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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Are they really? Please tell us more. You know I'm a huge fan of your views. smile.gif

:lol: :lol: :lol: the linkage is on my post earlier on this page and you blank it because it is true :lol: :lol: :lol:

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We understand the fascination for our greatest of clubs. Really we do.

We know you can't stay away from our club, and your response is 'so what'?


Diddy clubbers - more to be scorned than pitied.

We are not "fascinated".

We have supported your club to the tune of probably over £100 million. So we are entitled to comment on your phoenix scam.

We see you have not learned any lessons, and you are going down the well worn path again that will end in tears - again.

The behaviour of the people who have been running your club, and the behaviour of many of your fans (for forty years and more) have brought shame not just to Scottish football but to the country.

If you can't sort out the shame and disgrace and the mess you are in, then either wind the whole thing up again, or we will do all we can to do it for you.

And just in case you are in any doubt, Rangers (the "greatest of clubs") went belly up, totally. The team you watch today is NOT Rangers.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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I doubt that apology will mean much when the sporting-wing do battle with the SPL diddies over revenue sharing.

Can't wait for it smile.gif

When your undead club dies, will you support an SPL diddy or SFL one? Or will you be like your future children and grandchildren ;)

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I've supported St Mirren since 1977. My 'interest' in Rangers is exactly the same as my interest in Celtic - I'm only interested in seeing the cnuts lose. I admit to disliking Rangers more than Celtic - and I can give very clear reasons for holding this view. One - when reaching European finals, Celtic supporters haven't rioted, smashed up a city, and made complete cnuts of themselves. Two - Celtic didn't operate a sectarian signing policy. Three - I've never had a Celtic fan spit on me and ask why the fcuk a '****** basturt' like me was at their ground. This incident at Ibrox in the 1980s marked my last ever visit to the midden that is now Sevco Franchise's home.

OK, so that's my cards on the table - cannot stand either arse cheek, but one stands head and shoulders above the other when it comes to paying their taxes and not ripping the pish out of the UK taxpayer and small businesses. Oh, and Celtic don't employ Sandy Jardine, so there's another thing in their favour.

The reason I am 'obsessed' with the Sevco saga is because it is the biggest scandal to hit Scottish football ever... Even more shocking than Garry Kenneth getting a Scotland cap, or St Mirren signing Mo Camara. It is a soap opera with a script (and cast of characters) that is off-the-scale in my experience of following Scottish football. Unbelievable twists, what a close season it gave us - fascinating, shocking, interesting...

Sevconians can kid themselves that we are obsessed with their club - we're obsessed with the sordid tale, that's a different matter. Don't think for one minute we care more about Sevco than we do about our own clubs. I don't give a fcuk about the Sevco Franchise.

Send Green your cash boys... do it. Please do it.

Edited by pozbaird
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I've supported St Mirren since 1977. My 'interest' in Rangers is exactly the same as my interest in Celtic - I'm only interested in seeing the cnuts lose. I admit to disliking Rangers more than Celtic - and I can give very clear reasons for holding this view. One - when reaching European finals, Celtic supporters haven't rioted, smashed up a city, and made complete cnuts of themselves. Two - Celtic didn't operate a sectarian signing policy. Three - I've never had a Celtic fan spit on me and ask why the fcuk a '****** basturt' like me was at their ground. This incident at Ibrox in the 1980s marked my last ever visit to the midden that is now Sevco Franchise's home.

OK, so that's my cards on the table - cannot stand either arse cheek, but one stands head and shoulders above the other when it comes to paying their taxes and not ripping the pish out of the UK taxpayer and small businesses. Oh, and Celtic don't employ Sandy Jardine, so there's another thing in their favour.

The reason I am 'obsessed' with the Sevco saga is because it is the biggest scandal to hit Scottish football ever... Even more shocking than Garry Kenneth getting a Scotland cap, or St Mirren signing Mo Camara. It is a soap opera with a script (and cast of characters) that is off-the-scale in my experience of following Scottish football. Unbelievable twists, what a close season it gave us - fascinating, shocking, interesting...

