - as you have been for the last 20 years, take the club the way you want to see it go, and have something you you genuinely belong to, that also belongs to you.

The chance was to escape the clutches of the greedy self serving big time charlies. That chance was missed. Why?.

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Honestly unless the Bears organise themselves and do it quickly (and not the RST) then the simple truth is that they are going to arrive at a situation where they will have to stump up or watch their club enter ADMIN2. Green will simply press ahead with this sideshow and deflect questions for detailed answers (remember he has NO OBLIGATION TO DO SO nor to produce any meaningful prospectus and let's face it if his plan all along was to float this early - WHERE IS IT?) until the doomsday hour approaches.

Unless the Bears put pressure on him to provide detailed answers, sooner rather than later, then he will simply sit back.

The Bears cannot simply 'wait and see' as they will only be faced with one scenario .. stump up or watch the inevitable. They may as well make their choices now as some have so admirably done on here (I'll pay my £500 or whatever sum .. write it off and pray for the best) as the circus will roll on until that moment is upon them.

I think the term is they are 'caught between a rock and a hard place' .. They either face that reality or take action now (what that entails is not for others to figure out).

I think my post (just below yours) is saying the same thing but in a different way.

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Honestly unless the Bears organise themselves and do it quickly (and not the RST) then the simple truth is that they are going to arrive at a situation where they will have to stump up or watch their club enter ADMIN2. Green will simply press ahead with this sideshow and deflect questions for detailed answers (remember he has NO OBLIGATION TO DO SO nor to produce any meaningful prospectus and let's face it if his plan all along was to float this early - WHERE IS IT?) until the doomsday hour approaches.

Unless the Bears put pressure on him to provide detailed answers sooner than later then he will simply sit back.

The Bears cannot simply 'wait and see' as they will only be faced with one scenario .. stump up or watch the inevitable. They may as well make their choices now as some have so admirably done on here (I'll pay my £500 or whatever sum .. write it off and pray for the best) as the circus will roll on until that moment is upon them.

I think the term is they are 'caught between a rock and a hard place' .. They either face that reality or take action now (what that entails is not for others to figure out).

The first thing they need to cure in their mindset is anyone who asks questions or shows any sign of opposition to the clubs hierarchy is not necessarily an enemy.

The danger isin't Charles Green the danger is them acting with a critical response to his vision (sales patter - call it what you want).

English highlights the phenomena and so have many other journalists, pundits, bloggers and casual posters for those who say they don't follow everything Green is saying why aren't Bears on the different Rangers websites persuading others rather than defending their club on here.

i don't know in THE rangers new entity are in danger of going into administration again but I can clearly see that the figures Green is quoting are totally flawed, so you have to be suspicious of anyone clearly not being totally honest.

Can I ask a question of those who believe Green's business plan , then you must believe those who bought over the club are only interested in a profitable return, how long will it be for them to get that return if they are talking about restructuring not just domestically but in Europe. We are not talking about a few months here.

Plus any deal with tv companies and domestic leagues would have to be honoured, it is pure fantasy.

Not taking the pish out of their plight but their club doesn't need anymore blowing smoke up its arse it needs a solid grounding with financial stability whether it takes 4 years or 14 years to return to a level Rangers were once at, makes no odds if your survival is guaranteed.

When the Bunnet was at Celtic he told them exactly how it was going to be , he showed them a hard nosed business sense that they had never experienced that was the same sensibilities you require . (this isin't a pro celtic up thing, it is the best example of the pragmatical approach needed).

But hey its their club not mine .

Edited by FinnesTON
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