Sevconians can kid themselves that we are obsessed with their club - we're obsessed with the sordid tale, that's a different matter. Don't think for one minute we care more about Sevco than we do about our own clubs. I don't give a fcuk about the Sevco Franchise.

Send Green your cash boys... do it. Please do it

Couldnt have put that any better!! WELL SAID!! A greenie for that!

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Bennett, Morton have been through a similar near miss and we also went down the buy big without the success while others like Hamilton, St Johnstone etc had a sensible business strategy , we have returned to a more sensible financial footing and the supporters are well aware that we will eventually have to go part time, this is not that big an issue as it is about the survival of the club in the long term.

You can't really believe that Newco fans give a flying f**k about Morton or anyone else (except their green cousins). Remember, "They're only here to see The Rangers"

It makes no difference to me what occurs to your club but as a football supporter I have a certain empathy with any supporter.

So I have answered, honestly your questions so why don't you do the same and if you have reservations it is no use keeping them to yourself you need to open that up with your fellow supporters.

I don't think that this feeling is reciprocated. They seem to think that we are only interested in them because the "money generating machine that supports the whole of Scottish football" might die (again). That treating all other clubs as shitey beggars is the way to success.

This egocentric view is obvious in posts from Bendarroch and others and will continue until either Newco dies or a sustained spell in the football basement causes a reality check.

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I've supported St Mirren since 1977. My 'interest' in Rangers is exactly the same as my interest in Celtic - I'm only interested in seeing the cnuts lose. I admit to disliking Rangers more than Celtic - and I can give very clear reasons for holding this view. One - when reaching European finals, Celtic supporters haven't rioted, smashed up a city, and made complete cnuts of themselves. Two - Celtic didn't operate a sectarian signing policy. Three - I've never had a Celtic fan spit on me and ask why the fcuk a ' basturt' like me was at their ground. This incident at Ibrox in the 1980s marked my last ever visit to the midden that is now Sevco Franchise's home.

I bet you that there are thousands of decent supporters that can relay the excat same story....myself included. Dislike Celtic, feckin hate Sevco. Anytime my team has drawn or won at Porkheid, I have never encountered any hostility in fact on most instances the Cellik fans have said well done. Across the city the minute you go near Ibrokes dressed in the opposite teams colours you are hit with fen*** bassa (despite me being more of a protestant than 95% of the home support) and Ibrokes remains to this day the only ground that I have ever been gobbed at for being a fen*** bassa....4 times!!!

Edited by Sting777
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You can't really believe that Newco fans give a flying f**k about Morton or anyone else (except their green cousins). Remember, "They're only here to see The Rangers"

I don't think that this feeling is reciprocated. They seem to think that we are only interested in them because the "money generating machine that supports the whole of Scottish football" might die (again). That treating all other clubs as shitey beggars is the way to success.

This egocentric view is obvious in posts from Bendarroch and others and will continue until either Newco dies or a sustained spell in the football basement causes a reality check.

I did suspect that having asked the question then fecked off while ignoring the issue. I may be doing him a disservice he may be chaining himself to the gates of Ibrox as we speakdemanding credible answers for the £500 investment.

You are no doubt correct and I am wasting my time but that is their problem , plenty of advice and warnings have been given out even by their biggest rivals ok we have had our fun but thats all part of it.

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Bennett, Morton have been through a similar near miss and we also went down the buy big without the success while others like Hamilton, St Johnstone etc had a sensible business strategy , we have returned to a more sensible financial footing and the supporters are well aware that we will eventually have to go part time, this is not that big an issue as it is about the survival of the club in the long term.

When I want to post on anything about my club I use our own unofficial site I don't need P+B to do that.

The fact that you again treat myself and others with suspicion over the content of post makes it evident you will continue to further duped by any vulture wishing to eat over the carcass of Rangers.

It makes no difference to me what occurs to your club but as a football supporter I have a certain empathy with any supporter.

So I have answered, honestly your questions so why don't you do the same and if you have reservations it is no use keeping them to yourself you need to open that up with your fellow supporters.

A certain Kilmarnock 'fan' on here recently used a similar line in that he only posted about Killie on a certain Killie forum and not on here. After a quick google this was found not to be the case, as our killie supporting friend had only made one post on the Kilmarnock forum.

Who has been duped over Charles Green? Perhaps you would be good enough to show what i've been duped with and provide quotes from both myself on here and quotes from Charles Green which will verify your claim.

Still not sure how to take you, a concerned Morton fan wishing to debate on the biggest issue to hit scottish football in years or just another Celtic fan playing the "see even the diddies hates you lot" card. Which does affect how i deal with your posts.

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You pull this bit of deflection with a few other posters.... somebody puts up a legitimate , informative or pish-ripping bit of discussion and you wade in with

' you support Inverdiddy United, but 600 out of 800 posts are on the Rangers thread'

So bleeding what? It doesn't detract at all from their Inverdiddy allegience.

Possibly because this thread is The Place To Be on This Particular Topic and everybody migrates to it.

I support Aberdeen and post mostly on AFC forums, only dropping by here to enjoy this fantastic thread.

If someone puts up as you put it a "pish ripping bit of discussion" then i'm sure they'll be able to deal with anything that comes there way, without too much tears.

You support your own team first and foremost or atleast that's the Rangers way.

Hell the AFC forums are no doubt full of threads about Rangers, that being the Aiberdeen way ;)

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A certain Kilmarnock 'fan' on here recently used a similar line in that he only posted about Killie on a certain Killie forum and not on here. After a quick google this was found not to be the case, as our killie supporting friend had only made one post on the Kilmarnock forum.

Who has been duped over Charles Green? Perhaps you would be good enough to show what i've been duped with and provide quotes from both myself on here and quotes from Charles Green which will verify your claim.

Still not sure how to take you, a concerned Morton fan wishing to debate on the biggest issue to hit scottish football in years or just another Celtic fan playing the "see even the diddies hates you lot" card. Which does affect how i deal with your posts.

Evening, Liar. Tonight's homework is to trot off and find anywhere where I claimed to only post about Killie on one forum, under one ID, and that the same one as I use here. Killiefc.com, like P&B, is not the only fruit. I explained this to you, but you were probably too busy thinking of your next moral crusade to bother reading. Why is it you never get offended about Loyalist extremism and racism towards the Irish in Scotland? You even had a fellow Killie fan swallowing your slander, until he and I had a quick chat, and he realised you for the poisonous fantasist you are.

That post up top of the page by PozBaird - I could have written that word for word, so closely does it parallel my own feelings and experience. Well said, Sir - just let's not go grey and old waiting for these idiots to see the light, eh?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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50/50 imo regarding the fans, terrorist glorification is as bad as bigotry and unionist bullshit imo. As for the clubs green, mccoist and jardine are proving to be the biggest fannies in scottish football history for newco while celtic continue the irish bullshit, why is it hibs and dundee utd can respect their irish roots without ramming it down all our throats?

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It's a tactic employed by the Dream Team on here, simply avoid the truth at all costs and smear other posters in an attempt to discredit them.

Bennett had me fooled in the beginning but their true colours eventually emerge from the shadows for all to see.

He imagines that everyone is buying this guff he comes out with, however he forgets his target audience is not as gullible as Green's.

That isn't working out well for them. It just makes their predicament all the more amusing for everyone else here. smile.gif

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Its a crying shame that Celtic's recent disgusting escalation of their 100+ year sectarian campaign leading up to the death of Rangers appears to have now been swept under the carpet.

Rangers have got what was coming to them. Your turn will come one day.

Would you care to elaborate upon Celtic's recent disgusting escalation of their 100+ year sectarian campaign?! ... If you don't reply intelligently i will assume that you are just a wee bigot posting shite. huh.gif

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